Is the AH price situation slowly improving?

I do not know if it is just me but I think I see that the prices of common items slowly finally moves away from the vendor trash price.

Or is it just a temporary thing before it drops again?

Oh man, i really hope so. I don’t know that’s this madness is about, but prices are absolutely confusing. Aside from a small bunch of items that are constantly on demand it’s seems to impossible to sell anything at a reasonable price. I saw people setting prices lower than you can sell to vendor for more money. As a LW i bought all ingredients for a particular recipe from AH, made an item with it and sell it to vendor and get a profit for around 10s. This shouldn’t be possible. People selling silk with price so low, that you can convert it into bandages and get a profit.

Especially comparing how good “normal” farming is (you just have to find a spot with mods that aren’t used for a lot of quests).

Inflation is coming day after day but not at the moment. Sometime price are going higher, and tomorrow, bang, some guys decide to sell all of their stock for -25% of market price and there is to much offers so the price lower and lower.

Some items are just to cheap to sell them now imho. I’m stocking, trying to sell fast thing like Cloth, but anyway it will be better when layering will be done.

Some rare items like Black Lotus are for sure, rare and offers is missing (only 1 page).

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Truth be told what where the normal prices to begin with?First something like that would help alot.
You would need to understand the population of the realm,what is the avrage aquisiton of gold at end level for a player,and then talk about supply and demand from the AH.If you know those things then we are good.

But you need to come to the understanding that alot more people mob grind for gold,and then there are players who abused layering(lets hope they all get punished,roll back removal of items and month+ time ban)…so not sure if you remember what where the normal prices from back then.

It’s simply down to people not having much gold. As the server goes on longer, people level and get more money. After all an item’s value is only that which the buyer is prepared to pay. If buyers have very little money, they aren’t going to pay higher prices for lower quality stuff.

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People who grind on mob to get silver and cloth, are a minority. For example as a Mage, every spot is already taken. You are in competition in every layers. And some spot are 1-Mage only (ex : Hearthglen). If you are two, it’s not worth and at any hours, you will find a solo Mage doing it.

So Mage start to grind beast to resell thing like draconide for fire protection potion instead of grinding mob because it’s totaly not worth, or they do other thing like grinding (i will not reveal my thing :stuck_out_tongue: ). Every plaguelands spot are already taken at any hours so as a Mage, you have hard time even with layering to find a spot who are not taken for humanoid farm.

No wonder one of my guildies managed to buy 2 Ardent custodians for 10g each

Aren’t “normal” start from “item sells for more than the price of all ingredient involved” + AH cut to compensate. Otherwise there is no reason to try to sell it. Just Vendor the item, sell ingredients and go on farming green stuff.

But why trying to sell that cheap then? People also invested money into producing items.

the ah situation was never bad? :face_with_monocle:

just dont farm easy available things 5000k other people on your realm also do?!

If you struggle to make money its your fault not the system.


I dont know.It deppends and its all the time changing,supply and demand.
The scenario you described revoloves around consumebels if you ask me.But gear wise,items there are alot of things to take into consideration.Is it raid drop,dungeon,how rare,type of armor,and again supply and demand.

Not sure how to comment on this you open with its minorty but the conclusion of your paragraph is how every grind spot is taken,heavlly accroding to you,so your kinda contradiction your self.
But the point would be its affected by how mutch the market is over saturated by those grind spots.Still you get quite decent silver/gold loot from those mobs…as in raw.

In my many year wow career I always paid the bills while leveling by selling materials. It weirds me out a lot that I cannot do it in this yet in classic.

I am not purposefully farming stuff, I am just collecting things on the way as I level.
So far I am offsetting the loss by sending the items to alts with crafting professions to level.

How are the other peoples mindless undercutting habits my fault?

Mhm maybe because its a fresh server and thousands of other players are lvling with you?
As i said then farm something that not everyone comes across while lvling?

And how is undercutting a problem? AH is nothing else than a marketplace where 2people meet to trade an item for a certain price. If someone else thinks this item is worth less money its his good right and not a “problem”.

IF you want money easy do something not everyone does automatically.

I for example have rare tailor recipe and can sell the items for 10x what the mats costs me.


ps: if you are clever you save these things and sell them in a couple of months when not 15k player are on the same lvl as you :slight_smile:

there are also many lucrative investements right now because certain mats arent in a high demand yet but people farm it because they kill these mobs while questing ;:slight_smile: in some months you will swim in gold

after they remove the hackers and abusers ofc the economy is stable again no more hacked items just the banks that must go now they probly took the money from the richer to safe from the bans

It is a problem when the buyout is so close to the vendor price that it is more time efficient to just vendor the things.
If you list at those prices you basically just vendor sell with a time delay. If you list your own items at a higher price you will end up losing money in auction deposits as anyone in their right mind will buy the cheapo items first.


I have seen the same development. I think the reason is more high level characters and therefore more overall money in the game. In some months you will get far higher prices especially for low level stuff because more people will have more money and start leveling alts. At the moment, there are still a lot of people that are happy if they have enough silver to level up their skills and tradeskills.

No its only you who make it a problem.

Yes certain thing have vendor price because supply>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>demand so what?

there are thousands of item,mats and co you can farm in this game also many which make you rich and have a lot of worth right now =) just go for them?

only but from the AH during the weekend and sell during the week. Prices have a massive drop during the weekend, and then rise again by middle of the week

why are people even bother to auction them?

Those farm-able stuff are mainly endgame things that are beyond my range for now.
I think I will take a page off the books of people turning with crafting those super cheap mats in the AH into stuff that they can vendor for profit.

I dont know maybe they are not aware of much it sells to vendor since it requires an addon.

Yes this is true that most of these things are endgame because not many people there yet. Classic is just not made for so many player on one server

after hitting 50 it will be possible to start farming the snot out of the jadefire satyrs for felcloth, runecloth, coins and demonic runes