Is Torghast Fun for You?

Having done that type of content to death already in FF14, I’m quite tired of Torghast. I guess that once the legendary is up to a decent level, there’s no reason to run Torghast any more. There’s simply not enough reward for the massive effort there is in running that place week after week after week.

I had one fun power. Once every floor my Shattering throw did 1500% damage. I killed the last boss with one throw.
But most of the time its boring or impossible thanks the bad luck.

No, it’s a disaster. I hate Torghast with all of my heart. The Maw and Torghast are worst ShL parts

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Done everything i could each week including this week. Long boring tedium and soul ash doesn’t feel rewarding to me.

Maybe i’m so used to spamming islands expeditions , but would it hurt to throw some mog in there , mounts etc . I mean the maw has many races and civilisations souls trapped in there.

I need a carrot on a stick and i’m starting to turn into stubborn and frumpy mule about doing it anymore.

Difficulty is fine. Dungeon layout is tedious and repetitive.

I personally think they should cut the number of floors per layer in half and increase the number of anima powers to compensate. Sometimes less is more.

so far it’s been pretty fun for what it is: something you jump on for a few hours and do every week and then don’t return until it’s time again.

if it was something akin to islands where you had to grind them over and over and over for artifact power type rewards I would probably be sick of it though.

doing torghast once was fun, doing it every week, not fun, it gets real tedious especially if you get bad rng and have a bad torghast class / spec etc
When it comes to low content you want to rush through and skip 90% of trash and when ur doing the hardest one you cant afford to and you have to waste time hoping for anima and anima powers from that 90% trash and its just boring, 90% boring, 10% using the fun torghast stuff and ability like heroism totems or 100x slam or shattering damage into a boss etc

One of the best content in history of wow.

Wish it had endless mode and more cosmetic rewards for high difficulty tho

thats the problem for many people

doing thorgast once to get like as many layers could have been potentialy fun

but at current iteration its just boring mindless mandatory weekly grind.

which is killing thorgast as potentialy fun feature

its obvious they had 0 faith in thorgast - thats why they locked legendaries sololy behind thorgast

torghast is a repetitive slog… there is no real point to doing it other than get soul ash… its like islands in bfa…

its like they made content which could of been something and then forgot to add anything to it to make it fun to do…

the identicle room layouts… the repeating events… the mind numbingly boring boss fights…

to think this is going to have to be done every week … is crazy… any one who does it every is either crazy or delusional.

i actually made alts… but stopped playing them because screw putting multiple alts through torghast each week … one is enough.

typical blizzard fashion they just made a shell and forgot to put anything prizes inside…

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I like Torghast but i have a few gripes with it

Some wings of Torghast are just WIDLY more punishing than others, like you have one wing wich ‘‘affix’’ is that enemies deal 5% more physical damage, then you have the soulforges wich affix is that you literally lose 3% MAX HP every few seconds

like the challenge between wings goes from nothing to literally killing you on its own

the second thing is that torghast right now is boring because we cant really earn anything cosmetic so the reward right now is just to keep up with the pack

This is it.

I feel blizz is so desperate to make content drag out and last, they seem to not realize they’re removing the fun.

imho they need to bring back the first iteration of Torghast. Let it just be a fun thing people can do for cosmetics, anima, gold (not the 20g BS), etc. Not everything has to be related to player power progression because when they are, I feel Blizz feel the need to gate the crap out of it or mess around with it, sucking all the fun out.

Bring back Mage Tower with new rewards.

Revive the Brawlers guild.

Make Torgasht its own standalone bit of content, unrelated to power, and just go crazy with the abilities, make it over the top and crazy.

The game just needs fun content players can do when they want a break from progression. I hope Twisting corridors is going to be that or someone like me who wants to do Torghast all the time, won’t bother outside of the weekly Soul Ash rewards


It looks great and the playability is fun, but the difficulty between the mobs and the end bosses seems unbalanced.
If it were for example to gain in difficulty each floor until reaching the final boss, instead of going from cake walk to kick in the nuts, then it would make more sense.
And the loot really sucks.
Spending so much time then losing everything for not beating the end boss makes it uninteresting to me.
Im sure others will find it part of the thrill and challenge, but from my perspective, something…anything would be better than nothing

This exactly what I feel too.

Yes lots of fun.

I had a army of blink clones on my mage due to reducing it to less than 1 sec cooldown and each blink making a copy of myself, was hilarious.

Think roughly 9 copies + 4 mirror images :smiley:

1 floor is face roll the other one you get face rolled, there is no in between there is only stress.

strait up, no.

First of all what kind of a challange it is, I never die since my class is broken there, same as some others, whereas some have trouble even finishing…

Since the floors scale up, as you get gear the difficulty will either stay the same or get harder/easier, the challange is only there for certain classes.

What allowing players to skip first floors, so say start at 3/6 isntead of 1/6 would just cut down on time, if you had a line of 10-15 anima orbs to pick powers from and start on lvl 3 you would be in the same place as runing it normally but without having to slog trough first floors, and have more option of playing around with builds and hence having fun.

Overall it could be fun, but right now it’s leaning more towards a chore.

One thing I absolutely hate about it is the debuff with adds spawning outside of combat, what I really liked my first run was that I could take however much time I wanted, with this it pushes the rush rush rush again, which sucks.


I enjoy Torghast as solo content. I find it fun to dive in there for an hour, do a floor and then move on to something else…


For this purpose it isn’t really repeatable enough as is. It is lacking any kind of incentive to do it other than once a week for your soul ash, which is a missed opportunity. Torghast should also have other rewards. It doesn’t have to be current gear as such, but cosmetics, mounts, that kind of stuff to make it worthwhile to run repeatedly.

I also agree that the random add spawn whenever have to go, they defeat part of the purpose and fun of Torghast… looking at a mob pack that is more than you think you can handle and planning how you’re going to take it on and live (only for the adds to pop up as you pull and wreck you as your planning goes down the pan).