Is premades just a lie we tell ourself to feel better when we get rolled in random bg?

The thread does not specifically talk about “synchronized Premades”

The Op only mentions premades. A group of 3-5 is also a premade.

And don’t try to pretend that there aren’t people who want groups of 5 to be removed, because there are quite a few milling around the forum.

You yourself talked about eliminating groups of 5

You’re a hopeless case of a person whos giving himself entitlement based on literally nothing and worst of all is i never had a meaningful conversation with you , and i doubt anybody here ever had> What i mean by that- you’re a strawpicker, you repeat phrases that you internalized without filtering, you refuse to think about the literal meaning of a sentence, fail to grasp the context and fail to sympatize with people who are not even individuals but a crowd thats shouting the same problem for 2 years now.
The conversation obviously is about the plague of synced premades.

I said based no proportion should be reduced to 3 for 10 man if we gonna allow 5 man per 40 man.
I never said i want premading eliminated.
Reducing from 5 to 3 will be great for once syncing is eliminated as you put it , the syncers will swarm normal 10man bgs which will result in the same backlash.
Also 5vs5 arenas dont exist anymore, theres no training you can do quing as a group of 5 , a 3 is a more meaningful and balanced number.
Another thing i want to add is:

Escape forward.

You are a cynical liar.

Did you really associate that the fact that the number of a premade is 5 has anything to do with the existence or not of 5vs5?

What kind of bullsh*t argument is that?

I repeat, at no point does the OP talk about synchronized Bgs. You should also learn to differentiate “premade” from “raid premade” or “Sync premades”

True, you and others people like you cause me absolute repulsion.

Another use of strong words that mean absolutely nothing. And then YOU of all people, dare calling me cynical? What a joke!
Dude is a literal air conditioner because he opens his mouth and the words he speaks are literal moist air.

Its not the core of my argument, its a part of it. But you’re a strawpicker so to you thats my whole point.

Ah, so people like me who desire to give newbies a proper place to practice along fair and common ground between the teams, with no abusive disruptive behaviour.
the people who you bully with your syncers ?
Just for clarification ?

Shut up already.
You sync, and you tried to self insert as a defender of something thats not endangered nor the core of the topic (5 man premades).
Though, yes 3 man premades would be better than 5, nobody really minds 5 man premades if you are able to look around that is.

Are you telling me that the fact that you could queue in 5man premades was so you could “train” (IN A BG) for 5vs5 arenas?

It’s the stupidest thing I’ve read in a long time.

In fact, there are a few who do care about groups of 5, for example, the mage above, or murbastic in other threads. I could mention a few more.

Lets focus on how Delenis was taken and you had to make a special symbol for the D instead.
Because thats literally how dumb your current strawpick is
What i was refering to was not the core of my argument but since you want me to repeat myself ill repeat it for you:
My reason for 3 man premades instead of 5 is:
-Its proportionally closer to the proportion of 5 of 40 man bgs
-5 players of modern wow saturate way too many abilities, in terms of spells and mechanics. Along with the power level and out of proportion mechanics like for example DKs grip spam thingy.
-Syncers from 40man syncing will try to que 10 player bgs.

and then was like a mini point i tried to make about a principal in game design and design and music in general the principle of fractals (known also in color science as color harmony, in drawing as shape design) where numbers utilize themselves by repeating in a meaningful way creating harmony.

And of all of the things i said in this thread you managed to strawpick the lowest hanging fruit → a micro-point i made just for fun. and thats why nobody respects you.
you’re a pseudo intellectual and you really shouldnt be in a place of discussion because you bring only meaningless running in circles and manipulative behaviour which is worse than lying though when you said im a cynical liar, i found that silly becuase i didnt lie about anything.

rayaren is the king of yapping nonsense.
5man premades should only face other 5mans tho.

4-5 groups of 5 can be synchronized in a 30-40 bg, but couldn’t 2-3 groups of 3 players in 10-15bgs?

Thinking is not your thing, mate.

You have lied about a few that you have then twisted or “tried to clarify” to try to leave yourself in a better place (Although you have not succeeded)

I’m going to go to the silliest one, but one that makes me very curious.

Explain this to me:

Since you never lie…

some of you guys have potential to go write a book and make a living out of that :innocent:

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It would be magnificent!

This way I would avoid working 192 hours next month. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I never do. You were in the group.

a 5man group is still too strong for it represents 50% of the team just like that mr intelligence, you misunderstood once again. How will you sync if syncing is banned you absolute… you cant even follow a hypothetical.

I’m not asking you if I was in a synchronized group a year ago. I ask you to explain this to me:

Which “GUILD” are you referring to?

Do that to all of your posts.
You’re on the wrong side of hystory anyway.
Premades should go bye bye.
And you and i know its just a matter of time.

That depends on the point of view. I can say exactly the same about people like you.

I’ve been reading this for years.

No, its not a point of view, its your lack of view:
-Premading invades new and casual players spaces forcing them out.
-With no new players PvP dies, with no casual players rating becomes deflated, making everyone frustrated as in season 2 of DF where the majority of players quited.
-Creates a notion that if you want to win you have to premade- just like in classic wow. And the issue is it forces casuals to join premades too and the premades they gonna join if any of all are gonna be bad with the result being the same ultimately resulting in them quiting- > no fresh blood → pvp dies , no casual player → deflation → everyone quits.
Forcing premades on casuals will also make them a victim for elitism even in the aspect of the game that is supposed to introduce them to it in the first place which will result in the same outcome.

You’re on the wrong side, buddy.

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But why? Isn’t anyone supposed to care about premades with 5 players maximum?

You still haven’t answered me.

a full circle. congratulations.
im out. you’re a ball of ego.

Don’t change the topic. Answer to me.

And by the way, I’m sorry for leaving you so traumatized a year ago that you still remember my name from a single (In which it would possibly be one of my last) epic BG where you ran into me among 20 people who were in the raid.

It’s not that I can’t understand or follow a “hypothetical”. You literally said that groups that sync on bgs of 40 would sync on bgs of 10.

Then you edited it, and changed “synchronize” to “queue”

And then you say I’m the manipulator.

Your original answer:

After editing:

I dont know how big is the premade group but I always (80% of the time) play with Zado, Taz, etc when I join an Epic BG as horde. I fill the empty random players spaces.

If you play Epics long enough, it looks like your character is a part of the premades but its actually not. Lots of the regular guys are soloists.

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