Is premades just a lie we tell ourself to feel better when we get rolled in random bg?

Player 16 is a mythical creature

Premade or no premade, remember you are playing with people with 0 willpower.
People that will leave if the first fight at Hangar or Sunken Ring is lost.
Oh and btw, premade existed since day 1 when pvp guilds killed everyone in entire areas of the map. It’s not that big of a deal.

Sure man but most people don’t care for these situations when you lose a Hangar or Sunken fight because one side is just stronger, this is how it has to be and should be, this is not the point of the discussion here.
People get annoyed or mad because they face 9/10 games premades…ofc 2-5 man groups are completely fine but if you talk about epic bgs it is about the synced premades. (10-20+ppl in voice)
I can see you don’t play many bgs either + atleast on this pally you play hord where you anyways just come WITH the synced premades in.
Most people who write here do mainly bgs so their time and fun in the game gets ruined by this.
Please don’t write it’s not a big deal only because it isn’t for you!

World PvP is something completely different and can not be compared to battlegrounds or anything here.

The question was:

That’s why I said people have no willpower, to highlight how, even without the premade factor, people leave if the first fight doesn’t go their way.

What makes you think that? I do only pvp and mostly bgs. I never sync with premades, sometimes I end up in premades, yes, just like everyone.
Seems like you like to assume stuff just to get to the right side of the argument to me.

Because I checked your Pally and your other characters to see how much bgs you play, you have not at all many honor lvl or hks which implies you are not playing “much” pvp.
Also IF you would play mostly bgs then you would also notice whats wrong atm with all the epic premade snycers but yea.
I’m not assuming, I look at the numbers and speak out of experience.

I see many premades and understand the frustration they can give.
Still, I don’t find them to be a huge issue. Sometimes you are with one, sometimes you are against one.

That’s because I’m bad at the game actually

There is exactly the point, if you play alliance epics you meet 9/10 epic bgs a synced premade against you, which is just annoying and has nothing to do anymore with ‘the better side wins’ or anything like that, it just takes away the fun.
The biggest sync premades play on hord side and they do this almost 24/7 many days a week, means for alliance it’s extremely bad to play epics because you just get gy camped or blitzed and you can’t do anything about it doesn’t matter how much you try to lead the randoms, at the same time on Hord side for many players it’s bad because they are bored of this extremely one sided afk gy camping games.
I don’t speak for all of them but you can see in the Forum here how many people complain from both sides, and these are just the ones who actually find the way here, in the instance chats of the battlegrounds you find 50%+ of the groups complaining that the whole day they meet ONLY these synced premades in epics.

I don’t know you and I didn’t mean to say anything like this with what I wrote.

This was the only point I didn’t like about the post.

If this was honestly the truth they would VTK them from the group to show they want a fair and even battle based on skill, but they wont because they love it just as much and its free HK and CP for them. The only solution is to stop this queue synching or start dishing out bans.

they wont because they can’t

If you are replying to me they can. It takes only 5 votes to remove someone from the group and if there are more than 5 its an instant remove.

yeah, and how would you go about it ?

In your case vs the Drac who pushes you into the premade you will need to open a ticket and make a formal complaint. You will need to provide them with information of the that player, the realm you playing on and the time of the bg so they can go an view this for themselves. If this be the case they will take the necessary action.

On the part of feeling like you are constantly been grieved in a bg by the premade. The same would apply and you would need to give them the name of the premade leader and argue your case of why you feel you are grieved by their actions.

If you talk about the sync cowards in raid chat, they mass report you for “language”. This is the reason I turned to the forum in the first place.

Now, whenever I mention the word “syncer” on any of my green-geared horde alts, I get friendly whispers from strangers warning me about talking about them. The sync cowards are like our own game-version of Gestapo.

I know many (horde) players that have quit playing. I have some irl friends that still play (horde) but they no longer do battlegrounds.

The only solution to this is that those at Blizz do something about it. So, try to get their attention by doing specified reports, mentioning that it’s about syncing. And don’t talk about it in raid chat, neither ally nor horde (unless you are stealthed and do it on a throw-away char).

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i very highly doubt something will be fixed in that process

Not sure what the fuss is about, I never met any premade against me. Would be fun.

Of course, you are always IN a premade.

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Since you are a part of this premade community and I see you all the time playing with them…here is your banana :banana: :monkey:


Meh, tbh I find myself in and against premades the same number of times. Maybe i’m wrong and lucky, idk.

I was joking XD

You mean the OP or my answer?

Yeah we just lost an Ashran in 2 minutes because premade rushed the boss.

Definitely an unorganised group of 40 randoms wanting to do some casual pvp and NOT a premade.

I remeber you yojeong and sadly i remeber delenis. Dont even bother with this guy hes forehead is as thick as a nuclear bunkers cement walls