Is premades just a lie we tell ourself to feel better when we get rolled in random bg?

5 people who always cry on the forum will never stop doing this. Today they are against premades of 5+ people, tomorrow they are against a group of 5 people, and the day after tomorrow they will demand to ban players who just know how to press buttons.
You will never stop.

Everyone who writes on the forum has no right to talk about what is allowed and what is not. This can ONLY be done by company representatives. If they do nothing, then there is no reason for it. There have always been premades. There have always been complaints about premades. Do you really think that Blizzard hasn’t read a single complaint in 20 years? Funny. Your personal conclusions are like an egg teaching a chicken.

We found the dictator of Azeroth :joy:

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Could you be so kind as to point out the official game feature that allows players to queue for a bg as a 5+ group or multiple 5 man groups aside from the Korrak’s event? You can’t right? Hence it’s clear that queue syncing is not officially allowed.

You can all come here, bringing up all the most creative excuses but still it is not officially allowed to queue sync. As I wrote in a different thread, the fact that Blizzard doesn’t properly enforce their own rules, shouldn’t be taken as tacit approval.

If what you do disrupts players experience, people have plain right to complain. In no way it’s up to you to decide when players can or can’t complain about what makes their game experience miserable, like the current sync premades situation.

Furthermore, since you are so sure that you are doing nothing wrong, why do you always pop up in these threads. What are you afraid about? If I knew that what I’m doing is fine, I wouldn’t be worried about complaint threads, reports, etc.

Lastly, I’d like to remind you that Blizzard in the past reduced the number of players that are allowed to join a premade to 5. They made it impossible to use addons that allow players to queue sync. All this should suggest you something no?.

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Remind me of one player who has been banned for syncing in the last 20 years. These are the answers to all your questions.

Remind me of the option that allows to queue as a 5+ group or multiple 5 man groups please. Or do you wanna continue to beat around the bush?

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Can Blizzard explain it to us? Or we will continue to argue who is actually right. I already wrote about this above.


The same argument you are doing can be used with anything apparently blizz do nothing about EVEN WHEN THEY STATE IT THEMSELVES.
Its so obviously stated in the CoC about sync premading (in different words if you are capable of reading) its sad.

Its the same way blizz themselves stated that you are not allowed to excessively leave RSS or you will get punished. Ppl do it. Nothing happens. Now its automatically allowed according to you even when blizz themselves made the statement.
Its one of the dumbest argument you can ever do.

“Its illegal to steal candy! But if you steal it and nothing happens, then its perfectly fine and acceptable!”
“If you bully ppl in school and hit them, if nothing happens to the bully then its allowed and acceptable!”

Blizz not acting on what their own rules state has been an issue quite alot of times.
Sadly ppl like you tend to see “silence” as “agreement”.

You mean the mage who plays in premades himself every now and then?
If I personally had anything against normal premades in BGs I would do my very best to not do that same activity myself.
If you complain and whine about it but you also engage in premades at the same time… :person_shrugging:

“Hey guys Mikayo here, hiding behind a lvl 10 character” :wave:

Yea man the only thing that will never stop is that you play sync prem and lose every game you don’t…
I mean like you wrote in another thread some time ago you think you get “fame” for doing it, why do you hide then?


Do you need Blizzard to explain you that there is a queue system that they put in place and that you are circumventing on purpose to join a bg as multiple 5 man groups? I believe you are already perfectly aware of this, otherwise you wouldn’t be forced to bypass said system.

Here’s another character, you remember him too)
We’ve played one on one many times and I understand why you’re upset. The time will come Jay and you will win.

Dude lucky for you I was never the type of person to make many screenshots…
Not even long time ago you and your lover Trellia lost hardcore against me, my gf and complete randoms in an Ashran but I understand that the only thing you can do is actually dreaming: :slight_smile:

You don’t need a lot, one is enough. Or are they just words? Fantasies? Otherwise, nothing new. You won’t believe it Jay, but sometimes I lose. But when I play against you, I see you for the first 5 minutes of the fight, then you go away somewhere for 15 minutes.

Yea I mean since I meet you 1/1000 games without synced premade ofc I try only the first fight and then half group leaves and it makes no sense…maybe think before writing? :man_facepalming:

Did I mention synchronization? Pay attention Jay, don’t worry.

No but its the only way you play like I said, 1/1000 games you dont so what?

It’s very common… xD

I know. They see it as massively unfair (which it is obviously if the other team do not have equal premade), call out ppl for doing it then end up doing the very same thing they call out others to do.
I do see alot of different kind of ppl on this forum though, its interesting but also tiring when theres just way too much focus on “Me” and not rly any other thought process other than what affects them. Kinda why I dislike alot of syncers personally.

I do see however fair points with the idea of changing how normal BGs premade system can be. Like lowering it to 3 or 4 (just to test it) or enforce the equal premade grounds.
5man on one side, 5man on the other. No exception.
I dont agree with the “Only premade vs premade” since what I heard they tested it and it didnt work well for both parties in terms of que. But enforcing equal premade(s) on both sides shouldnt be a big issue.
But also make gear scale in PvP so you dont end up with newly dinged ppl who cant be arsed to buy green gear, que up and make it an insta loss couz they qued up as a healer.

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All these people who love playing in groups, be it 5 man or more… why are you yourselves, not actively desiring and requesting that you be put against other like minded groups?

If you enjoy playing in groups and you’re one of those that thinks your group is that good, then why are you not pro actively searching for like minded competition, equal competition, so that you can keep having meaningful games that actually put your so called good teams to the test?

Instead you all just keep coming back to defend being able to play against any old weak as shandy bunch of random players.

Let me guess “But queue times”? We can pretend that’s the real reason if you like.

You would all seriously rather play games that are not even worth playing, where you have zero competition and no challenge. Where the outcome is a formality, instead of a slightly longer queue for a proper game versus a much more capable opponent?

If that large scale, hardcore PVP is what you all claim to want, why are the forums full of premade complaint posts and bereft of posts calling for team v team matchups?

Why is the forum not inundated with posts calling for an addition of a 40 v 40 or even a scaled down 25 v 25 or something that enables your premades to fight it out against each other? I know if that was how I wanted to play, then I’d be asking for it cos I’d want my games to be somewhat challenging and engaging.