Is Multiboxing Gathering against ToS?

2 different people isnt the same as 1 person

This logic doesn’t work darling

2 people is 2 people

1 person is 1 person

20 people is 20 people

1 person is not 20 people

Assa jävla ok hand emoji :ok_hand:


No difference from game mechanics POV. It is 0 difference if I ask my guildie to help me to kill that assault end boss on my low geared alt, or use my own raid character. I do not like needing other people in video games. I like being independent.

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Reminds me of this I made this a long time ago… don’t judge me haha


You do not need /follow command in modern multiboxing.

Oh I can think of several differences between playing with yourself and playing with a wife…

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Least i have never used /follow on proper set up. I use /follow only, when I do not actually ‘command’ my minions. It likely depends of software used. You can for example send ‘move’ command to each window separately.

And for facing you can use own markers. It is same logic you use in raids to move your minions separately when there is unique ground effects or debuffs. Admitted I was in raid with several minions many moons ago and last i was with 2 characters was Legion, where I was doing those ‘last boss kill gives a mount’ thing, but then I used to do tanking and dpsing, and so half way I used to go kill my minions when controlling 2 got too troublesome.

I have in waycrets M+ been as warrior and mage, that was a bit of … extreme, so now I stick to one hero per dungeon and raid most parts.

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Personally I would say that get rid of multiboxing herb/ore gathering but then also take it back to only being gatherable one time.

Your problem would be almost exactly the same but at least you’d not be able to blame it in a small, and I mean small, subset of the playerbase.

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Honestly, it’s pointless to argue about it. Those people bring up the same “arguments” over and over again and no matter how logically you’re trying to debunk them, they just repeat the same stuff over and over.

And honestly? It doesn’t matter what anybodies opinion on the matter is. Blizzard condones it, regardless how many legit players consider it to be unfair, so yelling and screaming won’t make a difference because it’s similar to how Valve used terrible VAC to earn money. People cheat in CS, get banned once each 6 months and bought a new copy each 6 months. Multiboxers are even more profitable. It’d be stupid, from a companies PoV, to ban it.

24/7 ? seems like boting to me .

IF your AH is F that is realm problem and blizz they should merge small servers with bigger and have 1 AH.

If I recall correctly when it was just one node players would leave one single resource within to put off the competition or just to be a pain.

Also Tauren druids made many an angry forum poster as they would swoop in and take “their node”.

To be honest I wonder if multiboxers would even dispute having the ability to power farm like this nerfed, it’s very OP and they still have other very strong methods to earn gold, running old raids is one and I see them at work quite a bit already.

Try /who throne of thunder for example, I seen many multiboxers over the last month here, I thought it was bots at first but one 10 boxer did message me back and even helped me run an alt through for korrak gear, refused to take 10k I was offering too!

They ruined Eve Online and completely annihilated the idea of playing the game as the effort of the individual has become pointless and the playerpopulation was transformed into a multiboxparty for the €-whales.

Same with resource-prices in WoW, but who cares, right?
Multiboxers will buy more accounts to make up for dopping prices, trashing it even more in an endless cycle.

I always thought Blizz said multi-boxing is OK as long as all inputs are made by a human.

In that video you posted, that ISBoxer tool automatically synchronizes mouse inputs. That’s not something a human can normally do. I guess one can argue the original input is made by a human, but come on, how can Blizzard not see that this is an unfair advantage?


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I can agree that, if all actions are made by a person, then go ahead. But a keycloner (or whatever is the correct term), should absolutely be considered cheating.

You should have to press the key on each of the characters. Not just once and have the keycloner to multiply it.

Thats absolutely cheating in my eyes.


I don’t think it’s to entice it I simply don’t think their servers could handle it realistically.

Gotta remember wow now plays on a damn old engine and sadly that engine can only handle so much, while I’m sure they are skilled enough to implement such a thing it doesn’t mean their engines could run that sorta thing.

This is what eventually kills most games. Due to getting as old as it is, it’s limited from a lot of QoL newer games are releasing with.

To fix this they’d have to comit to a large amount of downtime, which runs the risk of players being locked out of WoW and looking for new games.

They aren’t trying to force players to pay out to move servers, it’s a simple case of limitations. The games too old to launch such things into.

You have to remember the AH struggles as it is to run, at one point causing vast amounts of lag into the servers. If they made this cross server I’d imagine it’d cause several problems that would go horrifically.

Although I would say moving servers doesn’t really mean you gotta pay for anything, I moved server without paying anything, but saying that I’m not a achievement farmer or anything so it isn’t as impactful on me compared to some.

No it doesn’t the main mouse is in the active window and broadcasted - where the main mouse it the same on the other windows.

You really need to understand this now - there is no automation!

One keypress=one action. I abide by this rule… which is why I am still boxing 10 years on.

You do know that even some Blizz people have multiboxed right? It’s been here since the start of the game. It is allowed… and I am sure they are more than aware of what programs are out there, and ban the players that break the rules.

The difference is, that even with that software, if the mouse isn’t pressed by a human none of the actions can be completed. This is what, in the eyes of Blizz, differentiates it from a bot, for it to be automation in the bot sense there doesn’t need to be any input from a player for the action to be carried out.

In this case all the software is doing is replicating the use of multiple PCs and a single bluetooth mouse linked to all of the PCs.

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