Is RDF really ruining social aspects of the game?

Well I discovered my ability to overpull at day one. It did not take me many minutes to find out that I survived, and even more than survived a situation that had killed me the day before and the day before that …
And then to read the patch notes, and LOL.

It is not just about dungeons, everything changes with RDF. The entire mentality of the players changes.

If you guys think GDKP is bad now, how do you think the community will behave with RDF?

I mainly remember it being when for example a hunter had their pet on agressive and didnt turn off taunt those people got kicked so often (atleast back in the day)

I ment for exaple bringing a lvl 66 into BM to just fill a spot because no one els had time in the guild, and ofc its more fun to play with guildies but brining in a random lvl 66 rogue for exaple will bring a lot of social interactions (the latest example I can think of) even if I (the tank) a healer and one dps are all raiding geared and we are helping another guildies alt we always look for a extra random preferbly as low level as possible to bring into a dungeon just to fill out and also to give the guildie we are helping out a litle extra exp (by having the avarage lvl be slightly lower).

I dont get the chance to choose to go for the lowest leveled person who whispers me in like 15 sec after I have put out the msg any more whit RDF wich means the active seaking on my part for that is made impossible, and less people will answear if I look the old way becouse they wont have to look anymore.

Well seeing how many people say its great for leveling alts and such I think it would be welcomed unless people are hypocrites.

Because we are all lazy and people chose the path of least resistance unless people are actively incentivized to even I would go for the thing that takes the least effort (in this case RDF) and I think having it be a staggered release would be a nice compromise tbh

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Did you play on a PvE back then too? Because my experience from Wrath was the diredct opposite of this. Ppl left if they got angry, but I only two or three times remember kicking somebody - one of them a tank, so drugged he could not even fight in ZF :wink:

Im having some difficulty understanding what you mean.

Well, RDF is a HUGE QoL change. And getting it while leveling, only to lose it once you hit 70 is not gonna be popular.

See, this is my problem. Anti-rdf’er say they dislike RDF so much, but in the end they would use it themselves. So instead of just admitting that they are hypocrits, they rather just force EVERYONE to suffer.

We could easily please both crowds, have rdf AND let people form their own group if they want to. But no…

Not really any differently.
The community today was nothing like it was in Original TBC/Classic.
Not because the game is different, but because the players are.
Noone on my server was min-maxing and parse-chasing as much as they did this time around.
Noone really brought full world buffs to raids back then.


Nah I had fallen for the “true wow is pvp server” thing back then

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People say RDF destroyed social aspect of the game. Cannot believe they still say this. As long as you dont go with guildies, you are practically forced to use a tool (since people spam LFG or guess what… GDKP ). So you need a matchmaking tool - that it is not automatic like RDF- but you can

  • not take another plate since you want all the plate for yourself
  • ask with the whisper “will you roll on this” and depended on the answer you decide
  • make a custom message that inlcudes what you HR or … guess what GDKP

So, you cry about RDF while you are destroying the game with things that could have been avoided! And something else. The problem was not RDF. The problem was CROSS REALM RDF. Because people acted much worse when they knew they might never see the same guy again or not being from the same server.

Hehe, I did that too - for 20 levels - then I left Kor’gall behind and reolled on Darkmon Faire - as far from PvP as my legs could take me.

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Sorry my native language is not english and im also dyslexic, what I ment is that if me and one or two others in my guild help someone in the guild and we dont get the last one or two people to help out with a dungeon from inside the guild I personaly go and look for people who are the lowest possible level to join a group for it to help them out while helping out a guildy.

The reason why I say that it should go away after lvl 70 to begin with is so that for atleast the first phase people are still out in the world, in the second phase im all for letting people level their alts by just spamming dungeons but for the first phase a dead world would be really bad.

Its more about basicly forcing RDF on people that dont want it, if it turns out that even a small % of players lets say something that is clearly to low here to prove a point so 33% of all players wants it and use it those 33% are taken out of the possible pool of people who would have been able to join a group the old way because they dont even have the lookingforgroup chat open at all, that will make it so that more people get forced into using RDF because it takes even longer to find a tank or a healer for example. And it will snowball for sure once it starts.

Never have I ever made a group in the way you pretend all who are opposed to it make it so ether you are just over generalizing or you are just looking for a way to character assassinate people who dont want what you want instead of trying to look for a possible way to compromise

People misunderstand the reason RDF is anti-social. You can act like an anti-social lunatic in RDF dungeons and there is no backlash. You get into another group instantly and keep treating people like they are sub-human.

Every server has a discord, and people acting like dregs in dungeons gets posted there. people ninja’ing things and people taking advantage and scamming also appears there.

