Is World of Warcraft only made for competitive players?

To the op what would be the point of doing a mythic 17 dungeon if you obviously do not have time to play the game and you are a casual player?

As for mythic 10, is it you causing a group to fail or is it the entire group failing? It could be a number of things as to why you cannot do a mythic 10: bad pug groups, not knowing the dungeon layout, not knowing the affixes, bad healing, bad tanking etc… the list is endless.

My suggestion is to first run the dungeon on lower mythic keys to build up your knowledge of the dungeon and affixes. Then perhaps try a higher key with people you know or your guildies to test it out. Once you narrow down the problem as to why you cannot do mythic 10’s then you can move on.

Lol well than you have just not been looking at those groups for lower keys, i have seen so many groups for like a ‘+5 checking rio’ or ‘+7 checking’
Not that i care now, never did, but there are multiple groups of +10 and below with demands like that


Then go to classic and stop whining about retail here, obvious troll is obvious.

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I’m sorry, is this some sort of casual joke that I’m to elite to understand?

Absolutely not. Classic is for competitive players. If you want to do that sort of content though, you need to join a guild or community. Having said that, they have content from being able to do a few minutes a day to hours on end. Mythic+ is not really the sort for those who can’t do hours on end.

I am laughing at all these “casuals” who want to play classic …

Judging by people who want to play there either it will die before 90% of whole community can reach 60 or it will be more toxic than naxx plague quarters …

Actually… Wow even back in 2006 was incredibly casual, still is compared to most mmos on the market.

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but the fact still remains, had there not be been esports in arena, rated bgs, M+. we most likely would have way more intrested classes, that most likely would not be balanced at all eighter, and probably way more things to do and less timegating, but due to having esports, Blizzard has to try and balance things out, what literaly meens pruning a lot, what has been done, so yes the game is more for competitive gaming now, what is actualy realy bad.

I don’t use DBM and I do +9 keys with only my left hand by pressing on “q-3-e-4” and sometimes ctrl+d (Rallying Cry for noobs in my group that struggles).

For +10 and above it takes 2 more fingers so 7 fingers are more than enough for so called hard content.The game is pretty easy unless you are extremely incapable and talentless.

m+ is easy and simple to do. There is absolutely nothing competitive to it. The only thing that comes close to a single shred of competitive side to m+ is dodging or doing mechanics right on higher keys so you don’t get one shot.

TL:DR: It’s all down to player skill and it doesn’t matter if you play 2 or 10 hours if you got the skill, and a team of course. Pugs are full of hypocrites.

Its not that compedetiv its about if you know what you do kinda deal. M+ in Legion was challanging but in BFA they feel more like you need to stay focus and have great damage to complete them.
I have tried M+ 7+ and for me i always do the most damage in the groups i join in pugs and i see my self failing at some part during boss fights so its not for compedetiv players at all its for everyone casual to hardcore you just need to be good with your class which i was in Legion alot more then in BFA.

Why do you need endgame M+10 if you’re casual? Maybe you want mythic raiding as well? Get your casual 385 ilvl from Nazjatar for free and relax.

The endgame is made for competetive players.
Everything before that is yours to play as you want. My advice, have your adventures then move on. If you can find an endgame guild that works to your tastes, stay.


m10 is already as casual as it can get ;D

Everything else is not casual but rather not willing to press 3 buttons in the correct order.

I healed a +8 on my shaman at 385 it was hell and lots of wipes but we did it…im sure you can do a +10 with nt prespective

Ok im sorry to say but YES its made for hardcore players and if more players like you come across we’d have more options to group up like lfr, wich if you look at 80% of the playerbase defenitly dont want, im talking about titanforging, lfr, lfd and the game basicly revolving around rng, if you are a casual player with all these options you should be able to do 10+ if not then you are also already playing a big part of the game.


Or you could join a casual hc raiding guild, play like 6 hrs a week raiding [already a big increase in ilvl] and then do some 10+ with your guildies.

Did you do IT in time? Cus 90% of my pugs leave after 1 wipe

I’m a casual and I just did +16 Atal’Dazar yesterday? I also got Curve (8/8 HC) and 2100 in 2s with some random people while only playing a few hours a day

I have never been in a serious guild and have always played the game casually, the only thing I haven’t been able to pug is any Gladiator title or Cutting Edge, but that’s where things really become time consuming and not casual anymore.

a casual player can do that.
I am a casual player and did (many) +10 or higher dungeons on several chars.
Don’t mistake casual for being lazy or bad at the game.
I don’t have more time that about 1h per day to play, sometimes just a little more than 1h