Is raiding enemy cities discouraged in 2020?

Hello I am curious why there have been no new achievements/cosmetics/mounts for killing players in their capital cities (or cities in general)? The latest ones, I believe, were added in Cataclysm.

I like world PvP a lot, but the PvP in new content zones just feels artificial and forced like those “kill X number of players in Y zone”.

Eastern Kingdoms/Kalimdor/Outland are the zones that are the most fun for me and you have no incentive to do world pvp there. Wouldn’t it be awesome to at least make a “For the Alliance 2” achievement or something that gives us incentive to venture out in the old zones to do world PvP? How about something new from the Gurubashi chest. Anything really at this point.

World PvP is player-created content and for some it is incredibly fun so it would be something Blizzard wouldn’t need to invest much time and money in but the return regarding player /played time would benefit their metrics quite a bit.


Any world content that involves more than 20people is discouraged unless you want to make people mad for causing severe lag in the zone you’re in.


I kinda want to make people mad humm time to plan an Ogrimmar Raid

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That might be true because of azerite/neck/corruption and a million of other effects, but wouldn’t shadowlands be the perfect opportunity to reintroduce world PvP in cities when all of that laggy stuff gets disabled?

it might be considered disrupting the dame if you make a raid big enough to cause lag.

City raids have always lagged, the only difference was back then it took 40people to cause the same level of lag 20 people are capable of causing in BFA.
I don’t think it’ll be that much better. Blizzard just has no desire for large scale PVP or city raids.

But what about the players? Don’t you miss that?

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At least it brings WPvP to the zones, I usually stay around and mess around with the enemy faction even when I’m done.

i dunno, we did a raid on ogrimmar yday and lasted for quite a while, and in revange horde went for stormwind and lasted quite a while.

Blizzard is not really doing anything to make it happen, apart from a few achievs that most likely the majority off players already have.

it really has to come from players themself if we want active wpvp like in the old times. even if blizz would do some rewards for it. as soon as most players have that reward it will be dead again.

So what you’re saying is, we need a weekly reward for it. Got it.

Idk, on AD there is a raid on Org every few days, it usually lasts for a while and then the horde goes to SW for payback.

Rewards aren’t necessary, it has to come from the players.

Grouping up with other people is frowned upon, but multiboxing is perfectly fine.


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Blizzard clearly needs /played metrocs in the game to please the shareholders. What I’m saying is I’d much rather have a “go to enemy faction city to kill X leader, or Y number of players” monthly quest with bonus cosmetic rewards for people thtat wanna push it more than arbitrary tortollan seekera wq which im forced to do for flying. If they want people to play then reward them for the shenanigans they are doing and not force them to do chores for /played metrics.

I can see why it would be frowned upon in 2020, but there is that damn war mode for exactly such reasons, no?

Let people that want to dance of war do that.

I don’t think we’re going to have “less laggy stuff” in Shadowlands. There’s covenants, conduits, soulbinds, the list goes on. I doubt a fight in Shadowlands will be less hard on the servers as they are now. And graphically, for everybodies PC, given the existance of Night Fae covenants, it’ll probably be even worse.


Corruptions probably contribute to that.

Agreed, think this is also a factor.

AD is an RP realm, think that probably helps.

I know you’re joking, but you might actually be onto something there, love the scraps between the two Faction bases in Nazjatar…perhaps something similar near Crossroads and Sentinel Tower…puts the opposite faction in the area, which might encourage more raids on the Capitals?

Get a bunch of rogues to sneak a lock into stormwind then Summon a whole raid group there

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You need a lot more than one 40 man raid to invade orgrimmar. At the very least 100 people. And when that many enter a city, you’re gonna get lag to the point of not being able to move.

Zuldazar is doable though. go for that instead.

No need for that. There’s a spot around the top of the palace in stormwind. People can simply fly there and no one will notice, because it’s too far away from auction house, where people gather. That’s how we invaded stormwind and killed anduin for the achievement.

You need around 30 people (Source: done it many times). You just need 5-6 healers for the raid to be immortal.

To bring wpvp as should it been in a proper pvp mmorpg is to get rid of the plague called arenas