Just recently our guild found out 3 social members where ninja-looting in 5-man dungeons… which is un-believably dumb, pointless and pathetic to be honest. They got GKicked and are immortalised in that discord now, so anyone who recruits them is able to search their name and instantly see their awful behaviour, and save themselves from dealing with that again.

Accountability and consequences are ultimately something that can improve the game more than hoping blizzard police the player base.

And for the people who are playing pure DPS, by themselves, with no guild, solo queueing RDF… RDF isn’t faster than using LFG to get a group. You’ll be stuck in queue for over an hour while you wait for a tank, exactly the way you always have been. Except in WOTLK there isn’t the ability to swap to tank spec with no gear and still tank dungeon, which retail allows.

It’s not a coincidence that 90% of the people who support RDF aren’t level 70 yet. You don’t understand the game and you think the problem is everyone else. Playing in a group game means you need to adjust to the community, not demand the devs allow you to bypass the community. If you aren’t willing to adjust, then retail is exactly where it always has been and will accommodate the style of gameplay you want.


Its all good, im not a native english speaker either so i cant really say anything about grammar:P

Ah okay, i see. Yeah, i understand. I occasionally join ramp runs (N) when im bored.

well, questing is better xp than dungeon farming. That beeing said, at the beginning of the phase there will be LOADS of people in the outdoor world. You will have to wait for quest items/mobs to spawn etc, it will be CROWDED.

Yeah, thats the thing. There are quite a few saying RDF is bad. Its enough of them that they should be able to make their own group and walk to a dungeon. But it clearly cant be that bad, that if it was ingame, they would use it.

Yeah, thats fine. But if the majority wants RDF, then the game should have it. Even if there is 33% who dont want it, that doesnt justify removing it. I honestly feel like this topic should go out on a poll or something, something this big and important topic shouldnt just be coin-flipped.

I dont have any numbers on how many wants it or not, it just have a feeling that the majority want RDF.

Well, RDF is democratic, while pre-made is dictatorship. (RDF needs multiple votes to get one off, pre-made only needs the leader) I know its not really the same, but you get the idea.

On my server, bad behaviour rarely gets punished by the community. I still see ninja-looters make raid groups, and still getting people for it. The majority dont use the server disc/forums to check for bad people. Downside of a huge server.

That depends on the server, im sorry to say but on a big server they will get a guild instantly if they want. Specially if they are sought after specc (enhance for example)

But atleast in RDF you get a “ticket”. You are number 56, no matter what. In LFG its RNG if you whisper the right guy or not, maybe someone whispers before you and gets your spot. The leader can also dislike your specc, that doesnt happen in RDF.

You can tank most dungeons (normals) in dps gear and a shield, aslong as you got the specc for it (which dual specc allows)

You got no facts to backup that number though, atleast on the forums seems like the majority wants RDF.
I feel its abit easy just saying “you dont understand the game”. You’re right, its a group game and you have to adjust to the community. But what if the majority of the community wants RDF? Then you would have to adjust to that as well.
If people want RDF, you cant simply say “you dont understand that its bad for the game”.

Your posting from a level 60 and claiming that “big servers are different”. I’m on Gehennas. It’s Big. And what I said is how the game works for the majority of players, even if you don’t play it that way

Post on your main.

You are referring to CROSS REALM RDF which might be a problem behavior wise. If RDF is server specific, it is exactly the same.

Still, I swear, I prefer having here and there ninja looters rather than tanks that sell “their service”, GDKP mounts in dungeons and various hard rez little guys. I really do prefer it.

Now, I wont even commnet the 90% thing you mention, it is irrelevant. And RDF does not bypass the community. Ah and something else. If you ever feel offended from someone in a dungeon and you /ignore them, you wont meet him again in RDF. And since you dont need RDF to form group, noone forces you to be “anti-social” and use it.

Post on your TBCC Main.

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Just cuz a rdf tool would be there it doesnt mean you are forced to use it, form a group whatever you want you want if thats your wish.
I dont really want rdf, but still, your argument is invalid

I was tanking in OG Wrath using the LFD tool - I’m a slow leveller, and did not make it to 80 untill some time after it came out. I had fun tanking for groups, because I could always get back to where I left off questing. I mostly did dungeons with my gulids, as pugs always lasted forever - 2½ hours Gnomeregan was tough :wink: Without the teleport I am not going to do any dungeons before level 80.

You aren’t doing dungeons now either.

I’m just going to keep quoting myself until people read it and understand it.

Post on your TBCC main.

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No, too right I am not. For two reaons. I mostly play Era, and in TBCC I’m still levelling, so I won’t travel for ½ an hour to do one dungon.

And no,not going to use my main here. again two reasons. This one is the one I posted on from he was level 10 in Classic (before that Level, who’s still level 10 on my trial account), all notifications, an so on would be lost if I posted on another character.
And I won’t let you glot over my poor main.