Is RDF really ruining social aspects of the game?

Yeah, thats my point. RDF will have 1-2 sentences max, while non-rdf will have 4-5? Yeah, so much for social interaction… (ofc there will be exceptions in both groups)

Yeah, low level dungeons will be up more frequently.

Ofc there will still be pre-mades for early heroics, since RDF requires a certain “ilvl” for you to queue hc. So-called “walk-ins”.


Can’t agree more. Regarding HC’s i think the early P1 when Naxx/EoE is out it’s going to be 2.8K GS
source i play on pserver atm that’s doing naxx/eoe yet (as practice for retail wotlk) and that’s the min GS for HC’s
Then in later phases of wotlk the min for HC’s will be ~3.3k or something
That’s if IIRC


Yeah, its been years since i did wotlk on a fresh server. So i dont know how the gearing is for naxx etc.
Once i got max level i just did a few hc walkins to get into hc-rdf-range.

But from what i’ve heard, naxx can be done with fresh 80 gear, basically.

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Of course they are? Like what?

Naxx 10m can be done with fresh gear or some blues/epics if you managed to get your professions up high.

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You are either a liar or delusional, if you try to claim that todays dungeons are social. They arent, a high majority of the communication in todays dungeon is “inv” and “hi”. You occasionally get “go go” if some dps is impatient.
At best you have to mark a target or two for sheep, but that wont be the case in wotlk HC.


Yeah, sounds about the same as i’ve heard earlier. Tanks need to be capped, which is fair enough.
And you get good blues through rewards along the way anyway i reckon.

what a load of utter nonsense, get a grip

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Are you dense? You’re sitting here, claiming that todays dungeon is social. I mean what?!

How is 5 sentences in a 20-25 min period called social?


Just because you are not social dosnt mean others are not, if you let in under geared or newer players (shock horror those do actually exist) into your groups by not imposing stupid restrictions like HRing everything you will find that they ask a lot of questions and usually make the dungeon runs really social


LMFAO maybe you’re just a garbage person to be around bro. In 1 week of tbc I made 10x the amount of friends I made in the last 10 years of retail.


Ofc not, but the 4 other players in my party arent reliant of me to speak to eachother.

When forming groups, at this point, i dont really check if they are geared or not. Everyone basically outgears the current heroic content by a huge mile anyway.

That is not always the case though, first they wipe us a few times before it dawns upon the group that he has never done this before. And THEN admits he is fresh:P Goes both ways though.

Maybe you’re just a horrible human beeing to be around in retail? It makes sense, retail is a place of toxicity, and lying is a form of toxic.
See? i can also throw out random adjectives without anything to back it up…

If you didnt make any friends in 10 years in retail, then you’re doing something wrong lol.

I mean, if my mere presence in the group silences EVERYONE, then i am impressed.


What’s in a name :laughing:

Actually then you see what can happen, in RDF people usually dont get the chance to wipe the group a few times they get kicked instead and replaced without people saying anything sadly (more so from retail experience and old experiences than from anything I have seen on a pserver), a good way to actually get social interactions is to help out a guildys alt though and get a group with people that are in the lower bracket for a dungeon those people usually will talk you half to death and those types of interactions would sadly disappear with RDF, my perfect solution would RDF 15-70 and then no RDF for atleast the first 2 phases of wrath for the heroics with maybe 70-80 normal dungeons being added at the start of phase 2.

RDF itself didn’t ruin the social aspect of the game. What ruined it was making it cross server so you very, very rarely ever saw those people you grouped with again.

This encouraged bad behaviour with no consequences (Server rep, gettign added to blacklists etc. etc.)

If we could get RDF that was restricted to server only then I believe it would be fine.


You also have those in pre-made though. I can agree that its easier to replace a person in RDF than it is outside of it, for sure. But that is also the case if someone randomly leaves because the item from a boss doesnt drop or something.

I havent played wotlk in years (except p-servers) but voting someone off happens very rarely without just cause. I havent seen people getting kicked because they do low dps or play a “meme-specc” for example.

What you mean with lower bracket? lower level dungeon? or if im raid-geared i help out in heroics? When we help guildies alt, we tend to be enough people to not bring randoms. It is more fun to play with guildies than randoms, simply because we have a bond.

That is simply not true though. On many occassions i have had guildies tank for me in both normals and heroic (and me for them ofc) while beeing WAY overgeared.
Infact, it would happen more frequently with RDF since you dont have to go through the hazzle of making the group. Just group up with your friend and do a quick and easy random dungeon.

I can guarantee you that will not be implemented, nor would it be welcomed by the community:P

Honest question though, why not just keep RDF? And let those who crave the “social- aspect” of the dungeons, form their own pre-made group? Why do the “anti-rdf’er” need the “pro-rdf’er” to be forced into their way?

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Now that i COMPLETELY agree on. Made ninjaing/bad behaviour happen more frequently as well i feel, no consequenses from the community. (allthough on big servers, ninjaers dont get punished now either:/ )

The low pop servers wouldnt like this, but i feel thats a problem blizzard have to deal with anyway. Fix your servers, and have RDF non-crossrealm.

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No, it was actually RDF because the other changes took time to manifest a change. RDF was from one day to another.

Go to retail and you have the answers to your questions.

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