sorry to tell you but yes, you are, you have to think of what power(s) is the better one(s) or which ones combine with other powers to become some super seiyan. But i understand that reading is too hard for some.
[With regional restarts] Enemy health increased for healer specializations and enemy physical damage increased for tank specializations. These changes are targeted towards solo players and have a reduced effect while in a group.
[With regional restarts] Enemy health and damage increased on floors 2, 4, and 5.
[With regional restarts] Dark Ascended Corrus, Warden Skoldus, and Cellblock Sentinel received minor ability adjustments and health tuning to bring them more in line with other bosses.
The new changes sounds even more anti-fun
Yeah, they do have some good changes for underpowered specs, but they also have a lot of nerfs for others. And the new blanket nerfs to healers / tanks, and then to everyone just to be sure - these are pretty terrible.
A single wing was ~45 min for me. What, was that not enough? Who asked for it to be longer???
Not intrested in Torghast sadly. To much work and since i am not into it. It reminds me the bland not motivation area of the first darksouls. Borin dull not rewardin and personal reward is not worth that much ether
For me, Torghast is an absolute nightmare. Yet another boring and time consuming part of the content that blizz kinda forces you to do for the legendaries. After I have enough soul ash for a 225 legendary I will not return to this hellscape.
I just skip all the floors by going stealth past every mob and if I get caught I sprint to the end of the floor and shadowmeld. Even then, I spend much more time than I want on these island expediations… I mean, visions… I mean, Torghast runs
Also, just the thought of doing this on an alt is reason enough not to level an alt at all for me. No thanks, I’ll just wait untill they come with some sort of catch-up system
torghast is freaking stupid and annoying i only do it when i have to for quest, i gave up legendaries because i am not gonna pay 11,99 to play something i do not enjoy with the stupid grinds always
Thorghast makes me want to stop playing, I can’t understand why they are doing this.
Fun detected and removed.
Not at the moment. It was fun the first couple of tries but with some of the boosts they’ve given mobs some of my alts are struggling. I can’t kill the level 2 boss anymore, or at least the one that I keep getting, he just burns me down to fast.
Probably come back to it when I’ve got better gear.
Blizzard reduced the amount of loot you get from M+ / Raids and if you simply don’t have the time to spam those things 24/7 like many of the “Git gud l2p” players here with no job or other responsibilities, you’re going to have a bad time.
So here I am sitting at 195ilvl getting wrecked within seconds after engaging the boss a minute ago and there’s nothing I can do about it. People will tell you “Just git gud” “Just get higher ilvl” — Yeah sure dude… Droprate is horrendous as it is and if every week is going to require 24/7 M+ to be able to do your weekly Torghast runs, it’s going to be terrible ordeal.
My take from Torghast thus far:
- If you don’t get good anima powers your chances of failing is significantly higher.
- Some anima powers are so ridiculously overpowered, that they make the endbosses stupidly easy to finish off and only magnifies the glaring issues with bad anima choices.
- There’s several overtuned / melee unfriendly bosses in Torghast. Bosses that take 20k of your HP within 3 seconds with AUTO-ATTACKS whilst having no no damage buffs on them within 30-60 seconds of the fight at 195ilvl. It doesn’t matter if you CC to heal up as he’ll eat that away the moment he gets out of it. With all CC on CD you’re practically finished as these bosses somehow keep up with you even if you use movement speed abilities.
- If you lack good anima powers, trash is going to take you a long time to get through which means your entire run may take 30-60 minutes.
- Failing after wasting so much time feels dreadful, not fun and unrewarding.
- Some class/spec/covenant combos have terrible anima power choices in general.
- There is no catch-up mechanic if you missed out a week
- There’s no alternative way to get Soul Ash aside from the rare mission from the Covenant mission table.
I didn’t particularly enjoy Horrific Visions but they weren’t as dreadful as this, the worst part about them was the “timer” and wasting a key if you failed, but at least you could choose to make it harder for higher rewards/enjoyment and you also got a portion of the reward depending on how much you cleared.
Torghast really is putting me off in such a bad way, as it’s practically mandatory considering you need Soul Ash to create- and upgrade your legendaries. It is very likely I’m probably not going to bother anymore as I’m not having fun doing this content at all, which also means I have to forget about doing any Mythic raiding this expansion but whatever. I rather play a game where I’m actually having fun, or some braindead time consuming farm that gives the opportunity to achieve the same than putting myself through this weekly dread.
Because those streamers were able to do endless runs with ridiculous anima power growth, which made them be ridiculously overpowered at some point and there were some quirky effects that came along with some of them.
I tell you how much I dislike Torghast, I still have the quest to get 1250 Soul Ash, currently sitting on 640 with no will to do it.
40 mins of sheer painfully slow, mind numbing content, with little sense of reward at the end, some Soul Ash if you are successful, sod all if you fail.
It was sold on sandbox fun
The reality is dull, repetitive content that is the same over and over and over again and you are forced to do it if you want ledgendaries.
Its boring forced content. All the wings have been indistinguishable
Because there is no catch up mechanic for soul ash you feel like you have to do it as much as possible. So this week thats 4 runs per character, burning out the content before the end of week 3
The difference in anima power is night and day, hunter powers seem to be an absolute piss take, in a dungeon where movement speed is not required why are so many powers based on this
requiring 6 levels without stopping or reward till you complete, means that you can go through an entire run and not be able to kill the end boss, despite clearing out and receiving every anima power possible
Torghast is making me thinking about quitting if this is supposed to be the weekly end game loop
If I enter a raid, and struggle to kill a boss and give up after 40 minutes, I walk away with no loot.
Why should Torghast offer something if I fail at the last hurdle when raiding doesn’t?
