Is wow dead

I also came straight from classic vanilla (181 days played on my main char on classic) I always had something to do, I never raid logged until TBC got released.

Rank 14 grind, WS saber grind, dungeon grinds for runes, Mara grinds for 300+ runs for an epic dagger, Sunken temple 100+ runs for an epic spirit chest, 1 pulling, solo farming dungeons like BRM just for fun and hopefully for some voracity & constitution librams.
(mp5/drinking set) Tidal Charm PVP, Gurbashi arena PVP with the rankers literally everyday, open world pvp(Baywatch pvp near ZG island) farming mats(fishing,herbing etc open world and pvp meanwhile). twice a week we chilled in Ogrimmar for some pvp with 5/6 peop on disc. Alot of RPing also while pvping it was fun, the world was large enough.

I mean the open world pvp things should be doable still but people just don’t bother in Outlands. it’s no fun, the areas are just kinda lame and people just fly away. Most of the alliance are gone also so when you try to pvp a bit you basically just get rushed by 10 zugzugs. In Azeroth you literally find no1 to pvp with all the zones are dead, I went to Gurubashi Arena the last few days and there was no1 that even bothered going there.

Also we didn’t had tank issues or healing issues that we currently have. I always joined old dungeons, I liked them for example BRM and Scholo. I kinda hate the currenty TBC dungeons, they are either to short and it’s basically just 1 road 3/4 bosses no unique special items that can drop that are worth farming like runes, weird epics with 0.% drop chance(for example baron mount, mara dagger, scholo staff). Currently people have to spam multiple hours LFG to find a tank&healer.

I got about 15 days played in TBC and I really don’t bother to log on. There simply is nothing to farm. I hope later patches will have more content for farmers/grinders. I am looking forward to the Skyguard & Netherdrake thing but I assume thats just a 1 hour daily grind and eventually you just get it.

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It’s not ‘dead’, plenty of people are still playing, but it’s nowhere near as busy as it once was. This is due to a combination of things, some of them are Blizzard’s fault, others are players’ fault.

Blizzard destroyed people’s reasons to play the game properly, to be out and about in the world, levelling characters, forming guilds, playing the game due to their damnable pay-to-win boost, which killed the old world stone dead, got everyone to Outland at super-fast speed, there they rushed to 70, rushed through existing content, got bored, and began raid logging.

It would still be happening even without the boosts, but the boosts speeded it up and put the whole process on steroids.

There’s a huge amount of disappointment with Blizzard and the game in general right now, cause by a combination of Blizzard’s shady activities, greedy cash-grabbing, apparent lack of love for the game, and over all the recent Horde PvP battleground storm in a teacup that was massively jacked up by streamers, and the online communities until it far exceeded the sum of it’s parts. Either way a lot of people quit.

And then there’s the players themselves - who insist on their zooming, rushing, meta/min/maxing mindsets, meaning that once they’ve absorbed all existing content there’s nothing left for them to do - at least nothing that interests them.

exactly this, blizzard so eager to pay boby 200M bonus that the world feels empty now.
“why take 15 days 1-70 when i can wallet 1-70”

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