Is RDF really ruining social aspects of the game?

I am aware there has been written a lot about RDF, but seeing this on the world channel on Firemaw made me laugh about the usual argument that RDF ruins the social aspect of the game:
[12:15] [4] [T****l]: LFM MGT HC Need x1Dps (Lock/Mage) (Mount GBID)

Mind that 80% of all LFM postings are imposing some form of restrictions, hard reserves etc, rubbish that could be rid of with RDF (yes, with compromises such like tank leaving after popup). How can anyone with their senses argue that looking for group in the chat has something to do with socialising?
Have a nice day


Yes it does. RDF destroyed the servers over night in OG Wrath.


But how?
Do you really feel anything social about the game now? Because I personally don’t. People go to cities to spam AH or flex with full bis gear. Most of the adverts for LFM are full of restrictions, as I said (and they will be even worse when gearscore comes).
I don’t consider spamming LFM macro being social, neither searching for that advert and thinking what compromise I have to do in order to get into group.
Community has already changed, you can see how quickly they turned Classic into Retail-like game.
Anyway I am fully aware I can’t change anything, this is just a rant.


I agree, RDF is not more or less social then LookingForGroup channel.
If you could make a group of 5 with guildies and queue in RDF it would be perfect.


Yes i do feel something social, because i am a social person in game.
Ppl did the same back then, but that is not part of the social aspect of the game. They kept doing those things you mention even with RDF.
If you dont like the groups that is around make your own. but i think it is here the problem is, you dont want to make your own group because you want it to be easy and carefree.
Just because you are anti-social dont mean the rest of the player base is.


Well, you’re gonna have to pick the lesser of two evils then.
With RDF, there is no discrimination against classes, no HR loot, no payment for tank. But apparantly “ruins the social aspect of the game”.

Without RDF, you get tanks selling services, loot HR, certain classes wont get invited (no dk/ret/warrior dps, not beacause they perform worse than others, but beacause tank want dps loot as well for his OS) .
BUT(!) the upside of this is the HUGE amount of social interaction you get from it ( according to certain people on the forum)

Keep in mind, even though todays dungeons have minimal social interaction, that will totally and magically change in wotlk ofc. Big change!

Im sort of split on between if i want it or not. Since my main is a prot pala, i can just sell services and HR orbs. But on the other hand i really enjoyed the convenience of RDF.


Again, what exactly is social on looking for more? Do you type messages in a style “LF2M Tank and Healer, I am Nikky and had a great evening”?
Also, I made a bet with myself that first opposition will be “make your own group”. What’s that for an argument? We can twist it: why don’t You make your own group, even if there is RDF in place? How exactly is RDF preventing you from being sociable, either in the formed group or in the LFG / world channel?
Labeling me as anti-social because I don’t want to spam LFM is really genious.
RDF or spamming LFM messages has exactly nothing to do with socialisation, in both directions.


LF1M HC Heroic - tank
LF1M HC Heroic - tank
LF1M HC Heroic - tank
LF1M HC Heroic - tank

And that’s all. Yep, so much social interaction you are gonna miss out on.

Also don’t forget you have to filter through all the chat spam aswell.


Agreed, keeping it out of the game makes it SO MUCH MORE social.
Spend 1-2 hours setting the group up.
Get to the dungeon.
“Mage can you make table pls”
“Sheep moon”
“Ok thanks for run, bye”.

How would we play the game without all of this social interaction? That’s at least like 7 words spoken to another player.
The game would literally be unplayable if tanks couldn’t HR every drop. Yeah. Makes sense.


You can do that with dungeon finder.


Well, look on the bright side. Atleast without RDF, nobody is forced to do oculus/HoL anymore:D

Think thats the dungeon i’ve seen people leave in the beginning, the most.

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i think who really think it ruins the social aspect/brings toxicity are peak delusional.

please explain to me, if theres a toxic person whats the difference between getting him thru a que button, or thru a whisper?

also please explain to me what exactly is the social aspect that it ruins? you mean instead of pressing the button you get a whisper/you whisper some1 to “inv”? thats the social interaction you guys all craving?

i question ppls sanity at this point


The most interaction I ever see is any form of ‘inv’, a ‘hi’ and at the end ‘thanks for the run’. All other interaction is highly optional and usually only needed to correct wrong strats. Or of course when the run fails it can lead to toxicity. But it’s not like we’re ever chatting and discussing the weather or how fun a paladin is to play or whatever. Dungeoning with randoms is a very low-interaction thing.

Their arguement is that people speak/communicate less in RDF than they would do in a “pre-made group”

Its obviously wrong, as todays dungeons clearly shows. But they are hell-bent on that RDF is the devils tool.


… and this would of course not be caused by any of all those other changes implemented at the same time?

Patch 3.3.0 was the patch where everything was dumbed down and made easier:

all classes were getting more or less the same abilities,

all specs and talents were being streamlined,

all players suddenly were able to overpull and survive,

we got bribes for completing dungeons,

Questhelper was integrated into the map

just to mention a few.

LFD is only a symptom of the illness and as you can’t cure Corona by doling out Paracetamol for aches, pains and fever, you can’t cure Wrath by remowing LFD.

I played back then, and I remember how I suddenly went from carefully pulling mobs one or two at a time and grouping up for the red Quests to freeing Metzen in Tanaris in low level Quest greens, killing 8 or 10 at-level mobs without problems. You could suddenly either do everything by yourself or gather no matter whom to help you, no need to gear up, no need to prepare, no need in short to THINK!


I want to choose with who to play not being paired with 4 randoms from x y z realm.

If I choose to join a HR group then I am the one to blame when things go wrong.


With RDF you can choose whom you play with as long as you make a party and invite 4 others.
It’ll be more fun that way too instead of joining ‘LF1M Dps all items HR’ (only the leader choose who you’ll play with then)

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Yes? You literally queue, get ported into the dungeon, don’t write a single thing in chat and that’s it. Is that question meant to be taken seriously?

Nobody is disputing that the RDF isnt a social place. The problem most have with the “anti-rdf’er” is that they claim that the pre-made groups are so much more social, which its not… Half the time you gotta summon people to the dungeon anyway. Not to mention that the majority dont speak in the dungeons.

Between those 2 options, RDF is better. Nobody really speaks in either dungeon, but the downsides of non-rdf is greater than the downsides of rdf.


pre-made grps usually go
can i have summ pls ?
buff pls/ty
thanks for the run/cya

it’ll be more or less the same with RDF except ppl wont have to wait to be summoned.
Also it’ll be super easier gearing alts with the items RDF will drop after you clear the dungeon pre 68/69. Then you get badges in wotlk.

So to sum it up. I’d prefer RDF please & ty