Pay up Buka

Nzoth is bad confirmed by now.
Time to send me 100k


Welcome back <3

You’re gonna have to wait a solid month till buka can respond :frowning:

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If Odds are 1:35, wouldn’t it mean he owe your 3.500.000 gold, where as in return, you’d owe him 100k if he wasn’t the final boss?

Also the expansion isn’t over. Yes, “blizzard confirmed there won’t be an 8.35” but Blizzard also confirmed they’d fix / rework enhancer shamans with 8.0

and with 8.1

Well, as far as I’m concerned we could still get a Ruby Sanctum in 6 months, when uncle blizzard realises they’re behind schedule. Or we’ll get yet another rushed expansion that’ll most likely be the end of history, when daddy activision says “MONEY NOW!”

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The question he asked originally and you can understand by reading his passages is nzoth a bad guy or he will be smth like morally grey complex villain.

But even after he edited the title to last boss it is still a bet he lost.

Nzoth is both bad, last raid boss of expac :slight_smile:

My sub runs out on 13th February or smth, I won’t renew till SL.
But sincerely thanks for welcome :smirk:

There is difference between promising to work and promising to~ NOT work :rofl:

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So once we do the N’zoth redemption arc and make him into the first lightforged old god do you owe him 100k back or would it be 200k because it nullifies this victory?

Has he been a meanie panini again? 🤷.

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That’s a nice way to say it ><

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Oh my… who is back!

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Wanna bet? :flushed:

Whilst he’s not here, we can take bets when he’s unbanned. I’ll bet 100k on 23rd feb.

Im betting 200k on February the 10th.

meet me at bank on ravencrest today at 11pm server time


Welcome back. :slight_smile:


Who this, post on your main!

So whose ego did you hurt for them to get you banned?

I’d love to tell but I think that’s against rules :(( it’s a fun story tho


Aawh, that sounds like my kind of story though

As you wish, although I doubt you know my “main” :smiley:

HMMMM!!! yeah I kinda dont :(( if you’re a cute egirl we could change that tho

I’m sorry, I don’t know what an “egirl” is. I don’t run on batteries, though.
As for the cute part… I look pretty much like my Kul’tiran. xD
Only that I don’t wear chainmail and hammers to work.

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