Is There Seriously No Gender Option In WOTLK PTR?

the two words are synonymous.

Hormones absolutely play a massive part. Why do you think people take testosterone and estrogen to look more like men or women respectively?

Not anymore. Genders are removed, your character can no longer have a gender, although one can be assumed based on the body type


That’s where you’re wrong, gender isn’t remove from the game, it’s just not an option on the character select screen, it’s part of the identity of your character that you express while playing the game.

You could absolutely assume someone’s gender based on body type, but just like in real-life, but you could be wrong about it too.

Hormones have nothing to do with gender though, only the assumptions you’re making towards someone.

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I don’t hate the change. The change is both pointless and meaningless.

I just hate the madness going on in the United States that’s being used to justify the change.

Humanity outlived Geocentrism. the Hippies, the Puritans, the Inquisitions and the Black Plague. We will outlive this madness too and shudder with cringe as to why we thought this was ever a good idea.

Talking against it is pointless too. They just ban us the moment we speak too loudly against it and keep echo chambering their own ideas as gospel.


thats wrong. Gender is being removed as there is no option for it in character creator. By reducing it to body type 1 and 2, There is no biological sexes either since that is not in the character creator, There is just a body type 1 and 2.

If anything blizzard could learn from twitter statuses/profile pictures and make the biological sexes an option for those that want it, and then ANOTHER option to pick gender that they want that.

There is zero reason to remove it it all together. Thats just a lazy fix.


No, we don’t need to know who she is to agree with her.

Again, could it by any chance be because we agree with her? No slim chance of that you think?

Uhm no? What makes you a horrible person is the way you behave and the way you are so crazy triggered by a few words changing.

That is all that is changing to be fair. A couple of words. Nothing more, nothing less.

Lol I’m sorry mate, but your posts is exactly the kind I would expect on reddit in all honesty.

Imagine that… almost as if they’re based on humans. So you do agree that some orcs could be non-binary I take it?

woah hold on a minute. Did you just dismiss all those people not identifying with their biological gender? Oh dear…

Sorry good sir, but this is very wrong. Genders aren’t removed. They’ve simply put the choise of what gender you want to be in to your own hands.
Want to be a male? Great, go ahead and pick the bodytype that suits you and then call yourself a male.
Want to be a female but looking very masculin? Awesome, pick the bodytype that fits your desire and call yourself a female.

The possibilites are (almost) limitless with this tiny tiny change.

Really sorry to be the bearer of bad new. If you think this is “only going on in US” you need to wake up and take a goood look at the modern world. Welcome to the 21st century.


Identity is in the mind. The “gender identity” in your mind is largely determined by your hormones and endocrine disrupters. If the two don’t align then there is something wrong.

Blizzard is quite clearly aiming to remove gender as a part of the game by… Removing the gender option from the game.


Sorry good sir, but this is very wrong. Genders aren’t removed. They’ve simply put the choise of what gender you want to be in to your own hands.

false. Genders are very much removed. There is no biological sex, its just body type 1 and 2. If there was any biological sexes, it would have been in the character creator. There is also no gender, Because there is no option for genders in the character creator. There is just a body type 1 and 2.

If there was a choice for the player, then it would be in the character creator. They would have added and given people a chance to pick their biological sex if they want one in the character creator AND another option to pick the gender they identify as.

By removing past options instead of adding new ones, Everyone is effectively a body type 1 and 2.

Edit: wow thanks for the likes guys.


The 2 old gender names for respective bodytype is removed from character creation. That is correct. But you choosing the bodytype you want and then playing as the gender you see fit along with that bodytype is not gone.

You can’t with a straight face tell us that you have no problem playing a fantasy orc/bloodelf/undead/what not… but you can’t imagine the gender you want with the bodytype you want?
Say for example you want to play a male (going out on a limb here and just assume that), then you pick the bodytype you identify as a male and you simply play that as a male.

But that is to hard for you? Calling your bodytype “male”? While it is not really hard to play a fantasycharacter that doesn’t exist in the real world?


