Is Siren Isle supposed to be a joke?

How exactly are you having fun on that island? All you can do is repeatedly farm the 3 damage sponges, right? Is there some other amazing activity that I have missed?

Does it have to be out of ordinary to be fun?

I farmed a bunch of stuff and got a cool mount. What’s there to dislike?


I rather not get any if being honest. Neck grind from bfa is still too fresh in memory

1 island just for 1 ring and its not even a good ring.


Oh, okay. It’s fine if you enjoy that somehow. I think farming the same 3 trivial damage sponges on a tiny island over and over again might be the worst content imaginable.

Look, is it the most exciting thing to do in this game? No, of course not, but I don’t think that was the point of this patch anyway.

For what it was designed for, I think its totally fine. I personally enjoy new stuff and I’m willing to do some grind for it.

I do believe the issue here is deeper than the Siren island. People’s grievances run deeper than just this small patch.

I don’t want to dismiss anyone’s opinion as I’ve been salty and annoyed with the game in the past so I ended up quitting after DF’s first season. Best thing I did honestly.

Coming back to TWW with a different mindset allowed me to enjoy the game much more and take it lighter than before.

If you’re struggling so bad, just take a break. And no, I’m not trying to be a butt or lecture you. Just stop giving Blizzard money if you are unhappy with their work.

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For someone with 20 lvl80 alts ilvl 584 is great

and easy

So you have returned to TWW with the mindset of low expectations and this makes you enjoy the game much more? Are you sure that this is truly the case? Don’t you think it will lower the quality of the game and therefore your enjoyment even more when you tell yourself and others that low effort trash content like Siren Isle as “totally fine”? It’s garbage and you know it. You are not having fun on Siren Isle right now.

No, I came back with the mindset that this is just a silly game that I can quit anytime I stop enjoying it. Turns out when you are relaxed, even the chores are enjoyable.

You and others are free to speak with your wallets. This speaks louder to a company than endless useless posts on the forums that nobody reads anyway.

This is capitalism, you like a product, you buy it, you don’t, you leave it. It’s very simple.

If the expansion is really that bad and so many players unsub, things will change in the direction you want.

I know it’s hard for you to accept this right now, but I AM having fun actually.


I accept your general explanations and your point of view, but I’m sure you understand why I’m having such a hard time believing your last statement. There is no way you’re having fun killing the same 3 mobs over and over again. I don’t see how it is possible.

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So far I’ve killed more than the 3 in the excavation. In fact I have a whole list of mobs that I still need to kill and didn’t find today.

How to explain fun, you kinda have to feel it no?

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Well, if you tried to explain it, I didn’t get it. Might be a lack of capability to understand it on my end, so I’m not blaming.

You’re not doing anything wrong and you are perfectly capable. You’re just disappointed and burned out. You see the game that you love and you’re investested in going in a direction you dislike and it annoys you.

Your opinion is just as valid as everyone who pays for this service.

You can voice your concerns, but what makes the most impact is simply unsubscribing. Otherwise Blizzard will assume that the community will accept a subpar experience because the customers are too invested in the game.

Not to mention it will do you a world of good, you will be able to focus on your well being more by staying away from things that bring negative vibes and stress.

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The game is pretty good overall. I don’t see a reason to quit at the moment. Siren Isle specifically is just very bad. Luckily I can just ignore that content for the most part. If this was all TWW had to offer, the game obviously would have no chance to survive.

Still it’s very important to let Blizzard know when we dislike parts of their product. It’s not good when Blizzard thinks that we are fine with supbar experiences as you have correctly realized yourself.

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Man, the Nerubians and the city of threads are CARRYING this expac imo. They coolest thing in a while by far.

city of threads +10 m+ was my nightmare on tank

still is xD

one of the hardest bosses

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Never disappoints to see people wanting stuff immediately and cry when it’s been 10 minutes and their ilvl hasnt increased by 20 or expecting a minor patch to act like a major patch just because there’s a new zone

True. It’s much better to do more of the very popular timegating. The players love it.

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Timegate = people are unhappy because now they can’t no life the game
Don’t timegate = people are happy for a week then cry when there’s nothing left to do

It seems to be working. Otherwise they wouldn’t do it, right? People keep playing, be it the new patch or something entirely different.
But i’m sure we’ll see the same kind of dropoff of unsub from the game over a ring being timegated and a “lackluster” minor patch like they did with the entire design philosophy Blizz had with Shadowlands. I’m sure. Very sure.

Or they could simply let all players enjoy the game at their own pace without limiting or rushing them. World of Warcraft was always the most popular when this was the case. Blizzard repeating a certain behavior does in no way mean that it’s working. In fact, it could be the exact opposite.

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