Is retail worth coming back to?

He asked if the game was worth coming back to. I said no. Whats your issue? You seem to be getting worked up over nothing. Sad state of affairs.

If you want to return and are looking forward to playing WoW again: Do it.
If you’re not sure, then don’t. There’s plenty of other games to play. You don’t need other people (who will never agree with one another) telling you yes or no.

For ME the game is still worth playing; that’s why I’m subbed. Maybe in time it won’t be or maybe I’ll stay subbed. I can’t tell you anything for certain at this time.

Ah you dont know unless you try, mon don say no before give it a try :wink:

I’lll take the kitty, the hulu doll and the lamp, please.
What does the glowing stuff do? :upside_down_face:

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Try the grey stuff
It’s delicious

I don’t believe you.

He sells all sort of trinkets and amulets and not all work, his name is Griftah but not to be confused with Drifta :smiley:

Not to be confused with Griftah.

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Oh, I already bought all of his stock when I was doing the secret finding stuff.
He’s a con-man. :expressionless:

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Yeah wares like: He persistently announces his silly wares, such as Inv jewelry necklace 10 [Soap on a Rope] and other white neck slot items, all of which are quite useless, either granting abilities you already have (such as jumping, swimming, or returning to your body upon death) or effects you do not need (such as protection from critters or from “Tikbalangs”, which aren’t actually in the game).

The protection from critters is my favorite :smiley:

The hearthstone card pack look kinda tempting too but it probably has only bad cards he already put aside :sweat_smile:

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Yeah he seems like the kind to open a pack carefully and then take out the good stuff and re-seal it. :sweat_smile:

Have a good night Alythena. I’m off to bed.

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…ask the dishes :smirk:

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You been moaning for over a year or so now about the state of the game and yet you are still here, the once biggest fan now the biggest doomsayer that still payes for a sub.

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Little scenario for you. See if you can work it out.

Bicyclepump has been going to the same restaurant for 20 years. Over that time, from the time it first opened, to the last day he ate there, the clientele and volume of clientele changed. His friends for various reasons, stopped going. Yet he still continued to eat there.

Day after day, he still went, giving his money to the owner. he noticed the food was becoming bland.

Yet he kept going and kept paying.

day after day, less and less friends would meet him.

Yet he kept going and kept paying.

Bicyclepump began to think that the restaurant was dying. He wondered whether the clientele also felt like it was dying.

Yet he kept going and kept paying.

Then one day he got it into his head that if he stopped going and stopped paying and told everyone standing outside wondering if they should try the place out for themselves, he jumped up and furiously banged on the window warning them not to go in as he thought the place was dying, and they shouldn’t waste their time, as he knew better than them and felt vindicated that he should make their choice for them.

The restaurant, being over 20 years old, still had a busy clientele, and while every single person who ate out would maybe try the place and not go back again. bicyclepump decided that because all his friends stopped going he decided that no one should go, and the people still going to the restaurant were simply in denial that the place was utter crap and dying, and they would soon see his reality.

Bicyclepump then chose to finish his meal and leave.
All the other diners carried on eating without paying him the slightest bit of attention.
As he left one person about to go in asked him if the food was OK.
Bicyclepump replied “No. The food is awful. The place is dead. All those people you see are fooling themselves.”
“I see” said the stranger. “How long have you been eating here?”
“OO at least ten years” said Bicyclepump.
“OK. Can I go in?”
“No” said bicyclepump. “If you do go in you’re denying me my opinion, you’re denying the reality that the place is dead, and you would hate every second of your meal.”
“But… Shouldn’t I decide that for myself? And…” looks over Bicyclepump’s shoulder “It looks kinda busy to me and they all seem to be enjoying their food.”
“Hmmph” snorted Bicyclepump with a dismissive snort. “See? You’re in denial already.”


But lets be fair you doom and gloom all over the forums every day which in my honest view is :-

Lets be honest now, you have not even done any raids/dungeons/story line apart from campaign barely done delve’s or much of anything in TWW and you doom and gloom all the time on a game you have not played.

Everyday? Do you see how many posts I have? Also to the guy who commented before you. Is it me or you who is crying? I said don’t play the game. You are the one writting essays.

There is also some movement in classic too.

Next week SoD realms will go into phase 7: scourge invasion and kharazan cripts, the week after Naxx raid opens.

On Cata Joyous journey is up, you can level up more faster, next month dragon soul will be open with new Heroic and inferno mode dungeons

Absolutely worth getting back into it. The game is very casual friendly atm and does not force you to keep up with any grinds. Don’t let the negative atmosphere on the forums turn you off.


You haven’t bought/touched the new expansion did you? You just came here to spread Twitter kindof misinfortmation?

You’re bad at lying

You’re bad at lying x2

Possible but not dead until 2,5k then theres no purpose for pushing further

Get out :speaking_head: :speaking_head: :loud_sound:

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its pretty empty
across the 4 or 5 different guilds im in on my alts, theres usually 3-4 people online

across the communities im in, they are playing other games, or just using socials to connect on bnet

so to answer your question:
this wouldnt be the best time to return to the game, maybe wait until the next patch

Well, it’s fine for enjoying some casual solo fun.
I’m not in any guilds, except for my own. So I’m literally the only one who’s ever online in it. The game around me doesn’t feel empty though. I run into people, I do dungeons, etc.

I think WoW is a completely different game at the casual level, especially when you do a lot of solo stuff. You circumvent so many of the issues you see threads about.