Is that your solution FIX FOR AV ?!?!

So basicly the game lasts like 5 minutes now due to the players abusing the system kiting boss guards away and killing the boss without the need for towers going down? That was never possible before !
That need to be adressed fix the guards game shouldnt last only few minutes makes it only stupid farm!


So using strats is cheating?


Was usable from the day it went live in classic 2019 launch too

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In 2019 it was impossible to pull the marshals out of the boss room now it is !

i agree, they would reset just like the boss did.

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Paladins were bubble pulling warmasters away in 2019 so the rest can kill Drek.


Always been loke this🤣 2019 era, sod etc😅

False. Bubble strat were used in 2019. Those games were all 6 min games.

Lets be honest, there HAVE to be a middle ground btw 1 hour borefeasts and 5 mins PvE rush in a PvP BG without any PvP interaction

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There used to be a cut off point that the guards reset at.

However if ppl are coordinating the pull to seperate drek/vandaar from his guards then thats fine, it used to be a taunt contest with up to 3 different tanks trying to hold his threat.

Ive literally been tanking drek to a wipe bc of cleave damage i mean if 1 hit with bladestorm can cause issues fir a geared pve tank what chance to melle dps have ??

If strats are worked out to stop that then all the better.

If your capable making the fight easier by properly utilising the tanks then i say go for it.

Honestly i dont see the issue of 2 tanks splitting the fight up to reduce load on the healers by keepings cleave off them.

That being said if you dont drop the twrs you do lose a lot of honor.

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