Is N'zoth inside Xal'atath Dagger and controlling Wrathion?

Xal’atath Dagger was a Dagger that contained a “Old God” type entity known as Xal’atath whom made a bargin with N’zoth to free herself the dagger with N’zoth keeping the Dagger as payment…

Sylvanas then got hold of the Dagger and gave it to Azshara whom then ended up giving it to Wrathion whom then stabbed N’zoth with the Dagger which caused an explosion which left us with Wrathion with No Dagger?

DId N’zoth free himself fully from his prison by allowing Wrathion to stab him the dagger, to then become one with the Dagger and control Wrathion?

Did we not see the dagger because N’zoth created a vision of us defeating him and saving Azeroth and the reason we could no longer see the Xal’atath Dagger is because N’zoth was hiding himself within Wrathion and as such had to hide the Dagger?


I personally think that happened
I mean, just look at N’Zoth’s lieutenants
Prophet Skitra: A master of illusion, Skitra delights in terrorizing his victims as he breaks their perception of reality. Those who fail to see through his deceptions become lost in Ny’alotha for eternity.
Dark Inquisitor Xanesh: A cruel and sadistic torturer, Xanesh prides herself on slowly carving the sanity away from those in her charge until all that remains is unwavering devotion to N’Zoth.
Il’gynoth: so far every prediction of the fleshy Oracle turned to be true… so N’Zath had all along someone in his disposal who are keenly aware of the future
And of course, there is N’Zoth himself, the God of the Deep, the Corruptor, a master manipulator, who had plans within plans and time for palnning for Eons; he maybe was the weakest of the Old Gods on Azeroth, so I think he had to use his cuning and wits to stay alive and avoid the faith of Xal’atath
And don’t forget, the Old Gods are basically paraistes, after god know how long they drifted in space, then crashed on the planet, dug deep with their tendrils and they had one propuse: corrupt the planet and the Wolrd soul if the planet have any (and devour each other until one left who then dominates the planet, from Telogrus there is a nice wiev on a very tentalces planet + Xal herself said so, the Old Gods are not really allies, more like competition…)
Its totally posibble, during the time of his existence he developed some craving for freedom, like Xal’atath, and followed her example, especially after MOTHER figured out, how to destroy these planet-bound parasites…
So I think what we destroyed, that mountain of flesh wasn’t N’zoth, or at least not the whole, but actually - dramatic pause - Il’gynoth
Remeber his journal description?
“Following its defeat in the Emerald Nightmare, Il’gynoth retreated into the depths of Ny’alotha to regain its strength. Now it has fused with the city’s architecture and spreads across the Black Empire like a creeping infestation. As Il’gynoth’s corrupting flesh grows ever larger, so does its power.”
Il’gynoth has merged with the very architecture of N’Zoth’s plane… Ny’alotha
N’Zoth, remeber, landed on Azeroth and had a very phisical presnece on the planet, eg. a body that was chained under the earth… after his escape I doubt he suddenly shifted plane, something he never done, not even on the peek of his power when the Titans themselves and the Titanforged waged a horendous war against the Old God… and part of Azeroth’s surface suddenly not collapsed having a N’Zoth shaped hole in it…
But Il’gynoth? He not only “travelled to Ny’alotha’ but merged with the plane and the City, thus when we nuked that body, the plane 'died” with it?
Because it wasn’t N’Zoth’s body; the mind maybe occupied it for a time, but jumped ship - in the dagger - and I think it was his plan all along
He was the weakest… and after he was freed what he done? Started a war against a planet, knowing very well, Azeroth’s hero-team killed or defeated enemies way above N’Zoth paygrade, Sargears, Argus, Titans…
So he danced in the spotlight just long enough everyone belive the trick, that he is truly an amateur noob who leming himself in to destruction
While in truth all was part of his plan to quietly slip away, possibly flee to the other end of the Great Dark, the farest away from the murderhobos and saved his skin

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The Patch was literally called the Visions of N’zoth. Would be a major lore disaster if the final end of N’zoth wasn’t just a vision…

The best way to get away from the heroes of Azeroth whom powerful enough to defeat him is to make them believe he is dead.

N’zoth clearly knew about Sylvanas and the Jailer

N’zoth clearly knew that Turalyon was going to take the thrown and the greatest heroes of azeroth would end up in Shadowlands…


Well yes
Il’gynoth told these things to US, I’m sure he told to his boss too :squid:

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Why dance in the spotlight at all, though?

Well he had to free himself. and to free himself required Azshara to gather to stuff to do so which ultimately caught the attention of everybody else. and once tha attention was on him. he slipped away with everybody believing he was dead.

