Is shadowlands actually better than bfa?

I actually have to disagree, i think aside maldraxxus, the other zones overall look better.

I think shadowlands if it’s better, it’s not that much better honestly, overall, as a whole.

The problem is that for every step forward they take, they take one back with another dumb change.

No prob, we all have different tastes! :beers:

Simply because SL is way more alt friendly than BfA makes it instantly better.

Its my least favourite expac, but i will outlast it.
I feel like neither systems nor difficulties worth the lack of adventure and SL is mostly focused on delivering best mythic raid 1 character experience.

I think the people who really disliked bfa were the high end players who lack impulse control so feel compelled to grind. For me shadowlands is clearly worse than bfa for more average players.

Blizzard seem fixated on parts of the game that the market isn’t actually s that interested in ( high end raiding to name the big offender ). They seem happy to trash other parts of the game to try and justify that focus by forcing people to participate.



/10 char

Also want to add in how BfA was the worst expansion ever for giving us vulpera as well

Yeah, but said grind was mandatory, to keep character up to date, not as something optionnal, as it should be.

honestly, its just streaming talk.

the game had content, new raceS, full map, challenging raids (with gear), fun story and much more. most of the expansion was story-driven.
you cant say the expansion was bad because of like 2 features (which some enjoyed).
it even brought us back to old and forgotten lands.
and ya, corruption had its problems but if you got the good stuff, it was crazy-fun.

cataclysm was worse. wod was BY FAR worse. (that garrison was the worst implementation of player housing in all of gaming history and it almost killed the community).
there is 0 indication for saying bfa is worse than shadowlands, and im tired of people saying otherwise…

and complaits-wise, watch the forums. compare it to bfa forums.
shadowlands forums are 99.99% complaints and “i quit”.


we have no content in every aspect of the game, no gear for effort, no new (and popular) races, terrible covenant “choice”, worst balance maybe since vanilla, bug infested, p2w (tokens) and boosting infested, EXTREMELY boring “content” aka Boreghast. nothing else left to do except for farming dungeons for valors.

for the love of god, mythic dungeon was completed SOLO PRE-raid gear !

still call it better than bfa ?


Yeah it’s way better. Best expansion since Wrath.

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you must be joking. right ? i hope you do. PLEASE tell me you do.
or maybe you got some head injury ?

BFA sucked :
-Raids were a downgrade. Besides bod, bfa raids were average at best, sucked at worst. Nyalotha replaced Dragon soul in my mind as the worst closing raiding tier.
-M+ affixed are split. Season 2 and 4 were fun. But I can’t ignore how boring were seasons 1 and 3.
-Systems were bad, since classes could not work without them. I’m sorry, but those systems were band aids to classes, which meant specs could not work on their own without.
-Essences acquisition was dog awful. I mean, pushing people into content they dislike to get bis essence is just an awful experience.
-BfA dungeons sucked hard, besides ad and freehold. In SL, I only dreed SD, which is 1 out 8 VS 9 out 11.

This is not bullcrap, BFA is the TRUE bad expansion. And will always be!!


at least you had stuff to do.
shadowlands you have few things to do to finish your chores for the week and end it with that. you got left with boreghast and mythic+.

that is if you dont fall through the ground…

I like doing my weekly Torghast runs. I like doing M+. There’s plenty of content for me to keep me playing, and enjoying it.

We do. M+ drops one item less than in BfA, and the BfA loot pinata was terrible. I don’t care about raid, that’s not a content I do. PvP has the vendor, making PvP gearing much better than in BfA.

We also have Valor for M+ now, making it easier for both alts and mains to upgrade those pieces they still miss. Way better system than bonus rolls in BfA, and a million times better than titan or warforging.

Not every expansion has to bring a new race. BfA didn’t bring any popular ones either. The most popular allied race (void elf) is barely noticable among all the core races.

Still better than azerite, essences, or corruption. Let alone all 3 of those combined. (I also happen to like having to choose a covenant, and am glad they didn’t pull the ripcord.)

Have you seen BfA? With the snapping, Tol Dagor’s paper walls and many bugs? Like, if you placed a ring of peace at the wrong spot, you pulled mobs from a level above or below, or through a wall. Not to mention corruption procs like twilight devastation pulling random mobs through walls too. Monks being stuck in combat if they finish with FoF… yeah, not buggy at all, nope.

Corruptions say hello.

Not new in Shadowlands.

Also not new to Shadowlands, it’s been there in BfA too. Heck, my guild back in TBC and WotLK used to sell raid spots too.

Speak for yourself, Torghast is great.

KSM too, I believe? So what? Pretty sure similar things were pulled off in BfA too. I mean, Rextroy soloing mythic bosses solo is quite notable, even if it happened late into BfA. I don’t see any Nathria boss being soloed on Mythic anytime soon. (But happy to be proven wrong there, would watch!)

And what did BfA have? Not even valor.

A thousand times yes.

So what if you, and this may sound like blasphemy, don’t spend 24/7 in WoW? What’s wrong with that?

I find it really, really nice that I can spend less time in the game, and still achieve what I want to achieve.

Personally, I love running M+, Prideful is a fun affix (most of the time), and I like the SL dungeons way more than BfA ones. Found them less buggy too.

No. Both are bad because sharding and phasing. Class design is bad. Professions are bad.

This is exactly how I feel. I can’t get excited for Shadowlands, but I’ll stick with WoW. Hopefully this expansion will improve and what comes after will be better. BfA might have had it’s problems, but it felt better overall.

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“This expansion was better because it had bigger zones!” Such a rich commentary, expected from the forums.

Anyway, it actually seems like it’s not as clear cut as i would have thought, it seems that there are quite a few people that dislike shadowlands.

Personally what i think is that, shadowlands is slightly better, but after a few expansions of blizzard having this mentality of delete and replace, that thing is reducing the enjoyment of the game for me more and more each expansion, so even though shadowlands might be better, because of all of these things, i think that at best it’s barely better.

The problem is that for every good decision they take, a bad one ruins it.

Secondary stat soft caps, covenants being the way they are etc…

The thing that makes shadowlands frown is not it being bad per se as much as not being as good as it could had being due to developer hubris and the usual expansion specific feature bloat that people started since BFA to get REALLY tired of