Is there anyway to block people on the forums?

Although that may be the case, the past should not regulate the future, especially in this case imo, but ofc that is just my opinion on this matter.



You still look glorious!!!

New look coming soon?

Possibly… I would still miss Red Soul but Pink soul looks just as glorious tbh

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You need multiple DKs, problem solved

Aaah yeah thats the good stuff

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I don’t know why but when I see that I just imagine that picture mowing down undead with cutesy nightcore in the background.

Like one of those doom edits.

thats true lol and there’s sixty days or so of remix left so I could crash level one. Looks like I’m going to be off work for a while anyway, Ive been more or less told to stay off that for until your toe is healed. Theres a lot more ot it but it’s not for public consumption on a wow forum.


I have three Remix Paladins now despite saying I’d only do one.

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Enjoy the time off Soulie, hope you enjoy yourself with the time given and that it heals quickly


That’s not going to happen. That topic of theirs has been removed, so they will say they have no idea what you’re talking about.

I feel like i have missed out on something here :sweat_smile:

Same! :popcorn:

What happened to simply not click, and ignore people, if it’s such a problem. :upside_down_face:

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No idea it seems easy, but i guess Eliques will have something to say about it.

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In his deleted thread he issued a challenge to name a class and spec and he would beat the persons rio in TWW so I took him up on it and told him to make an undead destro lock named Burt :grinning:

As a simple person, this is good to hear. :dracthyr_nod:

Oh yeah, that rings a bell!


This is the one that really annoys me. I can report clones but the people who check the reports won’t understand that it’s because of cloning, not what they’ve said.

