Is shadowlands actually better than bfa?

BFA was all aboot “YOU MUST” play every day. Had Blizzard made changed it to “YOU CAN”, then it would have been fine. That stuff to do was not only mandatory, it was unfun, leading up to more frustration. BFA was not that bad in 8.1.

BFA zones were better no contest. It felt like a vast world. In SL each zone has a unique theme but when you’re actually in the zones everything looks bland.

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BfA had lot of problems but i had lot of fun with it.

SL on the other hand feels like a selfie camera patch of WoD its just there it has lot of crap to do which all feel pointless or boring like the ember court and anima conductor which neither of them seems interesting fun or usefull.

Conduits and Soulbinds both are just extremely corner cut versions of talent trees to a point i don’t remember any of the names of my soulbinds or conduits most of the time i don’t remember it even exists.

Mission table is also something i would very much like to see gone already it has definitely overstayed in the game.

WQ’s are another thing that really annoy me in this expansion because there is no flying yet and for some reason they didn’t bring back whistle.

Covenants them self don’t really interest me at all most of them just don’t seem to fit on most classes at all imo.

Zones in BfA to me were fun i really loved most of the zone in SL only place i like is Revendreth every other zone just seems bland and something i have seen already.
Maw is kind of ok but lack of mounting killed the zone and only time i visited in that place was save X amount of souls a week quest.

Torghast just bores me even if Warfronts and expeditions were easy i did those every week Boreghast i have skipped more weeks than i can count.

In reality bfa didn’t make you play every day, that was all on you.

You didn;t understand the point.

The point was that the game had too many things that slowed down the game and made you feel like you had to do them, so it came down to a, i can either not do it and suffer the consequences, or do them and feeling overwhelmed.

Most people probably just left the game, do you think that is a good thing? Because i don’t.

It’s the same problem since many expansions, for example legion would have been a 9/10 if only they made ap account wide, and legendary system more like shadowlands. But instead they decided to not to, and the result was that if you wanted to play another spec you were basically sol, unless you wanted to invest a lot of time into it, which would generally make you not wanna play at all at a certain point.

And a 10/10 if they split legion into 2 expansions, 1 on argus one on azeroth, this would have allowed them to develop argus better, and give it the respect it deserves.

I mean taking down on of the big baddies in one expansion? Come on. They wanted to move on with their grand design, and Sylvanas and all that bs.

Well, as a raider, I could not afford missing one single day of farming essences and manaperls.

If those were not mandatory, then I would not have bothered with.

Like I said, all on you. Nobody actually forced you. You were free to engage the game differently or even quit. Take some responsibility for your own decisions.

If you can’t see why it was a mandatory grind for raiders then there is nothing I can do for ya.


Might not be forced, but what’s the alternative? Quitting the game? Is that a successful model?

Like nobody is forcing you to do anything anyway, doesn;t mean it’s good.

Take responsibility for what exactly? Blizzard bad design? I can take action, whether it is to quit or stay, but not responsibility for something that is not in my hand.

I can see why you think that, but you make that choice that raiding at a specific level is so important to you. You are free to be less serious about it or even just unsub.

What I’m saying is that : it should not have been mandatory for raiders…OH SHOOT.


BFA gearing > SL gearing
BFA borrowed power > SL borrowed power
BFA power customization > SL power customization
BFA AP grind easier than > SL anima grind

One is power versus visuals yes, but it takes too long to get said visuals, and no, the stuff we have now, we’ll get more added, it won’t be just this for 2 years to grind.

I actually miss azerite power because the combos you had made a huge difference to your power. In SL everything feels so minor, even legendaries are mostly forgettable.

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No power no fun, i have to agree, some people would prefer cosmetic only, i definitely disagree.

I know i said it many times, but i’m gonna make an example with artifacts again.

Artifacts increased your dps by a lot, they gave you a new ability, and many times the gold traits could actually do interesting stuff, if they only made ap account wide, then you could have used alts much more easily, while retaining the fun from the system.

Comparing x.0 patches together? Holy moly, absolutely yes, it is better.

8.0 was a catastrophe. Unplayable, unfinished mess. Our characters lost a lot of borrowed power systems that were replaced by nothing of value (azerite armor, 8.0 version of it was massively underdeveloped). I quit the game 4 hours after hitting level 120 and wasted 12 euro for resubbing for 8.1, played 6 hours on that patch before giving up for good. Returned in mid 8.3 into a somewhat decent game.

9.0 has some major disadvantages, but it’s playable and fun. At this point I’m logging in only to do mythic+ or progress in mythic raid as Im renown 40, maxed venari rep etc - i don’t care for anything else, i really can’t be arsed maxing other faction reps before flying is available to me. The content that is there is fun to play. Covenant is a dumb restriction though. We will see balancing patches in the future and there is a good chance that I will have to switch my covenant sometime in the future. I’m not looking forward to re-farming all that renown and losing all that anima invested into the sanctum. It’s a dumb, overly restrictive system.

It should be implemented simply as talent rows. At level 60 we should have a bonus row with 4 choices - each choice giving us 2 spells. That should be the covenant system. Want to switch? Switch at any time in rested area or with a book.


Out of what 100 legendary items there is only one that i find interesting and that is the warrior heroic leap one everything else just even sounds boring.

What i miss about BfA the most is corruptions i had so much fun with those. Comparing corruptions conduits are just boring on the level of vanilla +1 crit talent tree choices.

Also one of the worst things about SL is that they completely fudged up the scaling making legacy stuff overpowered and unfun to do.

Yes it is…

That looks different when you look at how far away 9.1 is though, SL has a content drought on top of the other problems.

SL is by far the worst thing Blizzard has ever produced in the WoW franchise.

Pvp gearing is sligthly better. Sadly thats all…

I hated bfa but honestly only reason were stupid systems on top of another systems like corruption etc.

We have season 1 SL and almost same number of systems which arent grindy as in BFA but still annyoing.