It’s better to be free and believe to be dead, then known about, ignored but in prison

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Sure, he wanted to be free. I understand that part. I don’t understand why he needed to attack after that, though. Okay, so he didn’t just want to be free and save in Ny’alotha, pretty much unreachable if he didn’t invite invaders in like he did, but wanted to be assumed dead. Why? As far as anyone is concerned N’zoth is pretty irrelevant as a character, he is just some servant of the Void. We wouldn’t stop being alarmed at Void corruption just because this specific Old God was gone. So what exactly is being gained with this farce?

The recent times the titanic watchers kinda incresed their activity, after thousands and thousds of years, these age old consturct slowly reactivated themselves and even Odyn and Ra returned, not to mention the other Old Gods done their stuff too
It was pretty impossible for him, I think at least, to free himself and avoid notice… and as I said, they are parasites, tentacles are deep in the crust, can’t really remove or relocate himself without harming the planet in a very noticable way (like how the Well of Eternty was created) - mostly this is why I think N’zoth remained on Azeroth, phisically, we don’t have a N’zoth shaped hole filled with the blood of Azeroth :thinking:
If he stays, either remain prisoner or either face destruction (the Azerothian’s track record of killing nasties are pretty good)
If he frees himself, everyone will notice and he can’t really use a portal to escape the planet nor lunch himself to orbit
So? Only one option remains; pull a Xal’atah, even in a portable dagger… he could be moved. Or found a host body, like Xal did
But do it with a big bang! Attack everything, look at me, im here, attack me, notice me! KILL MEEEE!!!

Freedom to roam the universe and everyone belives he is dead…
Convulated and complicated plan… but fitting for him

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As long as he does nothing. Which is the same freedom he would have had if he just went away. The titan constructs are watching for Void activity anyways. The only difference is if they can attach a name to it.

I very much doubt that Blizzard had a grand plan about his motives. If you ask them they’ll probably just tell you that he can see the possible futures and that’s why with the other possibilities on the table it would all make sense…

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Possibly, an eon or two of low profile… I mean realistically speking, the Old Gods were tossed out in the Great Dark and I doubt they travelled with light speed or several times of light’s speed… so drifted basically sublight speed, maybe porting around, but the aim was… throw them out aimlessly in great number and hope for the best, they will land on a planet. So I guess they a but used to do nothing for god knows how long, maybe ‘swim away’ from a Star, before bruning up
I think its better to do a dance in the proverbial spotlight, draw attention then “die”, than just “die”
Immagine a scenario: on the routine chekup, they found N’zoth body, dead… awkward, whats happened? More so, who would belive something that is outside the cycle simply… died out of borderom? No one would belive that
While if everyone belives you are dead - after all, they killed you thanks to that supersmart computer’s solution - and you snached a nice body for you, you are basically free to go anywhere via a void portal, like Xal’ and aim the other end of the Great Dark
Heck you even could use your own name, you are not Elune, no one except Azeroth knows who you are…

No one cares about N’zoth, though. N’zoth is known as nothing more than a manifestation of the Void. People care about the Void and thwarting its plans. They try to do that wheather N’zoth is alive or not. As soon as N’zoth sets plans in motion that benefit the Void, they might or might not be picked up, no matter if they are attaching his name to it or not. So why would it matter if the Titans actually believed him dead? It’s not like it was ever about him. He hasn’t even shown a unique skillset among the Void servants, as far as I can tell.

On an universal scale, maybe
But we are a local threat not an uni- or mutiversal one ('tho…)
Besides, no one really realized the Void is a threat, just Sargeras
If everyone would know the Void is baaad, they would shot the shadow mages and shadow/void priest on sight
Usually the Old God (or several) who a planet encounter and they are not really explain their motivation - except the really chaty ones
But speaking of a local problem N’Zoth was a serious one, tho he always somewhat kept a low profile… abut ended up on OUR death list

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Anything that is a threat to an Old God is on that scale.

Nope. The Chronicles are supposed to be from a titan-related pov, and they are quite certain of the threat of the void. They, and their servants certainly know. They babbled enough about it during BfA.

he might actualy had a body already before we even freed Azahara in there, there is shot Azhara is N´zoth now, or she have N´zoth whit her, she was realy fast to give the dagger to Wrathion and then get out of there, so eighter she is N´zoth or she had his essence whit her when she got away.
offcourse the possibility is that wrathion is N´zoth, or Sylvanas took the dagger again, and literaly took N´zoth to the Jailer, whitout even realicing it again.

what his purpose would be now I have no real idea of at all, could be that instead of trying to corrupt a sleeping titan he goes directly for a live one, and shadowlands would be the perfect ground for that, heck there is 4 or 5 of them there.

Anything could be. Maybe he was imprisoned on Azeroth and needed to be elsewhere.

