Yeah, I personally love the creativity of it. I love to try my best with whatever I’m given, and anima randomness adds extra fun for me. I get it’s not like this for people who want a meta experience. I’m very happy the game now caters to all different kinds of players.
I dont enjoy it but they did the right thing by only making 1 weekly run mandatory (and only then until you get the lego you want).
It doesnt impact much on my usual gameplay but I imagine its fun for people like that kind of thing!
Isn’t there like 3 different types of it? Not just the dmg increase one.
Torghast was fun for a week with the first layers, now starting from the 5th layer it’s a painful boring slog that I refuse to do
Yes, had the when you entangle it is a dot too.
It had like 10k damage every 2 seconds, and I just rooted the floor bosses to death… Since it doesn’t break from its own damage
I’m doing Torghast on my bear druid and so far I am having a blast with it.
got issues with my lowgear rogue on the empowered mob that casts disarm before the warden boss to free baine
i stun him heal myself stay out of his slam interrupt his cast and he hits hard
Its literarly is just fishing for anima powers. I main a holy priest but respec to shadow for solo content. If i get the instant mindblast anima power i can beat every lvl 3 end boss without problems. If i dont get it i dont have the dps to kill them. Very balanced and fun… We sould be able to buy permanent anima powers with stygia.
The rewards are garbage, the content is mandatory and the gameplay of wow is just wow, its not fast paced, its not fast all, its slow and boring, especially when pared in solo content like this. There is nothing bood about torgasth at all. Dealing with the lastest sets of mobs that spam fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear fear like some freaking warlock as well has been the most boring experince I have ever had in WoW ever thus far.
The flair of wow was always raids and pvp. PvP is unrewarding and gutted. Lacks zero sense to play it sense you wont be competive unless you are mythic hardcore raider or whatever. Raids are still good, but yea, we have got all this mandatory BS around it all the time like torghast that is just mind bogglingly boring.
As mentioned ARPGs are fast paced and have constant loot rains. You slaugther hundres of mobs a second and on top of that progression is always fast. Completing something takes less than 20 minutes, as little as 1 min. Torghast is a 30+ min run of boredom unless you are some super mega ultra pro class.
Yeah, it is a Borrowed Power Gathering area, that does give you some extra oomph for the one meaningful encounter, but when I say it’s unrelated to the boss, I mean it’s not related to the boss by story, or by theme, or by race, or by power type. It’s not like cutting your way through Gnolls to get to Hogger, or working your way through the Lich King’s lieutenants up the tower of ICC. Even Islands had trash that was thematically consistent.
Torghast is an amazing concept and could be a great addition to World of Warcraft in the future.
Unfortunately, the “could” is the operative word. At the moment, Torghast isn’t a great addition. It is incomplete and requires alot of work to make it fun enjoyable content that you want to repeat over and over (like Dungeons). I can’t help but feel I am Alpha testing a concept.
A few potential improvements:
Class Balance - I walk through on my Paladin, and struggle on my Mage. That’s not balanced. Then if I find it so easy to run solo on my Paladin, why would I want to group with others and make it harder for myself?
Reward - Give the player something to work towards. Sure the Legendary is something. Cool, but what else? Something needs to added to this to make it stand alone. Once I’ve got my Legendary (which I have), why do I need to keep coming here. Pets and Mounts should be kept to minimum.
Time Invested - Quite honestly, by the time I have finished a top Layer Solo run on my Paladin, I am bored out of my mind. It’s lasted too long and quite frankly there is no challenge. On my Mage, I am just left too frustrated that I don’t want to go back in there. And after all of the time spent in there all you get is a little bit of soul ash. This goes back to the previous 2 area of improvement Class Balance and Reward.
As I say, on paper Torghast is fantastic, even playing through it and when talking about it with my friends in game, it sounds so exciting, but in play, it’s just not that exciting. I had hoped that it would become Islands 2.0 in placement in the expansion, but with a more permanent role in the future of Warcraft.
TL:DR - Torghast is incomplete, requires alot of work to make it fun and repeatable.
I just do it for the weekly ash and it’s enough, kind of neutral about it, tbh the layout is too repetitive, 2 floors, then broker, 2 floors, then boss. I though that it would be more of an exploration, going trough a maze like tower, unlocking new floors and bosses, making some small bases and rest areas inside etc. Right now I know exactly what I will get, so the first run I did was quite fun, now it’s starting to feel like more of a chore. I did notice some new anima powers, no idea if these were added or I just didn’t get them before. Hopefully they will implement more stuff into it.
One thing I would definitely like to see is a way to upgrade my character in thorgast by doing thorgast runs, the powers that are in the maw right now should have been made into things one acquires trough thorgas runs. Another would be to actually have a sense of progress, if I say finished a run after 6 floors the next time I come into thorgast I would like to pick up where I left off, not be forced into starting the same 6 floors pattern again.
Having an option of jumping into a higher floor with say 10 anima powers rather then starting at floor 1 would be more fun as well, the first few floors feel like a chore.
As long as there is zero rewards for a whole week after you’ve done it once ( twice, both wings ) , it can’t be…fun!
Fun is when you get rewards for things you do. So doing it more then once ( twice, both wings ), is no fun, since it takes from 20 min to … 1h maybe to complete it.
so farm only l4
you will be like 180 ash behind person who clears it on 6.
its not like that amount will change how you play game
but that would defeat its chalenge .
you are getting that by gearing up in raid/mythic + gear and obtaining more conduits.
yeah I did like this plattformer part in the one section.
ye … they deliberately did this
all they had to do is 2 floors and boss on 3rd - and on those 2 floors tripple the amount of powers you get while making floor 2 much harder then 1 and boss even more chalenging.
it shoudl take tops 15 minutes per run
but as always they listened to streamers who dont mind spedning there few hours - since its literaly their job to play game. making the game effecitvely unfun for masses of players
its just boring. no challenge nothing so far and just takes ages to finish. just double the amount of anima power d rops so atleast you can have fun doing this mandatory sleeper content
I hate it and the fact i have to do it to get a legendary makes it annoying as hell.
No way will i be doing it for any alts which is terrible as it means none of them will be able to do any of the actual content i actually like doing so its likly only my palla will be doing any raiding this exp.
I know a lot hated the randomness of legen from legion but i still think it was better than this crap.
Idd what should have been mandatory should be minimal if they still wanna get that “ego boost” for their “hardwork”, but than just let the infinite e-peen tower that is already planned be whatever time you want it to. Really was not point in forcing everyone to this slow agonizing runs.