Is There Seriously No Gender Option In WOTLK PTR?

Man, oh man, you spent time quoting and typing all that? Lol I didn’t particularly care for what you said before anyway, just the usual nonsense on these feedback forums, but I really don’t care now.

Some of the insanity in this thread belongs on twitter, along with quite a few who replied.


This is all getting rediculous and out of hand.

I’m fat but i will now identify as thin. I am Translender!

That is all


Speak to a GM, they refer to these forums as feedback forums, and direct all players here to give feedback. This is how to provide it to Blizzard. GMs do not take feedback as it is “beyond the scope of customer service” that is a quote directly from a GM when trying to give feedback via in game - as mental as that sounds.

These forums are for feedback, whether you want to believe it or not.

Thanks for telling people what to think about stuff :rofl:

Because of laziness/incompetence and they can’t help you any further.
That advice works much better in the US where that policy comes from.

They also redirect you to Wowhead and the comment section there, because again. they can’t help you.

There is a ingame feature where you can leave feedback, is there not?

Facts say otherwise.

Here I have a link just for you:

“discussion section”
Take your time :sunglasses:

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Facts are these are feedback forums, whether you want to believe it not. And no GM ever redirected anyone to wowhead.

I believe in facts.

Again take your time. It’s in English. Use google translate if something is unclear.

I had two GMs in Classic in a row direct me to Wowhead.
The third GM helped me directly

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If the change doesn’t matter, why bother implementing the change in the first place?

Its all pointless, in my opinion.


If you say so :laughing:

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Yes but if it doesn’t matter then there’s no point complaining it about it either obviously.

Time better spent on other things would be an obvious reason :wink:

Its a really minimal change that doesnt take a lot of hours to implement its insignificant either way

I’m sorry but why the hell would you make your character trans if you have the option to pick the GENDER you actually want it to be?

It’s not like real life where you can’t control wheter you are born male or female.

I’m pretty sure that if trans people had the ability to choose their gender before being born they would have chosen the one they actually transitioned to.

I don’t think they are like “Oh boy, I can’t wait to undergo painful medical prodecures and hormones therapy to become trans!”, BUT keep in mind that I’m not trans so i could totally be wrong.


I’m just stating facts, it’s not opinion based. The change doesn’t really affect any of the current players either way. It’s just making the game more inclusive I guess but none of the current players are affected by the change at all, people are just getting mad over nothing.
Complaining about this is on the same level of complaining about your child being gay or something, has no bearing on your life at all but lots of people complain and so on either way.

They still could have used that time better. With the workforce of Blizz being as it is every hour is valuable.

I mean I guess it’s up to blizzard how they spend their time. I just don’t see why this is particularly worth complaining about.

No point defending the change either then.


This man is onpoint. If people have no “reason” to complain, Then people have no reason to “defend” it either.


I’m not defending it really, I’m pointing out people are overreacting. Again it goes both ways, and I have the freedom to point out when I believe others are being ridiculous just as much as they have the right to be ridiculous lol.

Plus I don’t think it does not matter.
You keep telling me it does not matter, then I say that if it does not matter, they should have not implemented this and used the time on something else - like telling us where our characters will go tonight.

I mean alright then I suppose we are at an difference of opinion on that matter. I just don’t think the time spent doing this would equate to doing anything significant in other areas.