Wrathion might be a source of problems without any external “help”. He uses void magic a bit too carelessly, and also had alterior motives that not everyone might approve.

A Pandaren Legend
Lorewalker Cho says: Even the mighty Thunder King fell before our champion’s might.
Wrathion says: One by one the secrets of an ancient empire were laid bare.
Lorewalker Cho says: Yes, knowledge uncovered for the benefit of the world.
Wrathion says: POWER acquired for WAR and CONQUEST!
Lorewalker Cho says: Let us stop a moment - what kind of hero are we talking about?
Wrathion says: An agent of destruction, forged by my will to forever change the face of Azeroth.

And other things like that. I mean, I approve the concept.

According to N’Zoth, he is a way to save Azeroth.

N’Zoth whispers: I alone can save you from what is to come.
© Crucible of Storms

N’Zoth the Corruptor yells: Only I can save this world. Yield… and serve!
© Ny’alotha, the Waking City

He does not need to hide in Wrathion to give the dragon such motivations. There is a quest line from the Visions of N’Zoth, where you collect the books and give them to the whelp. It starts with the Remnants of a Shattered World quest, and you gather bits of such books as The Curse of Stone, Fear and Flesh, and The Final Truth.

He never reveals any details of the books, so it’s not clear what did he learn, and, of course, the devs decided to not use them as a source of anything other than vague comments from Wrathion himself.

gl hf

think they did that on purpose so that if they feel like they can get N´zoth back or any old god, and then just say, that is what was said in the books.

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Just to quote Xal’atath again,

“It was here in ages past that the God of the Deep lost a great battle to the God of Seven Heads. But as was so often the case even defeat ultimately worked in N’zoth’s favor.”

She whispers this to the PC when using the shadow priest artefact weapon on the Broken Shore.

It’s highly likely his ‘death’ at our hands so far is just a red herring to throw us off the scent as others have previously mentioned.

If the quote above is of any indication, it’s something he has already done before on multiple occasions.

I’m more inclined to believe every event so far is still part of the plan to try and stack the odds in their masters (the Void gods) favour. This is if the ultimate goal of the Old gods here is to bring their masters through to Azeroth by heralding and preparing for their arrival.

Even if his form is dead as we know it, he probably by all accounts foresaw his demise and planned around it in order to achieve his true assignment. Thus serving his purpose. This is even if he has to do so now from beyond the grave via his servants in order to carry the plan forward after his defeat.

I think that a recent element of lore can explain why N’Zoth, Il’gynoth and other Void creatures seem to know everything. According to Enemy Infiltration book (the item that can be looted in the Spire of the Unseen Guests in Revendreth), the Void Lords can see many outcomes but don’t know for sure which ones will come true. We know that it’s the same thing for Alleria and the Void elves, so I wouldn’t be surprised if the Old Gods had these limitations too. That would mean that they’re not really omniscient.

The void lords all but welcome us with open arms. They are so preoccupied with their thousand truths that they ignore the lies we sow in their very midst.

I believe we can leverage their vast reach to position them as a foil against our other rivals.

We remain wary, though. Since they are observant of multiple outcomes, it is conceivable they could anticipate our coming.

It is kinda similar to the way the Light works according to ‘A thousand years of war’, in which the Light can’t see everything that’s going to happen, but Alleria uses the Void as a complement to find things out.

The whisper of Il’gynoth about the cunning ones who bow before six masters but obey only one implies that they’re well aware of what the Nathrezim have been doing all along, but we can’t know for sure if the Void lords intend to do something about.

I don’t see why N’Zoth would ever think of leaving Azeroth since he was still there to fulfill the mission he was created for in the first place: corrupt the sleeping titan. His survival didn’t seem to be a priority, and judging from what we saw of Ny’alotha, it probably exists thanks to some sort of shared consciousness. I don’t think he can really be considered dead, and if I remember well we didn’t kill the other DTAs either apart from G’huun (but he wasn’t a real one so that doesn’t really count).

The titans knew they couldn’t kill the Old Gods, that’s why they built prisons to prevent them from causing anymore harm to Azeroth. As for N’Zoth not being special, Xal’atath did refer to him as the weakest among ‘them’.

It wouldn’t make sense in my opinion. He wasn’t able to fully corrupt and control a sleeping titan, he definitely can’t touch any of the Eternals

Wrathion has grown and changed his mindset, it was pretty clear in his journal. He was reckless during MoP because he kept having nightmares about the Legion coming back to destroy Azeroth and was looking for the best way to defend her. That’s why he was so admirative of powerful beings. The fact that he was only two years old back then definitely explains his childish reactions and thoughtless actions.

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Such a pity to lose a good character then.

gl hf

To each their own I guess. I thought it was interesting to see a character evolve for once, because that’s not something we often see in this game