No offense but you dont know what rpg really means. The game and siren isles has nothing to do with it. Just because there is a bunch of text about something that they come up with 1 week ago not going to make it to an rpg experience.
Ohh, nice, I’ll do this to get some of those LFR tier sets!
i mean you are not happy with anything with the game but still are playing and paying subscription for it .it says more about yourself then the game .
Yesssss… for me the most fun part was to use that rocket jetpack to kill Horde. I kill them in the safe area, then fly myself out on the ledge nearby, so the guards will stop chasing me. Rinse and repeat. Pretty fun
P.s.: As ranged you can even use your skills while flying, so for melees you are untouchable while you kill them from the air
He’s German.
No fun allowed.
Oh damn didnt know i was play God of War or The Last of Us! Thanks!
What is that even mean?
Tee error you may possibly be making here is forgetting that not everyone has to subscribe to your personal definition of what constitutes an RPG and what doesnt.
Its not an rpg in your eyes so it only makes sense its an action single player game, right?
So i got the stormcrow mount and now there is nothing left to do, the tmog’s are mostly bad and out of place… IMO
I’m happy with plenty of aspects of the game. Why are you lying about me?
I haven’t been to this place nor read very much but I thought the concept of an Isle in an underground expansion was the joke. I could understand a crypt , barrow or gated world with cavernous dungeons, confined gloomy places that take advantage of the theme, but an island. What ever.
To be fair, the tiny island has some tiny caves at least. There is also a burrow that consists of one corridor and three rooms. In there you can click on tablets to read text. Some players with extremly low standards describe these texts as the “story” of the island.
But it lacks potatoes!
More like 0,1%. It might have been up to 1% shortly before the TBC release when original Naxxramas became siginificantly easier to enter and clear.
I wonder who this Kartoffeln is. He might possibly be telling the truth, but it could also be the case that he is lying about everything. If only there was a way to find out more.
throws bone
You bet I’m gonna go full surfbro in dungeons
Its actually pretty lore friendly. Its a island where people lived and worked and suddenly vanished.
Its basicly all the everyday leftover you find.
Ago I did first quests. I guessed they have dailies quest.
But only I see one daily from snapdragon pup.
Siren’s isle are weekly quests huh? Since I wished more rep from all renowns when I do dailies quest
Its still a joke even after the hotfix, one lousy ring + an island with hardly any content, meanwhile Blizzard is making big buck on a mount, and cannot even add any proper content to the game for me to enjoy, while ignoring my feedback for 2 years leaving my game so broken i grow depressed because the game keeps non stop crashing, only for it to be fixed 2 months before next expansion release thanks Blizzard, thanks for ignoring me.
If a video game is literally making you depressed and you´re not exaggerating (which you absolutely should not be, because mental health is not a joke nor a card to be played when it´s convenient) , there are only 2 rational courses of action.
Stop playing the game that´s making you depressed and /or seek professional guidance.
Everything else is merely unnecessarily prolonging your own suffering, potentially beyond the point of no return. And nobody, least of all your loved ones, wants to see that happen.