Is Multiboxing Gathering against ToS?

Not sure who you mean, but i have done my fair share of watching movies while farming. But since they changed how often and fast they run these tests, you cant really do that anymore. Atleast i cant, with all the amount of games running.

As long as money paid, blizz bark.

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Apparently not but it should be against TOS as it’s a huge unfair advantage to other players in regards to questing, farming and auction house inflation.

This will never be against TOS as long as they’re making money off it though.

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99% of the multi-boxers are using automation software to target and click and collect the herbs concurrently, without the player needing to do that manually for each account. That IS cheating.

I know that multi-boxing is allowed if the player still makes all the inputs (select WoW.exe and show screen, move mouse over herb, right-click it), but if you watch most of those multi-boxers, they INSTANTLY collect the herbs with 5+ druids, so they ARE cheating.


May seem that way… Could they be cows as Taurens get faster herbing? That with the glove enchant… it’s very fast.

In all honesty I’m blaming Blizzard’s team more than the botters (and I’m not making it about Multi-boxing at all since those are very different things).

I mean, who wouldn’t have seen this coming? You make one zone entirely responsible for the resources we need. That is just inviting bots to go crazy. Happened in the past and it will happen every time they do it again especially so when it is tied to new gear and raid. It will slow down eventually but still…

We spend soooooo much time in two zones, where cataclysm crap is still the resource to get. I mean how bad is that in terms of design? Pretty bad in my opinion.

It already annoyed me like crazy that mechagon had the old plants and veins.

That’s an explanation for ONE account instantly farming herbs. If you’re playing 5 accounts at once, you still need to switch to the different WoW.exe instances, do a mouse-over on the herb and click them. That’s not humanly possible with 5 accounts in under 1 second; that’s only possible if you’re using cheat software which detects the herb position on the screen and automatically moves the mouse to click it.

It’s not the same thing. Think about it before you reply.


Wrong. You can mouseover in each window at the same time… also we use left click so we dont run off… that’s an option in the settings to interact with left click. Another option is bind interact with mouseover.

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From what I read on the forums during Legion. It was even worse. People making 10k-20k a day per character from missions.
I never got that much by playing casually. But getting 5k a day wasn’t out of the ordinary.

A lot of boxers did, but I’d rather do actual fun stuff.

It’s not, Multiboxing is fully legal.

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It is exactly the same thing. There is 0 difference you playing with your wife, and multiboxer playing with their ego.

Nodes are limited.

Me playing with a friend doesn’t equal me being denied nodes because 1 multiboxer has monopoly over the resources.

What’s so difficult to grasp?

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Is completely irrelevant. You and your friends would still pick herbs just like a multiboxer does.

Me and my friends means I have access to the nodes.

A multiboxer “playing” 10 accounts denies me the nodes.

Although thing is when a 10 boxer picks herbs, its likely a bot. Leggit multiboxers are probably doing assaults and Battlegrounds. report them bots. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

This is the issue, activision is not doing anything about them. And this is the thing the OP reported, one person with 10 characters.

It also happens in legion areas. There’s like 10-15 balance druids spamming aoes where the vermin are. I only saw them when I was levelling some alts through invasions. I reported them.

Weeks later they were still there.

For me that is different issue and trust me, while I am openly a 'boxer, I am as viciously against botting as next guy. And this is something I do not understand. There was a ban wave, and the bots are still back. So question is - what is the delay. Or is it really that real world currency proffits are so high that people are willing to buy game copies so quickly and so many times after bot-bans?

As side note - I may be multi acc. user, I buy my herbs and ore from AH, I have better things to do than run around and pick herbs. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I have several accounts just because I am a bit hyper active and I get bored on one :innocent:


Can you multiboxers stop saying that? its just so old & a multiboxer stereotype

I don’t like Fury warriors or demonhunters either, but that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t stay in wow