Is There Seriously No Gender Option In WOTLK PTR?

Are you recreating your gnome then? That has supposedly existed for 15 years?

Your paragraph above this one literally starts with a pronoun. You’ve been able to report people for whatever you want since the start of wow back in 2004.

Yeah, you’re scared of everything and this proves it. Where on earth is the connection here?


Yes. Yes it is. These are all utterly irrational fears that either already happen or will never happen.


No, why? Doesn’t change the fact that anyone who starts the game cannot even pick ‘male’ or ‘female’ anymore. That’s what this discussion is about.

Wow, no poo Sherlock. You know what I mean. I don’t want to call people ‘they/them’ or ‘xir/xur’ because they feel like something that doesn’t exist. They should make gender-neutral servers and check how populated they will be, might be a good indicator.

Could you please tell me what’s wrong with the so-called ‘scary’ idea of this might be setting a precedent for more bad and unwanted changes like this to come?

Not that irrational then, I think.

Oh, I’m sorry, you spent like 3 posts whining about how your gnome wouldn’t be the same character ever again. I figured it was about that?

How about you just do what a normal person does and call people by what they tell you, kinda similar to how you call people by their names after they tell you. You don’t see me going around calling you “Firecracker” cause it’s a “funny play on the word Bazooka and being a gnome” do you?

Cause it NEVER happens.

BEFORE the change so completely unrelated. So yes, entirely 100% irrational.


Now I would not be bothered by that, I would even laugh about it. You do you, I don’t really care. Just like I would not care about people picking a gender other than male or female. I’m not in the position to tell people what to do or what to feel like. However, why are some people telling me to not be able to pick a sex anymore?
You won’t see me ever saying “Hey they, how are them?”. Not in-game, and not in real life. Harsh? Maybe, but I shouldn’t be reported just because I don’t want to talk to them. Just as I won’t require people to call me (here it comes…) Apache Helicopter if I decide to identify as one tomorrow.

Alright, I might be wrong on this one… all we can do it wait and see.

Literally no one has told you this.

Am I to infer that you go around saying “Hey male, how are male?” from this utterly stupid tidbit?

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What I wanted to say is that Blizzard tells me I cannot be a male or female anymore. All i can pick is a masculine body or a more feminine body type.

But those are not pronouns. They/them are, apparently.

Not even Blizzard has told you this.

And you don’t go around saying “Hey he, how are him?” or “Hey she, how are her?” either, don’t be obtuse.

You say “Hey you, how are you?” or “Hey <name>, how are you?” same as you do to people with preferred pronouns that apparently don’t align with your world view. You literally never use their preferred pronouns in a conversation with them.

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Could you then please tell Blizzard to put the ‘male’ and ‘female’ buttons back? Apparently someone forgot to put them where they belong.

“Hey man, can I need on that?” Imagine saying that to someone who identifies as neither male or female. But you don’t know what they are, because they can’t be male or female either.


I do all the time, just like I say dude or guy(s). No one is going to take offense to this.


If no one is going to take offense to such things, removing sex wouldn’t even be worth something spending time on. Too bad people do, and now sexes have been removed.

They literally haven’t.

My dude, you’re making up scenarios that only happen inside your own head and you’re terrified of them. I hope you seek help some day cause this cannot be healthy.

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They have. Stop denying the fact you will only be able to pick a ‘body type’ instead of sex.

I’m glad this little change of code in a videogame did not bother you. I hope you can keep your eyes and ears closed long enough and hope nothing that’s important to you changes.

Sleep tight.

Too late, they removed RDF.

As for a sodding button on the character creation screen I see once? I literally could not care less. It has no impact whatsoever on me. It doesn’t on you either unless you, yourself, decide it has to have an impact.

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Yeah, RIP RDF.

But thanks for admitting you can’t pick sex anymore and thanks for also confirming the only argument ultimately you (you as in people sharing your opinion) can come up with is something along the lines of ‘it’s just a game’.

I’m okay with you believing crap in your own head, I’m not okay with you putting words in my mouth.

I’ve never said either of those.

Sure mate.

Well, I shouldn’t be too surprised that you make junk up in your head to make that your prevailing world view at this point really.

It’s a very small change that affects a few seconds of gameplay time per character. There are many changes that are larger and impact more of your gameplay experience.

Being bothered by it doesn’t pass the reasonable person test.

Someone posted the mod in another thread and I saw you replying to them so I think you’ve already got it.

Material in this context is closer to “meaningful” in meaning than “made of physical material”.


Thank god a hairstyle wasn’t added to a video game? That’s funny.

Yep, I may well be incorrect. I’d prefer to be.

What prospect(s) are you concerned about?

I don’t think this line of argumentation is going as you hope. It feels like you think you’re pulling off some kind of Uno reverso intellectual masterstroke, but it’s just coming across as a bit incoherent.

Jeynar has done a good job with the back and forth while I was away and as he points out, yes, I would rather the changes went further.

Also, pronouns already exist ingame and the fact that you cite pronouns being added to the game as a fear of yours is just bizarre.

This subject really brings out some odd behaviour in people.


Crazy times we live in. Thought one could escape this weirdness from real life through games, but I guess not.

I wasn’t being a smart asz, I was just pointing out those pictures aren’t really clear.

He’s indeed pretty good at your style of debating, yes! I think you still don’t understand I’m not a #nochanges guy, we could very well be on the same side on many occasions.

Odd in your world maybe, yes, the world I live in still has things like ‘male’ and ‘female’ in it.

Bob, my man, it’s late and I can’t discuss sh00t like this all night long, I need sleep too.

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