I think this forum needs a offtopic or forum game sections. Cause we have a ton of forum games that are fun, but push important discussions down or get pushed down by important game discussions.
and probably much more. (with a special offtopic section we could have it even not have the 10 char limit, for that section of the forum so we can easily do things like counting games too.
We used to have one but got removed years back as never used and GD was formed because GD is used for everything anyways . I mean PVP topics should be in the 3 PVP forums but hardly are .
The whole point of these forum games is to break apart the negativity and seriousness of the other threads and to try have a little bit more fun / casual conversation.
I don’t think the important discussions like covenants, class balancing, RIO, M+ leavers, etc. is being masked / pushed aside for light-hearted threads in the slightest. They’re the prominent topics on these forums and they’re discussed every single day.
In fact out of the topics you linked, none of them are on the front page of General right now.
To be fair, PvE forums and PvP forums exist for people to get their whinges/legitimate complaints down as text. I see no reason why they should be allowed to pollute a General discussion forum, when they already have forums. PvE gripe? Go to the PvE forum, I’m bored of seeing all these RiO posts, all these “Nerf X, Nerf Y” “This is worst Expac ever!”
Take it where it belongs.
Likewise PvP, there are forums for that, which weirdly no one seems to use. I don’t need to hear about whichever class ganked you today and why they should be nerfed and your class buffed. I don’t care. Just post them where they belong. Is that so difficult? This isn’t for your PvE whinges, or PvP whinges, or even legitimate complaints about either, that isn’t what the General Discussion forum is for.
Before anyone goes “But Blizzard won’t listen to those forums” I have to say, “You assume they listen to -this- one?”
Blizzard are not interested in the EU forums. We have seen how many times now? That a complaint has been raised on the EU forums, and the sound of tumbleweed blowing across the arid desert is all we get back… When the US Forums complain about the -very same thing!-, things get done. Want to really actually make a difference, roll a US trial account, and by the way, yes you can post on trial accounts, once you get past level 10. Complain there. That is where they will listen. Not here.