Isle of Conquest Alliance favoured

100%, 10char.

Also i’m doing a IoC just to check things out now, the Horde ship can 100% at least hit the Alliance side of Hangar, being hit for 500k a shot :frowning: , Not sure about flag spot though.

Still both sides reach Hangar flag at same time once again.

That’s the only part I think is an issue.
Either both should be able to, or none. I didn’t know Horde wasn’t able to until recently.

I don’t think Alliance reaching Hangar first is a massive issue. This only seems to be an issue whilst Hangar is perceived to be superior, but I’ve seen teams commit to Glaives & win (agree they could use a buff).
If Alliance do take Hangar, there’s a fairly good chance ~20 of them will jump into Horde Keep for reasons that have baffled me for years. That’s the best time for Horde to attack Hangar.
Also, can’t Glaives hit Alliance gate from Hangar platform?

Yes but getting even one there isn’t all that easy. I only see Horde premades employ this tactic and then they go the long way around from Horde side.

Yeah, there is geographical difference between the two sides, that’s it.

The only viable strat as Horde rn is to get mid, get demos, go from Alliance side to hangar and try to overpower them with sieges. Sadly every one seems to be braindead zugzug machines and just goes straight to hangar to die and leave in the first five minutes.

I also believe fast mass disruptive are more effective for the Alliance than they are for the Horde due that sloped gulch.

Like on my druid, in stealth I have 245% movement speed increase for 18 seconds (faster than mount). I use this speed to head straight into the gulch and typhoon everyone back, aided by the fact it’s down hill and typhoon is extra effective, then I use overrun, which again knocks more people back aided by the fact it’s downhill. Then I use mass entanglement to keep people there, with a disorienting roar to catch any extra stragglers.

Overall I moved back quite a few people who otherwise would have reached the flag.

This works two-fold because A. it reduces the horde available to fight at flag. B. Every second bought allows more Alliance laggards to trickle in and gain that foothold at the top.

I can’t do that on Horde side to the Alliance, because Alliance has a wide platue and does not go downhill. I can only disrupt 4-5 people max instead of 15+.

Can imagine there must be quite a few other knockbackers, thunderstorm shamans, etc, attempting to do the same.

This is correct. Alliance has an advantage in terms of speed and a superior position in the first fight for Hangar. The Horde can still win this fight, if they make proper use of speed boosts like Nitro, Goblin glider, Dragon fruit, Crusader aura and do not engage in combat until they climbed up the hill and reached the flag.

The odds are against the Horde, but it can still be done and therefore, going hangar with 40 man as Horde is the correct starting play.

AfKing in the base or wasting time indecisively going for workshop just to turn around and going for hangar after all is something that should be avoided at all costs. Going for Docks is also worthless. Glaives are made out of cardboard and can easily be stopped.

Yes, the alliance can shoot at the hangar flag from the gunship while the Horde can’t do the same. This is asymmetrical game design and the alliance is also favored in this regard. Furthermore, the alliance can shoot at Horde players trying to attack Hangar from the north anywhere, because the alliance gunship covers all the way from Hangar to Horde keep and everything in between, including the gulch the Horde players have to climb to reach hangar.

The mistake many Horde players make is that they play into the alliance gunship and just get blown up from above when they try to attack from the north side.

What should the Horde do instead?
If the first attack on Hangar fails, take Workshop.
Call everyone to regroup at Workshop and wait one minute until it is red.
In the meantime, you tell everyone that you will attack Hangar again, but from the SOUTH side, with demolishers.
Take all 4 Horde demolishers and as many horde infantry players as you can gather and go south, to the crossroads near alliance front gate.
Then, instead of attacking the front gate with the demos, take a turn left and run up the road the alliance takes to reach hangar.
Then, attack Hangar with your demolishers and horde infantry that followed your instructions.

I heavily recommend getting the raid leader in order to use raid warnings, floating raid marks, give yourself an icon such as X or SKULL above your head and tell everyone to follow you. Also use the ping system to mark the path you want to use.

The alliance usually slacks on defense once they have taken Hangar. You can expect up to 10 alliance players to defend Hangar.

Presumably for this reason.
These people fail to differentiate between essential objectives such as defending hangar and optional objectives such as laying bombs, which is only there to speed up the process.

If the Horde attack on Hangar fails, you can attempt it again, also with a siege engine, but always attack from the south side to stay out of reach of the alliance gunship. If everything else fails, you can call the horde team to defend horde keep when the horde gate is about to go down. In this case, taking refinery and quarry and defending it is crucial to restore your reinforcements. This is your plan C.

While the bg is asymmetrical and does indeed favor the alliance, A Horde player who knows what is going on should not struggle to win. I played around 300 rounds on this map as horde, my win rate is 75%, most of these rounds were during the hangar meta. I do not queue sync with multiple groups.

For this you have to speculate on the scenario that among 40 opponents, not one of them is smart enough to destroy your glaives, which is not realistic at all. It takes an enormous amount of luck to win with glaives alone nowadays. They are way too fragile to be viable and rely on the cluelessness of the opponents to be any good.

It is a pretty smart thing to do in general as horde. If you drive the glaives south, they WILL get destroyed. If you take a detour towards hangar, which is horde controlled in this scenario, you can reach a save firing position and also fire at the correct gate, that is the alliance east gate which is already getting attacked by hangar. If you manage to pull this off, the horde has some serious firepower and can destroy the alliance gate in no time.

