Is n'zoth the last boss tho?

it was obvious we’d release him but like, is he actually a bad guy?

ill place my bets on no (100k on no) (odds are 1:35)

He will team up with hordes against alliance while alliances get new race from hordes due to some horde hate their leader. for now on we are doomed

Well originaly hes a parasite created by voidlords to seek and consume sleeping titan souls. So idk what would have to hapen for him to be a good guy. …Well see maybe some mindblowing lovestory is going to happen.

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Yeah I reckon this is gonna be how the horde/alliance merge happens. Pick to follow N’zoth and receive his buff, as the darker side. Or choose to follow a united horde/alliance, the lighter side.


i think its opposite and he’s not a bad bad guy (2x bad intended)

but we’ll see

honestly, it’d be disappointing if he’s just the bad guy and that’s it

will be last nail in coffin for wow lore for me, i gave them benefit of doubt when they said “sylvana this that, nzoh this that, etc” so yeah lets see where we go :joy:

my bet is on

I hope you’re right, I don’t have much faith in blizz story telling any more though lol. The entire expansion so far has gone exactly like everyone thought, and the most boring and obvious route. BfA is deffo a blizz cba expansion haha.

That cut scene for end of the raid, was so bad. Compare it to ff14 when you get a 5 min cutscene. Then loads of mop up quests, then another big cutscene.


Not if he manages to bring back Black Empire, and perhaaaaaps Cthuun and Yogg-saron as well.

If he’ll just be a little 8.3 boss, then yeah, booooooo.

Well dont mind the forum warriors who protect the RP tree that sylvanas burned. They will moan for everything one way or the other.

N’zoth is the last boss. We kill him with help of Sylvanas who ends up dying. Factions end up uniting and in 9.0 no more alliance or horde

If we just kill him next patch I’m done with lore. It’s already so bad but this would give me the rest.

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Ofc we don’t kill him. Next expansion is Black empire on with all the old gods, except for yshjaar.


Well this is what I hope too but I’m just expecting to get disappointed at this point.

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My fat ugly aunt is the last boss, show her no mercy.


he is bad. bet accepted. 100k

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I’d match your bet on “No”, because due to a technicality I suspect N’zoth not to be the last boss of the expansion, despite making an appearance just now and most likely later, but rather Sylvanas… as touted from the “It’s a faction conflict expac guys!”

There’s an inability to kill her as a villain, lest this turns into SoO 2.0 with 100% matched writing, so at least she’ll become a martyr instead.

It’s already SoO 2.0 and it feels quite terrible. Observe:

  • Garrosh Sylvanas becomes the popular Warchief,
    Garrosh Sylvanas begins doing questionable stuff,
    Garrosh Sylvanas becomes a problem to both factions,

Dagger in the Dark “Rescue Bain” scenario,

  • Garrosh Sylvanas wields an Old God weapon Xal’atoh Xal’atath

  • Lor’themar: We may have found common cause here in Nazjatar, but the battle still rages beyond these waters. So long as Garrosh Sylvanas holds Orgrimmar, there can be no lasting peace.


  • Garrosh Sylvanas is confronted as the last raid boss of the expansion,

And finally, much like Garrosh, Sylvanas was ‘only doing what she believed was right’ all along.


Sylvanas has masterfully orchistrated the release of the cloud, gonna take him into her new blade and own Azeroth as an undying goddess of death.

Garrosh was a newb
But cloud boi is bad, old and we will be involved in his capturing, united as one faction, just as the Dark Lady planned /’

Yes I think it’s pretty clear she can at least survive in some form or another, either the speculated Shadowlands / Ny’alotha planes or simply surviving the raid. But I think the former is likelier, as she will have to take down N’zoth somehow.

im all for n’zoth dying and all other old gods if theyre still alive rest is crap.
Should be playable cross faction raids/dungeons for gameplay sake , but factons should stay

You got it chief :+1:

Is it possible he could be the last boss in 8.3 and bring back Black Empire to set up the new expansion?