Is ranking still doable with these queue times?

I mean, how is it even possible for people to reach R14, especially as a alliance ?

We predicted this would happen when they released their “New” ranking system.

To function proprely, this system needs a healthy playerbase, the PvP scene has to be bustling because long queue times will have an obvious negative impact on your Honor per Hour, and with each rank being set at an Honor threshold, long queues inevitably result to highest thresholds for the highest ranks becoming unreachable.

As I was leveling my alliance character, (I hadn’t played ERA since October, only been back for about 10 days) I reached lvl 51 and decided to queue for some AV, knowing it would be the only BG to pop anywyay.

This was the last week, I haven’t played much since, but, the queue time was incredibly daunting.

23 minutes queue, on a Thursday, at around 3:00 pm

23 minutes queue, 10 min game = 2,500 honor

So you’re basically making about 5,000 honor per hour, if my maths are correct, and that’s again, on a THURSDAY

I can imagine the queues getting even longer as the week goes.

So 5,000 honor / hour.
Given that you need 500k for 3 weeks in a row for R14, this means it takes about 100 hours PER WEEK for WEEKS IN A ROW to reach rank 14 ?

No no no, this is bonkers, and as predicted by the community absolutely worse, if not outright undoable, than the previous system was.

You wanted to improve it, now that the community has dwindled, you in fact made it far worse than what it was.

Maybe, just maybe, it’d be time to modify the caps, and make it more in adequation with how small the current playerbase is, 'cause these numbers look incredibly daunting, and ranking at the moment, again, requiering about 100 hours per week, is definitely a no-no for anyone with an adult life and responsabilities.

I don’t know, maybe it would be wise to consider lowering the Honor Caps for now, so the highest ranks become available again.

Anyway, thanks for reading.


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Look If you are ranking get this in your mind; there are NO queues.
You should have two modes, 1 inside bg; you maximize honor and 2 wpvp; again you maximize honor. In this second mode you can also gather pvp consumes/gold; improving your efficiency in both modes.
Only your transit time between the two are downtime. (Methods do exist to minimize/eliminate that downtime).

With the old system though it was even better, queue times where utterly irrelevant as these applied to all your competitors evenly as well. (That also made it mandatory to farm in the world; if your faction had queues).
With a static cap as low as 420k or so, it should really be manageable.

In any regard it does not matter. Blizzard does not do anything for us.
Here is what era is for them.

They only make revisions to their base (us) when they regard it as beneficial to the development of their new projects (not us). As we do not matter/exist. We here are wasted development time only.
So you will have to wait for the pve players in Sod to start screaming loud enough when they get to phase 3/4.
I do not have the gift of foresight, but I have already seen some crying over p2 “ranking”. So with that and given the type of players who play Sod; I believe you may be fairly certain it will get adjusted.

Now ideally, (for the health of the game). They boost kill honor/ time bonus honor, incentivizing pvp more than pve objectives. So in one sweep boosting wsg/ab, and incentivizing pvp in av. And/or return to a soft version of the old system; so retain some form of player competition (To disincentive low/no effort naturally). But yeah, no.
No chance, current blizzard are not capable of something like that.

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AV queues are instant, you just need to queue when everyone else leaves and stay with the crowd. unfortunately the wsg and ab scene is dead. wish they would do something about it

this week is was done with 500k on saturday, last week i was done with 500k on sunday.

nobody is asking you to do it for 3 weeks in a row… play it over time like average joe, you will be done in 3/6month it doesn’t actually have to be about how fast you can do it does it? also have to remember classic cap is actually 60 this should be plenty of time.