Isle of Conquest Alliance favoured

Yeah I realise that, it’s just bizarre the difference in mentality that I observe between the 2 factions in EBG’s, not exclusively to IOC. For whatever reason, it seems to me at least, that Alliance just tend to do the things that they should be doing to win games, way more in unison than Horde do.

haha no way, the amount of times i have lost Alterac valley, because alliance dont get Towers or want to kill Galv instead of pushing
or cap IB graveyard and we get spawn camped

trust me alliance has its downsides too, i hate playing AV now

you get like 2 people that do towers while everyone else rushes to drek and sits on " AFK hill " outside dreks throne room

Oh, no doubt, I’ve seen it from both sides but in my own experience, Alliance just seem to do it better. My win rates in EBG’s since returning about 4 months ago have been very different. On horde in IOC I win like 40% on Alliance its around 70%, AV is a lot closer but still winning under 50%.

People sitting outside the towers instead of inside them till they burn is infuriating though, again both sides do it and it boggles the mind why they do it.

haha yeah, and then you get comments like " WHY DID YOU DIE?" and the person making said comment is farming the rams or sitting off centre at a bridge…

but i expect these type of low IQ plays from a game that is casual like EBG. had it been a RBG those people would be kicked or never invited

  • one time i had a guy fight at the side of a tower, to only get knocked off the tower and then we lose the tower, and then lose the game because he couldn’t position himself properly

should be pretty obvious when you have a shaman fighting you that you will get knocked off

Problem is too that with the Horde, going to the left <---- has a huge drop out the gate.

It is necessary to take that fall damage (about HALF hp) or you aren’t saving time than say, going through the front door.

All my horde team mates after are already at a disadvantage, even with passive healing, they arrive at the flag with only 75% of their health.

Same too is the point of meeting, a lot of Developers seem to overlook and think that the high ground gives the Alliance no advantage, that is wrong.

With the Horde, while fighting on the hill, they are incapable of Line-of-Sight target the healers on the back of the Alliance side, allowing them to Free Cast. This is specially true when some of us (like the Dracthyr) that need a path to CC or dodge, it’s easier to CC going downhill, but going uphill is often “No path available” or you just… snag.

So yes, put all that together, is it any wonder they lose Hangar so much?


It’s definitely a pain and a hinderance, the ramp, but if more Horde start getting on the same page at the start and using any speed boosts they have, then we would definitely see more Horde wins.

When on Alliance, usually most of, if not the full raid, are chomping at the bit to get out of the gates and they all go pretty much in a pack out of the same gate and they generally arrive together. Flip that to Horde and there’s just chaos at the start, a lot of that comes from the fact they are so used to getting stomped at Hangar cos they rarely get there first, that they simply do not believe in the Hangar tactic and would rather spend 30 minutes or so failing with glaives.

I’ve seen it enough times though, to know both sides can get there at the same times, just Horde are very slack most times. With Allies, there’s always a mage or a monk or some other spec with mass cc abilities that get’s there to the front first and they block the path from the hill, if Horde cc classes would learn to start doing the same, I genuinely think the games would start to even out a little.

You gain zero advantage by starting from the left gate as Horde if you don’t use a glider. The only reason you start from left gate is for the elevation to be able to glide towards Hangar. Jumping down on mount is no use to anyone. Might as well start from front gate then.

I’m still not convinced the glider even has that much worth, you barely cover any ground and then have the 1.5 sec mount. Not tried timing from the front gate, will have to see if the timings are similar, I suspect they won’t be too far apart either.

More urgency from Horde is the most simple answer I believe cos it’s not like Blizzard are likely to make any changes to the layout or anything. More urgency and more people running in a pack to the flagspot and actually believing in it, cos it is absolutely possible.

Pic in link shows a small group of us Horde get to the top just before Alliance, those in the shot have used whatever means they could to get there as fast as possible. If I had managed to target the Alliance mage instead of the DK when I used overrun I might have stopped the ice wall that followed, blocking our stragglers from reaching the top but at the same time if our mages had gotten there as fast we could have ice walled them before they got us. The typical stragglers are the ones who then just give up when they res, go to docks or stand outside enemy keep for no apparent logical reasons instead of regrouping and going back to Hangar.


So many very winnable games are lost down to nothing more than the notion that we can’t win cos the BG is so Alliance favoured.

Glider does give an advantage. Those starting from the front gate are at least 5 seconds behind me when I use glider from left gate.

If it is the case then it just makes it even worse that so many Horde fail to arrive early enough, gliders and the dragonfruits are so easily obtainable and are cheap enough.

It’s a delight to plant the explosive trap right at the edge of the ramp that the horde is going up hangar.


Lol, yea, I’d enjoy that too I’m sure :smiley:

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Ok. Everyone on each side uses gliders and fruit. Alliance still arrive at the flag before Horde who have to fight uphill with LOS issues. What now?

It’s a nonsense terrain advantage and it’s completely obvious, but I doubt Blizz at this juncture are going to do a thing about it so /shrug

It is an advantage, if I’m on my alliance toon I can plant the cc from afar while running, the hord needs to reach the top of the hill before they can cc anything.

It’s okay, I’ll be there to kill you on the island :wink:

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I’ll wait for you friend, one more hk is one more hk.

Just bring back Blacklisting Bgs not every player like every Battleground

Sometimes i am like srew arena lets Q for a chill BG there like 4 i pref and like 1 i hate and the rest is whatever, ofc the one pops i hate

Why Horde demos ALWAYS nuke front gate when we’re already nuking the east one from airship? One of the biggest reasons why Alliance dominate the bg.

That hardly matters because demolishers that attack the gate directly must come into the range of the defender’s turrets, which means that they are taken out almost instantly and are ineffectual either way.
The players that drive demos directly to the enemy keep are clueless.


Also the players that drive the siege to the front gate should have their WoW sub revoked. The siege shouldn’t go anywhere near the keep until the gate is down.