I would not recommend this for the reason that if you avoid going to Hangar and giving them a fight, the alliance will wait at hangar and prepare for your attack. It is easier to catch them off guard when you first fight at hangar and get defeated and then take workshop and attack them from the south as I have described. Besides, if you all go to Hangar there is a chance you can win the first fight.

We always seem to get there just ahead of Horde if I play Alliance. unless Horde have used gliders and buffs to get there faster. It’s definitely a disadvantage for Horde though, I would argue, as it’s quite easy to blast Horde halfway down the hill with Overrun/Typhoon so that if they don’t get there extremely quickly then they are at a loss, unless they get there ultra quick and are way too strong and can overpower us.
However, I do think Horde have the Glider advantage as there’s barely anywhere to glide long enough from on Alliance side (that I’m aware of) so when enough Horde use the correct gate and glide/buff then they can get there well ahead of us, especially seeing as our paladins 80% of the time forget to use Crusader Aura.

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They could probably just remove this red piece of road and it would maybe make it perfect, possibly a tiny bit horde favoured.

the same issue exists at Docks, although no one goes there anymore. I always found it insane that they were happy to let the Alliance get to docks first and have a tiny bit of a high ground and time to spread out before the Horde got there.


@Leeches your colouring-in skills could use a bit of work. You went over the lines on a few occasions. :stuck_out_tongue:

i was fighting crime irl at the same time, my bad

Cool idea, I like that

Much easier would be implement hidden mount speed debuff which slowing down abit mount speed for first min of bg for aliance unless remodeling/retexturing map…5% speed penalty should be enough.

Those who say that the Alliance arrives at the same time as the Horde, I don’t know what game you play, but it is not the same as everyone else’s. Isle of Conquest urgently needs a review, because for months now, the bg has been unplayable for the Horde, anyone who plays epics as a horde, know that 70% of the time you play that bg, you are going to lose under normal conditions because The Alliance arrives first and has the advantage of Height.

Either they modify the terrain, or they improve the other bases to make it more feasible to play other strategies, because right now the needle throwers are not a viable option at all, since they die easily and the siege machines lack the damage to be a valid option to destroy the doors.

I wonder how many replies are needed to actually take actions. I gues Blizz to-do-list is humongous but still…

I recorded a round yesterday where we pulled off the demolisher assault on hangar strategy after being wiped in the first fight.


The recording includes the entire round, but the most important stuff takes place in the first few minutes. We get wiped and regroup around minute 3. Take Hangar a few minutes later. Then we just repel all attacks on hangar, destroy enemy vehicles and fight in their keep.

I recorded this gameplay while sobering up from a party this friday night. If you are wondering why I make questionable and slow plays or take forever to write calls, it is because of this. But the focus here is more on showcasing the strategy as opposed to MW gameplay.

If you lose the first fight as Horde, don’t give up. Try this instead. It works most of the time.

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If that were true I’d expect to see more 30% w/l ratios on Horde side, but most players in this thread (who haven’t hidden their profile) fluctuate around 50% w/l.

No doubt.
My point is that if we’re fixing biases, Glaives hitting gate from Hangar should be enabled or disabled for both teams, no?

Sure. If Alliance gets a slightly longer route to Hangar in return, we can agree to that.

But frankly, I doubt the developers will put conscious effort in to revamp the map that has been the same for such a long time. A much easier fix on their side would be to increase the health pool of vehicles so that glaives become more viable.

Would you record your travel time as an Alliance from gate to actual Flag, and as a Horde from gate to actual Flag, under comparable but optimal circumstances? Now i’m getting curious.

I firmly believe it’s not travel time from base > flag, but rather the route + spread between active players and laggards that causes the disadvantage for the Horde.

If it’s going to be hard fixed with a route change, it’s far better to adjust the terrain on the horde side, to widen that gulch and steepen it. Maybe cut off a second or two if you must.

Horde laggards get punished harder for being late than Alliance, because the Alliance players at the front will actively run into the gulch and aoe/root/knockback slow Horde. With the end effect that the bulk of slower Horde players can’t reach the flag and the few people that made it are easily wiped out.

Advancing Horde front runners cannot do this to Alliance because there is no gulch on Alliance side and they have to move uphill (can’t jump up ridge). But Alliance front runners can jump down that ridge into their gulch from above… So it’s one way traffic.

So it may appear as if it’s travel time issue, but I think it’s mostly the environment and the fact it’s ‘randoms’ participating with a huge difference in timing between those at the head and those at the tail.

If ALL Horde left at the same time as soon as the gate opens they would be at the flag in time to avoid being slowed down in the gulch, but the bulk of randoms don’t care about timers.

They will just email, watch TV, go to the bathroom, get a snack, taking it slow, suddenly decide to switch from docks to hanger… Those people who are 5 seconds behind will get stuck in that gulch. But Alliance laggards don’t have a gulch to get stuck in.

I think there just can’t be that much of a difference in travel time, at least not enough to allow Alliance to tag it without horde being able to intervene. I never had a single match where I as Alliance, arrived at the flag with no Horde present, there is always a fight. Just an uneven one due to early mentioned problem.

Aka the ability of the front runners of Alliance to be able to cut off the laggards of Horde, but the Horde front runners not being able to cut off the laggards of the Alliance.

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It would be sad if people criticised your gameplay instead of focusing on the reason that this was recorded in the first place - to show a strat to back Hangar after losing the initial fight.