Ones limiter will be another’s freedom. You will never appease everyone. Only the majority and the majority isn’t complaining about it being timegated. Some will feel bored while others will feel relief. When the majority complained about timegating was with legendaries and their material in SL because Blizzard changed it.
I’ve seen some people say in the lines of “Sweet. Means i don’t have to grind in Day 1 and come back a few weeks later and be caught up”
Sure. Could. It could have the opposite effect. But as we can see, they’re still doing it so it must mean it works one way or another. Or people’s tinfoil hat idea that Blizzard is only doing this because they are evil and want players to drag out their sub time and never unsub ever.
You could easily provide freedom for everyone in this case.
The majority is absolutely complaining about the timegating. There is pretty much zero positive reaction to it. Look through all the forums. Watch every YouTuber from super casual to hardcore mythic raider. They are NOT praising timegating. They are tolerating it at best, despising it at worst.
I don’t know why Blizzard keeps repeating this mistake. No idea if they are evil, incompetent, out of touch, acting on orders from above, anything else. It’s definitely not in the interest of players. If they would make a community vote about this and follow through with the result, we would have no more timegating.
The game was, I think we can all agree on this, the most popular in the final patches of Wrath and the first few months of Cataclysm, when even you started playing, before sub numbers startted to fall.
And guess what. Even the raids were timegated there, we needed 4 weeks just to be able to clear all wings og ICC. Asssuming we didn´t expend our 50 pulls with failed attempts. And both in ICC and in BoT /BWD/Tot4W, only after killing the final boss on normal could you progress into heroic. And M+ didn´t exist
So, in teh spirit of making the game more popular again, maybe they need to start timegating the instanced content again, and not the open world content. After all, the game was most popular when the raid was timegated and M+ didn´t exist, So obviuosly that means we need to timegate the raids again and remove m+, and the game will instantly be popular again.
And BTW, I lied, the Open world content was actually also “Timegated”, behind having to do dailies for weeks to get things like your your shoulder and head enchants via reputation. And it was also “Goldgated”, if you coulnd´t afford cold weather flying, you weren´t getting to levelcap anytime soon, because you weren’t even able to quest in Storm Peaks and Icecrown without it.
If you can´t see the flaw in your argument already, you need to look harder.
The game was the most popular and beloved during Classic, TBC and Legion. Those are the expansions that I and most other players enjoyed the most, because they were the best.
WotLK was the beginning of a long downward spiral. The only reason why that expansion was popular is because people remembered the name Arthas. It was a slap in the face for people like me who cleared original Naxx before nerfs, only to then receive a baby’s first raid edition of it at the launch of this supposed masterpiece expansion. Most of WotLK sucked because bad “modern” decisions started creeping into the game, so thanks for making my argument even stronger.
Over 12 million subs in Wrath vs 8 million end of classic and ca 11 million end of TBC, and the fact that you weren’t even playing during Classic and TBC say otherwise… Wrath Prepatch saw a notable spike, Wrath itself held stable and stlll grew further.
Oh, crap, I´m feeding you past midnight , aren’t I… Yeah, let´s stop with that before something bad happens .
I feel like im watching two chiuahuas going at each other.
Gnomes fighting is uncanny! O.O
You know i love you bro <3.
You didnt even play back then as we have already proved in your lame bait tank thread.
I didn’t expect much from the Isle but even I find the whole thing weird. And no, not because of the ring. I’m actually happy the ring isn’t worth it or mandatory.
The things I find weird is stuff like it’s day two of the Isle but there’s only one new quest to do (which I think is for the Snapdragon mount)? Aren’t there supposed to be daily quests?
Also why are there no ressources, herbs/ore etc, on the Isle?
And last but not least, nobody expected much for Hero-equipped chars there, but Chamion Warbound drops for your alts would have been nice.
Besides doing the mount-quest, without dailes or even herbs/ore, there is zero incentive to go there.
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And because he alwayys has to double down on his lying now he supposedly cleared OG Naxx, a feat that less than 1% of the players actually did at the time, barely 1% ever even saw it from the inside. 
Next one will be that did it tanking on his potatodin 
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Definitely played back then and enjoyed it very much. Especially the german #1 races for the Classic raids were very intense. Affenjungs and For The Horde were strong competitors.
Yeah… That is weird, isn’t it? I was in and out so quickly that I didn’t even notice. And yes, Champion Warbound items would have been very much appreciated.
I knew i should not feed after midnight but liars really annoy me 
Especially when they like to play the toxic elitist but don´t actually run any content that could be considered “elite” 
Careful now… if wq players have easy access to 619, you might start to get confused who it is ruining your keys when you can´t find any delve achievements 
The island is a quick filler. That’s about it. The ring is decent. Just not yet. Timegating the gems is what makes it bad currently.
I had like an hour of fun with the patch.
Easily provide is very easy to say but hard to exceute. Like i said, you can’t appease everyone. That is near impossible.
Looking at the forums and youtube videos is just a fraction of the player base. I mean, people who don’t even play the game anymore complains about a change that doesn’t even affect them. Youtube comments stating they haven’t played since Cata saying TWW is bad. It’s only negative feelings towards this but also no reactions because some people just don’t care. They look at this beyond the
It’s just that. We don’t know why they are doing what they are doing and they never will or else people will except them to share info about every little single thing every time. Maybe they’ll change their mind and make it take 3 weeks instead but i doubt that when player power is involved. And 11.1 just got revealed so that means there will be a few months of playtesting before we even get a release date so the argument that it will be too late doesn’t work. Any power increase at any time, people will take it.
And we have already had a community vote. Tier sets for DF S4 and some M+ dungeons. People trolled hard. So no, i want the community to come up with suggestions and let Blizz make the decision. If the community don’t like it, make what happened during SL.
There once was a spud, quite irate,
who drowned all the forums in bait.
With a mash and a bash,
it would start a new clash,
till the Mods sealed its tuberous fate.
That’s fine. Those players would only do +10s for the weekly mythic vault rewards. When I choose to pug +10s, I expect and welcome the chaos. When I want stable runs, I just do pug +11s or non-pug +15s.
Do you get paid everytime people click on your armory or RIO pages to prove you wrong or something like that? Because a proper troll would at least attempt to make the lies believable…
If I were for ex to say I ran Naxx at level 60 or 70 during TBC, that would at least be impossible to disprove, because I was verifiably 70 and a Champion of the Naaru before achievements existed. But you seem to just always go for the most outlandish and impossible thing you can pull out of whatever opening is closest to you hands and think we can´t all smell exactly where it came from 
Never gets old seeing this 
No, but it does eventually get even more boring than M+ participating in the same circle of lies every day. At least in M+ you have fireworks.
I wonder what tomorrow’s thread will be… maybe “Veteran gear for free=Blizzard hates M0 players” 
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