Like… I want to raid to get curve, but 95% of the raids in the Group finder (even on normal) demand 12/12 or curve. Like I didn’t raid when the raid came out because 8.3 burnt me the hell out, have I basically just missed the train at this point?
Reason? Mount~
That purple dragon is why I really want curve, probably the best BfA mount.
It’s more difficult to get later on than it is in the first weeks, sure, but not impossible. You can always make your own group; it’s not -that- daunting considering that you can simply request/expect, like most pugs that ask for Curve, that everyone knows tactics. As for trying to join pugs, you can always use an AddOn to link a fake achievement…
Also, do keep an eye out on the forums: there have been Ny’alotha forum runs organised in the past (and the group doing so has a Discord channel I believe), so you may join them. Their intention is really to get people like yourself, who haven’t got Curve or raiding experience, to set foot in the raid.
This is an old thread of that Forum Run gang, with a Discord link (not sure if it’s still valid.)
Thanks for the advice! I’ll definitely keep an eye out for the next forum run, since I imagine that would be a better environment than a pure pug.
Thanks for the link, though I’ll have to wait for a Horde run!
There’s plenty of communities that do raids just for people that can’t enter those Premade groups due to their demand for AotC.
Also there is an addon that can fake achievements. Might wanna use that.
Does this even work anymore with just how common the addon has become? Everyone can check your progress so soon as they mouse-over you. I don’t think it’s ever been this easy to call a faker out.
Only 448 ilvl and not having Curve will make getting into a pug a pain for sure.
I expected to need higher ilvl for heroic at least, but people are asking for curve for Normal?
Those are the players who have done it already and just want a quick run through. They usually massivly overgeared and just want it out of the way.
Or they are looking for carries. In my experience joining any “fast group” means lots of wipes and leavers. My go to method is to join casual and guild groups or make them myself. You get the friendliest players and the elite players generally stay awayfrom these.
Also, just join these groups anyway. Ive gotten into many curve required groups by just whispering that i know mechanics.
If killing last boss is not reason enough for you then no, no reason to get curve. Doh.
you can always join the Discord. Besides forum runs, some of our members, sometimes ask if someone wants to join their guild raid every now and then. I think a couple of people already got curve that way.
The invite link should be still valid in that thread ^^
I’ll definitely join the discord soon then!
Still worth a shot. There’s not really a difference in being declined due to not having curve or due to faking curve. Might as well try and hope you find a group whose leader doesn’t use that AddOn.
So many people get boosted to Curve that it in itself is a pretty meaningless requirement anyway, if you ask me.
Or join a guild.
At this stage in the xpac, pretty much every guild is recruiting to fill gaps in the rooster created by people who froze until shadowlands or to fill alt run raids, it should be fairly easy to find a guild and get curve with them
yes - because raider io is not that common as you would think
people are lazy and 99% of time look only at itlv.
How i got merely all my curve :
- already hard to be taken in group
- my dps isn’t at 100 parse on WarcraftLog because i totally miss gear
- People all asking curve and thing
Well so here what i do :
- taking a whole week only dedicated to raid.
- Making my own raid , my own ID to go rush to last boss
- Learning strat for Tank / heal / DPS on Codex / youtube
- Making /RW in raid so i can redirect people mistake
- Spending time, kicking failer ( 3 wipes = people that can’t learn and gone yolo to boss everytime).
- When last boss, asking for curve and taking hight ilevel / raider. io
And here how i managed to get my curve on Argus / N’Zoth when i don’t meet other requirement.
Need time to do group but it depend on how much you want that curve.

I expected to need higher ilvl for heroic at least,
Well friend i usually do M+ with raid tonight so if you wanna do some boss in HC you can message me, we can do some fresh or try to get you straight from Nzoth.

people are lazy and 99% of time look only at itlv.
Meh idk how much this is true, Rio for raid does not need to be kept super up to date like for M+ and is really easy to check. I would not trust ilvl only this late into the exp if I was serious about doing the group.
If I just want to meme and Yolo than sure did that sometimes and is usually a disaster ahah
" I wanna raid"
(“Sorry u dont have curve lol KeK”)
“But i need to raid to get curve”
(“then raid noob l2p lol”)
“Thats why im here”
“How will i get curve withoud raid?”
(“U RAID”)