Genders are being removed, so are biological sexes. Get on with the times grandpa. There is no male or female in wow, Neither is there trans. Just body type 1 and 2. This sucks because i know there are plenty of players who want to create a trans character, But there is no button for it in the creator.

Now about your point about the orc/blood elf or whatever. Its true that i can pick and play an orc but thats where my player choices end, I cannot assign my biological sex or any of the 10+ genders. I CANNOT make my character trans in the character creator.

I can only add body type 1 and 2.
I CANNOT assign my body parts, My pronounces, Backstory or pretty much anything that is about my identity.
All i can do in wow is to pick race and some basic features like hairstyle and then pick my body type and then name the character, Nowhere is there an feature for me to pick my biological sex or gender.

Blizzard is a multi billion dollar company. If they wanted people to pick their genders, Then they would have added more options so everyone could be happy. Pretty bad for a multi billion dollar company.

Its just body type 1 and 2 from here on. I am all for changes, But this is not a change, this was just a removal of a feature when the answer is simple, and thats to add more features and options.

So my point i am not against doing changes and adding new stuff. I am all for progress and inclusivity. But to attain that you need to add new features. Its not inclusive in any type or form to remove a feature.

Someone should not have to rely on their fantasy. Some options should simply be there and if they are not, Add them.


If you say that you are a man then you are a man. It’s that simple when it comes to gender. Blizzard calling them body type 1 and 2 doesn’t affect your ability to say so.

I can’t think of a way in which that even would be possible.

This has always been the case. That’s what you have the addon TotalRP for. Even retail has embarrassingly few character customization options when compared to other MMOs.

It is not a removal of any feature, it is literally only a new set of two images and two names for said images. You will only see them in the character creator or in the barbershop. Outside of that everything else will be exactly the same.

This is not even a hill to die upon, it’s a minor mound with toxic chemical spill on it.

I’ll have to think about adding significant new character customization options for Classic to see where I will fall. But for retail I think more is better. I’m in favor of player choice in character customization in principle


well if it makes people happy this way, i am 100 % fine with it. But i still think it would have been more efficent to add more features and options because the character creator is lacking. And while this might be hard to do for most studios on a smaller scale, i still think a multi billion dollar company would have been able to solve this.

But whatever, at the end of the day. if people are happy thats all that matters.

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You ever think that you’re making a big deal out of nothing? You’re acting like this is such a huge deal when if it’s “meaningless” then it shouldn’t even matter either way. It doesn’t really affect you o.o


Except for male or female, got it.


It’s a game, not the real life.
The inclusivity is destroying my experience because every changes they made i know what is for and i’m less immerged in the game.


The issue is the change is one from pointless and divisive politics. Blizzard has political commisars, which provide no value but infest the company with politics. These leeches are paid to destroy cultural values and products.


Caaaalm down they aren’t attacking cultural values lmao. You’re really making this out to be bigger than what it is. Like come on.


Eager to read how in old times night elves had only body type 1 druids and body type 2 priest in the ingame books. Or that trolls were bodysts and were discriminative towards body 2.
Or what, gender will remain inside game and is removed only from creation menu :partying_face:?
I wonder what they are going to do with german wow version, cause ending “in” in nouns implies female. Druide (m) /Druidin (f) (no neutral ending).
This is not inclusiv unless everything in game is changed towards definition of body 1/body2.

Otherwise, it’s just ostentation and posturing (if it is made only in char creation menu) for what blizzard deserves contempt.


Wrong, again.

“Burning Crusade Classic Discussion” key word being ‘discussion’

If you start a thread, people will likely reply. You will get people that agree with you and also people that disagree with you.
You do not make the rules on these forums, Blizzard does.

But people like to think the forums are for feedback and also imagine that Blizzard reads all the (EU) feedback. Which they don’t.

Want to give feedback? Do it via the in game service

Live long and prosper little Gnome :vulcan_salute:


How is it inclusive? Your real live gender was never related to your character gender, neither does body 1 and body 2 represent anything more inclusive in that regard. It only hints that body 1 is superior to body 2 in numerical order. BS change from incompitent managers.


You people come out with some insane theories. No one should be listening to anything that comes out of that human zoo known as Twitter.