Is There Seriously No Gender Option In WOTLK PTR?

I’ve seen him say so a fair number of times, yeah :smiley:

I think he’s slightly suspiciously focused on this particular change, though, and made a number of questionable arguments against it before falling back on #nochanges.


No, it does not look the same. Whenever I create a new toon, I se silhouettes without text instead of planet symbols with text.
That’s not the same.

No, I cannot roll a new character woithout being bothered by thus change - sometimes several times a day. Same as when I see those new mounts in-game.

If this is so minor and purely cosmetic and still bothers me and others, why not roll it back?

HOW exactly can I mod it out?

And what do you mean by material. You cannot change anything material in a computer game :confused:


Would you have been OK with Masculinum and Femininum then? And keeping the symbols? That would be changing the words only.

That user, and a handful of others have been trying that on a lot of threads. Trying to take it over by posing ridiculous arguments just to derail the topic. Moderators are ok with it seemingly. I have those 7-8 users ignored, and every thread I look at that seems to have an argument going on always involves or begins with hidden posts I can’t see.

Not that I could find, checked Human, orc and Blood elf just now.

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Thank god, given the changes so far they’ve pushed it wouldn’t have surprised me at all

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I don’t think so, I have personally seen Vanillataur in many different threads for many different changes shouting #nochanges, this topic is just getting a lot more attention than other ones.

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I don’t mind this change since you barely ever will be noticing it. I still don’t see the reason for it since no one answered my question as to how this is inclusive if all it does it change a icon and still referee to them as male or female in-game.

What is worrying me is what kind of can of worms this will open up. - What is the next thing?

Just what I tried to say. No one - or almost noone - is opposing me when looking for eg. addons to remove open all mail buttons. A few try to help, most just shake their heads thinking probably ‘Oh, Vanillataur at it again’ and continuing on to next topic :smiley:


Men can have breasts too. Are you suggesting men cannot have more pronounced breasts? At least you are once again confirming the fact that they removed the sexes by you calling the options ‘formerly known as’, which implies something has changed.

I’m not going to answer the other questions as you’re just trying to derail the discussion once again and I have answered them many times before.

Again, why don’t you answer my question?

I won’t ignore people but it does indeed look like the only argument they have is ‘it’s just a game’ or ‘minor change doesn’t affect your gameplay because I say so’.

I’m not sure why you keep trying to argue for “we should change more things” with a guy who has told you, repeatedly over the last few hours, that he would love more changes like this.


Because I’m not against changes, I never said I was. I would be someone who’s willing to make some compromises and get to a conclusion we both are happy with. This change however is ridiculous and it doesn’t make sense, wiping basic biology off your screen. Someone saying ‘he loves more changes like this one’ doesn’t change the fact that he’s wrong on Blizzard removing sexes from the game.

All I’m saying is this is a slippery slope and God knows what kind of hell-hole we might end up in. Add options, don’t remove them.

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What makes you think sexes are removed from the game?

Also, go figure you’d be the “its a slippery slope” type of person. Like, what is the scenario you dread is going to happen cause a couple of icons and text strings were changed in a video game?


What makes you think sexes are not removed from the game?

What could not be altered after implementing a couple of changes to icons and lines of text in a video game?

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I think the burden of proof here is on you since I can log on the beta and see the exact same stuff I’ve always seen. So how was anything removed?

What? That doesn’t answer my question at all.

What is the fear that drives your hatred for this change. What, exactly, is it that you think is going to happen based on this change alone?


what is this post even, who cares


That’s weird. Can you show me a screenshot and prove all the other pictures I’ve been sent and I’ve seen to be wrong? Everything I’ve seen so far is Body Types.

Everrything. What makes you think changes stop after this gender nonsense?


Are you conflating a character creation change with removing all sexes from the entire game?

No wonder you’re scared of everything then.

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I had to google translate the meaning of ‘conflating’ but I think the answer is yes? If I can’t be a male gnome, how is the world around me not changing? They can’t just call me a ‘man’, that would be something I could absolutely hate.
Still, could you show me what the character creation screen looks like, as in, can I still pick ‘male’ or ‘female’?

I’m not scared of everything. I’m just not the kind of guy that says “it’s just a game, it won’t affect me!” and eat every change that gets stuffed down my little gnomie mouth because everyone tells me to do so.

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You can call your gnome whatever the hell you want to.

No, the character creation changed. That’s all. That’s literally all. Everything else you think changed because of this didn’t.

You quite literally just said you’re scared of everything.

Okay, so lemme just assume that was your bad English kicking in on that.

What, specifically, do you think is the change that’ll happen next, because of this change to character creation?

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True. I can call my gnome a unicorn, but I can’t pick male or female. That’s my whole point. They could have added 69 more genders to the game and I wouldn’t have cared (maybe frowned, but that would be all), but instead they decided to remove those all together.

You are saying I should not care because it’s just my sex that’s being removed. Pretty weird though. My gnome has been a male for what, 15 years now? Suddenly he’s not male anymore and now it’s me who has not to bother? ‘It’s just a symbol!’

Pronouns, maybe the option to report players because they don’t speak to you with the right words? Removing Alliance flags and replace them with rainbow flags because ‘it’s just a game’? Removing the friction between Horde and Alliance to have them work together to battle climate change?
I know these are pretty far-fetched, but nothing is too crazy nowadays.

Edit: 39 battleground popped, priorities.

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