Because raiding “is a choice?” like how the gear from raiding “is an option to pursue”? Why is the Leggo “essential/mandatory” as opposed to “an option to pursue”?
i don’t get this angle of people saying they’re forced to do it. You’re not forced to run Torghast any more than you’re forced to step into a M0 for 184 gear. You want the leggo gear (better gear) then do the content it comes from successfully.
You fail to kill any boss in M0? No loot. Same principle. The only parts of the game that reward you even if you fail are the timed element of M+ (well it rewards one player in the group) and unranked PvP (honor, albeit a lot less) but ranked pvp (conquest), raids, killing bosses to trigger their loot table, none of this is granted if you fail to achieve the objective but for some reason Torghast needs to give you something because it “can take long”.
So can raiding, you fail that, all you get given is a repair bill and you can spend hours wiping. Like Torghast it is a choice you can pursue, the fact you pursue it doesn’t mean you’re entitled to the rewards it offers without meeting the success criteria similar to how you wouldn’t expect raid loot to drop because you turned up to a PUG, wiped a dozen times and left.
Just wanted to add my voice, but Blizzard please don’t implement these buffs/changes you’re making. Torghast was fun week 1 and 2. Then this week just gone…it kinda dragged a bit. It just dragged. A game mode that you can solo shouldn’t take an hour+ when the only way to “pause” your progress is to play chicken with the auto-disconnect at the start of a new floor or on 3 or 6 under the shield.
Difficulty is fine, if it didn’t cost over an hour of your time and leave you walking away with nothing at all to show. RNG on the powers is fine, once again if it doesn’t result in you throwing away an hour of your time because you got crap powers and can’t take the boss. Are you sensing a theme here? And all the proposed changes are going to do is artificially make the runs take longer. I think the proof of that is in the tank/healer nerfs (admittedly Kyrian Protadin is a little broken). Specs always handle things a little differently, tanks and healers are often the way to go on solo content like this (visions), so the nerf just smacks of “No it must take this long for everybody.” Instead of bringing others up to that level, they decided that it must take an age for everyone equally instead.
Please don’t do this Blizz, you’ve tied player power to this place and it WAS good fun the first 2 weeks. Don’t throw the good will you’ve earned back away on what we all know is a metric you want to show off to your shareholders. Walk this crap back because good launch aside, it’s too early to screw with us like this. SL may be a major step up from BFA (I’m very much enjoying it, these issues aside), but BFA ain’t all that long ago, don’t go back to that style of development by engagement metric.
I heard it was originally intended as a way for solo players to gear up but rip that
The major differences being that raiding is something I really enjoy doing as bosses have interesting mechanics, you have to work together and you can infinitely retry the boss until you get it down. You progress together with guildmates/friends.
Thorghast on the other hand is forced down your throat as you need the Soul Ash to craft/upgrade your legendary because raiding without it is purposely gimping your own performance. After 4-6 deaths your run is over and you have to start from the very first floor again of that layer basically setting you back 30-60 minutes, whereas in raids you just walk back to the boss and try again. The bosses also don’t have any interesting mechanics, just a common DPS check and ridiculous (white) damage from the get go which is near impossible on certain classes/specs to get by if your anima powers are garbage.
As mentioned above: Without it you’re gimping your performance in any type of content if you don’t have a legendary item. Most guilds/groups will require you to have a legendary as a bare minimum, the bare participance “fee” if you will.
Not really as there are multiple avenues to get similar ilvl (if not better) gear opposed to only ONE avenue to gain Soul Ash. I don’t think you get it at all.
Those hours are not wasted, as you’ll see progress on the encounter, which is not always in huge leaps but regardless still progress. If you deplete your lives in Torghast because the only actual mechanic is a DPS-check, there’s no walking back up to the boss as you’ll get a different boss in every retry.
There’s also no lockout mechanism in place for Torghast, where you just go out, get better gear or whatever and try again at a later time. You have to redo every single floor again, hoping you get better anema powers this time and/or a more forgiving boss.
The only similarity Torghast has to PUGS is RNG, Pugs are volatile as you don’t know whether you’ll be succesful as you have to rely on people but in Torghast it’s mostly whether you get the right anema powers. Which entirely depends on your class/spec/covenant combination, some combinations have an easy time regardless of what anema powers they get.
Torghast was fun in beta when said streamers/beta testers played it, you could ramp up in power almost infinitely ending up becoming an unholy wrecking ball that can 1shot and destroy anything and everything. The Torghast we got is a watered down pocket-sized version dumbed and dulled down from what they had in beta. I hope they’ll eventually release and endless versio nof Torghast like in beta so people can actually have some fun there exploring absolutely broken builds and whatnot, like they did in beta.
What Torghast needs is more things to get from it.
Only Twisting Corridors will be giving us some form of different/better rewards (cosmetics) compared to other instances…but come on. Just getting Ash is really not nice and very unrewarding.
They really need to do something about rewards per instance.
So apparently they also removed gear drops from Torghast because Mythic raiders complained? Lol…
- Torghast should drop cosmetic armor pieces, backpacks and other fun and unique armor bits.
- Torghast should drop more battle pets.
- Torghast should have a rare mount drop that is farmable.
- Torghast should drop gear in higher and harder levels, reward that hard work.
If none above, then give unique currency and a vendor that will sell all these things. It will keep the Tower active and give players a means to farm more of it.
Once I finish my legendary (if ever…UH is taking forever to get it), I doubt I’ll be returning there ever again.
The player base really is a bunch of loot crazed withered zombies.
What happened to personal satisfaction in completing something? You are appear obsessed on the outcome of things rather than the experience.
Also where did this belief develop that everyone should stomp tier 8? We don’t all do Mythic raids or +20 M+ keys so why is the belief that we all should complete Torghast at max level?
I’ve said this else where but I don’t understand the majority of people on this forum at all.