Is premades just a lie we tell ourself to feel better when we get rolled in random bg?

You remember me? From where? D:
I hope its not in the mountains…

like for real who is this guy? surely an alt as i dont remember hsio name from ebgs, and every thread’s 50% comments are delenis’s

You must have a serious reading comprehension problem, because Yojeong and I have never argued.

I haven’t played Epic BGs in about a year. Most of the attacks on me are because my groups of 2-5 players in normal bgs.

Always this shaman


maybe most of the attacks are on you cause you reply to every single message on the pvp section on this forum? easy to target when you respond to every single thing

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I usually reply the idiots who are against groups of 5 players.

you shouldnt cuz they will never change their mind, i talked about the issue 2-3 times a year or two ago on this forum then stopped, and i gave up, others havent

I like to argue with ppl who have no shame. Just to see how far they are willing to go. :+1:

You must have a serious reading comprehension problem

just some old guy riding whoever he can to get into a group that will carry him meanwhile hes defending them on forums all day like if hes life depended on it

Tbf, me and delenis havent rly been arguing, more discussed things. Giving out ideas on what could help fix BGs more.
I dont personally see issues with 5man premades but I also see the issue with facing a fully stacked 5 man premade and your team has nothing. Happend a few times even for me. Its not a fun experience.
So Ive given my potential ideas to fix those issues which I havent rly seen Delenis disagree with.

Now, it doesnt help when there are quite alot of ppl who argue on the forum against premades(2-5ppl) who are actively doing it themselves or are even so happy to be in one of them that they thank them on the forum afterwards.
Sync premading is something I extremely dislike since it destroys casual PvP and its against CoC which blizz refuses to do anything about.

If you are going to argue against premades(2-5) in its entirely, dont engage in it. Thats my mentality.
PS: I dont even premade in bgs, only a few times with undergeared friends over the years. Extremely few times.

Well, they have closed the “Randoms VS premade” thread, shall we stay with this one?

We must reduce the number of players in a group for bg from 5 to 3. And those of 40, block all bg synchronization add-ons, and prohibit the synchronization of parties of 5 players in epics, sanctioning those communities that dedicate themselves to it

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They will keep crying. Nakamura left a BG where I was 2/5 (double dps) :joy:

Absolutely regrettable

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Once our Rbg groop that plays arround 1900cr was waiting on people too come online (a lot of people that play from 1800-2400 in arena all full gear)
So we where 5 player (2 healer) and joint a random Bg, it was eye of the storm
We face a full premade groop with 3x5 groops

Short fight where it was looking not too bad but at the end we got camped on the gravejard because the difference of 15 people that play on TS is just too much

Back too raited BG but for random BG only players i wish Blizzard would ban people a view month that abuse random Bgs for there full rated groop

That makes sense. Sync cowards are very keen on breaking the CoC statement

“…engaging in any activity that grants an unfair advantage is considered cheating.”

so, you are guaranteed not to meet them in rated BGs. They do anything to avoid pvp on equal terms.

This was posted 2024-7-18 at 17:57 CET.

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They don’t care, they just wanna stomp others without any effort.

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Like you when you stay and play with them

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And that is my fault if i get into them by just queuing up?

It’s not me that’s playing unfair, it’s them that que in party and sync groups.

50 IQ argument :monkey:

99% of bgs people encounter with a premade either at their side or enemy side. Do you think people pay for only playing few bgs in a month?

This is not an argument, it is a simple fact. If you stay with them then you also stomp others effortlessly. Just that. And it’s funny especially in the context of Murba, who can leave when he plays against premade, and immediately queue up again on alts (the guy has like 100 DKs) and stay when he has premade on the team. No principles, a typical sheep.

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