Is retail worth coming back to?

nah find a better game

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well i can tell you from my history if its any worth .i had gotten bored of dawntrail 2 months ago so i came to try out tww .
after 2 months i am getting that itch back to go to ffxiv .the mythic plus in wow is main staple of wow .and that has not been good since tww came .
but again we dont know what things you like .so its difficult to give you the suggestion . maybe you can try out the game for 2 months and see if you like it or else you can always go back to ffxiv .

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Don’t bother atm. Wait for midnight.

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What do you think the developers here at Blizzard have been doing for the past how many years?

So yeah, pick your poison. :nauseated_face:


If you played any expansion post legion it’s pretty much more of the same that you’ve tried.
If you left earlier than that it’s quite different.
Whether or not it’s something you’d like is up to you.
Unless your sub ended the second you posted or you used someone else’s sub, the easiest way is just try it yourself.

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It’s the very end of the season, so there’s not that much activity compared to normal time, but ultimately it depends on what you want to do. PvE and PvP-wise, there’s plenty of stuff to do, not to mention you will have a backlog of quests to do if you haven’t been around; Dragonflight was a fantastic expansion and TWW is pretty okay too.

I strongly recommend picking up roleplaying! It will render you forever immune to content draughts. :wink:

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inb4 realizing that almost every other mmo sucks at least as much and wow is the best you’ll get.


There is “so much” nothing to do that I got exalted in +35 different reputations to exalted in few weeks :dracthyr_crylaugh:

85/100 for the blue pony :elf:

Nobody can answer opinion based question with anything but with their own opinion. So for the sake of answer Ill say yes.

For equal value related answers, you could do wheel of fortune with yes and no writen on it and then do what it says, or just flip a coin.

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This is actually true
If you don feel the desire to come back? No amount of yes or no, reason or anything from strangers on the Net would change your feelings
At best you can fool yourself hearing how bad or good it is - then face reality when you see it yourself
They are YOUR expectations Popelipo, only you can decide it is worth or not to come back
Make a trial toon and see it yourself

Hey mate I am also a big fan of ffxiv (started in The Endwalker)
Unfortunately my static disbanded and I gave up progging FRU ultimate and came to wow retail a few weeks ago(been playing for 19 years with some breaks!)

If you have friends to play with, both games are fine, otherwise I think wow feel a little bit more dead. People in WoW are not as social as ffxiv and sometimes its harder to make friends and find people to do contents and most of the time pugs feels like playing with NPCs, no conversation at all!

I enjoyed the previous seasons of M+ more than this season because every week we had different affixes and it was more diverse and enjoyable for me, still quite good to just have some fun and gear up for the next patch. Usually would push to 3k but this season I am just going for the mount and some gears. Also keep in mind as a non meta class finding groups to do higher keys or even weekly 10s is really hard.

Raiding: I have no idea tbh, just cleared hc and normal and I have enjoyed it. Dont know how fast it would get boring and I dont have time for mythic difficulty.

The story is mediocre imo and for someone who has played ffxiv with amazing story(except the miserable Dawntrail!) it is not satisfying. I love the void lore and hope it gets better in the future patches.

For pvp mode I have no idea, ive never been a pvp player in wow or ffxiv, except some casual BGs.

There are new activities for solo players and open world enjoyers and they are quite good! With the sharding system you may not see many people outdoor but still have people to do world quests on wednesday and weekends.

My overall experience is positive and I would say give it a try. Considering the fact that only one of my friends still plays wow and I dont have anyone to play with, I am still enjoying the game.

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Actually the First people to say WoW is dead /dying were already there before it even left beta.

And >20 years later, they´re still all full of :poop: and have to make things up and assume that everybody could only possibly ever enjoy the exact same content that they do.

If I spent 1/5 of a century paying 10 bucks a month just to be wrong all day every day, I´d probably reconsider my positions … but they apparently lack that capacity, too, so all that´s left is for them to do is to continue to proclaim that it´s dead, until some day in 20 years when we nuke ourselves back to the stone age they can finally gloat about having been right all along. And even then nobody will be listening to them because we´ll all have bigger problems than their ridiculous crusade to kill a videogame while simultaneously paying to keep it alive :rofl:


Eh. It’s a dramatic exaggeration of a sentiment born from a feeling based on personal perception, which may or may not be wrong.

To judge it seriously based on its literal meaning is as dumb as presenting it seriously on its literal meaning.

I think by far the most people who proclaim that WoW is dying or dead are expressing a sentiment of obscurity or obsoletion toward the game. It’s very few people – in my experience – who wholeheartedly proclaim in the style of Nostradamus, that Blizzard will pull the plug on WoW next week or something like that.

Likewise, those who ridicule the sentiment that WoW is dead or dying, tend to come across – to me – as ones more happy to brush uncomfortable perceptions about the game under the rug, rather than openly discussing them. And they do that through ridicule, by pretending – in theatrical manner – that they don’t know that the sentiment isn’t literal in its meaning.


I Agree, and that is the entire point.

The statements and “arguments” presented by the “WoW id Dead” doomsayers are more often than not ridiculous.

Ergo by definition they are fully deserving of being ridiculed as the poppycock they are and not seriously engaged with.

ESPECIALLY when they are as here being presented as objective truths in a misguided and spiteful effort to discourage others from playing in a feeble attempt to create a self-fulfilling prophecy :wink:

I can run around all day screaming “McDonalds is dead” to anyone asking what to eat for lunch. just because they reduced teh size of the BigMac patties 10 years before I was born. That doesn´t mean people cant laugh at me or should otherwise engage with me as if I were being rational. :wink:


I think that misses the underlying acknowledgement that he or she who describes WoW as dead or dying is projecting their own sentiment toward the game – the feeling of detachment, obsoletion, and so forth. Which in the context of the game’s worthwhileness to an inquiring player is as valid a contribution as another who projects their sentiment toward the game by means of excitement and praise.

Clearly not detached enough if they can spend all their free time mooning that the “end is near. We are all going to die”.


That’s just the stages of grief on display for all to see.

Yes. And there is again a difference between that, and merely listing as many objective falsehoods as as you can think of, especially when they can´t even make the effort to create realistic ones but juct have to default to “everyone knows all of this and everything else”

“No Content” - Objectively false
“No one in city even on big servers” - Objectively false
“Etc” - Defaulting to “everyone knows all of this and everything else”

That´s not “i´m disappointed /disenfranchised”, that´s just a smear campaign based on as many lies as you can imagine in the timeframe you allow yourself to compose the response, and does not deserve to be taken seriously.

A serious versoin of that response would be “I feel that WoW is dying because it appears to me that nobody is playing anymore. I don´t see people in town, I need 45 minutes to get a M+ invite, and nothing else they offer interests me”

That is something that can be engaged with and because it´s being presented in a rational way, and not just randomly bashing your ex just because you can :wink:


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To answer this question. I would say check out my friends list. I literally only have 1 person who logs in regularly.

People can use the defence mechanism of ‘people say its been dying since Vanilla but we are still here’ and ‘its only low right now because end of season’ the reality is the population is probably its lowest its ever been.

The game is just a trap to keep you subbed by employing fomo incentives. WoW is no longer the WoW of old. Theres a lit of denial in here and that makes sense because they are obviously still playing the game. But the reality will catch up at some point