[iStableMaster] New hunter addon - Updated for Dragonflight

Previous topic: [iStableMaster] New hunter addon

Addon has been updated for Dragonflight.

New addon in the works that is intended for the hunter class. As the title hints at, the addon is focusing on hunter pets, specifically things pertaining to the use of the stables, along with features involving the process of looking for, and taming new pets. If anyone’s interested, we would very much like it if you check it out, both for personal use and/or to provide feedback towards its ongoing development.

Disclaimer: This addon is in an ALPHA-state, and is considered to be a work-in-progress; certain features are incomplete/unfinished or havn’t yet been implemented.

Link to the addon page: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/istablemaster

Layout option 1:

Layout option 2:

New filter&sorting menus:

Available features/functions at this stage:

  • “View only”-mode
  • Scroll-window display of pets
  • Compact layout for active pets(icons only)
  • Card-style layout for Active pets
  • 6th “Card” for Animal Companion
  • Enhanced “selected”-frame/model viewer
  • Beast Squads

Please visit the addon page for more info on the current state along with what’s planned for future updates.

Again, any feedback is much appreciated!


Update: New version - Alpha V0.39r, Release Branch


New update available for the addon that is compatible with Dragonflight. Several changes made to the two layouts for the stable manager, both in terms of functions, as well as aesthetic elements. Also several additions made to the Beast Squad-feature(now with a dedicated manager for squads). And more…


  • Filters And Sorting:
    • Dragonflight Compatible
  • Scroll Frame and ActiveCards Slots:
    • Fixed an issue where clickin the favourite star wouldn’t update the Scroll Frame backgrounds
    • Fixed the Middle key of the ScrollFrameTemplate2 in a manual fix, this should align the border art of the Stabled Pet Scroll Bar properly.
    • Multiclick in the Stabled Pets ScrollFrame could cause the slot to become corrupted forcing the user to reload the UI to regain the functionality.
    • Favourites now has backend functionality
  • BeastSquads could be corrupted if changing pets to include empty slots and then opening the Beast Squad Manager
  • Fixed an issue where Moving Spirit beasts would break the addon due to number of family abilities being 3 not 2.

New features/updates:

  • Selected Pet Dataframes - Header Tooltips
  • New Highlight texture for the Active Pet Slots, both layout options
  • New Border frames for empty card sockets, as well as cards
  • New Border frames for the icon in the SelectedPetDataFrames added
  • Pet Counter for Stabled Pets added to the scroll frame
  • A few upgrades are maybe added to the search and sort functions, this is still a work in progress.
  • Lesser Dragonkin added to the database
  • Added a BeastSquad-manager, that is still a Work in Progress, which can be openend by right clicking on saved BeastSquads in the frame. Also opens when you save/add a new squad.


  • Database Changes:
    • Removed “Bite” spell ID from the family abilities database, we don’t want basic attacks listed since all pets have them.
  • Added names and Icon Keys for the Beast Squads to the existing database.


  • TOC Version number changed from v0.39a to v0.39r, using substitutions.
  • Changed the Favourites star graphics to be a HQ version of Blizzards own version from (16x16 to a 256x256), previous custom version was disliked by the authors.
  • Changed the Exotic Star indication to a Border Frame around the Icon, as the authors disliked putting 2 stars on the frames(family icons), in case of an exotic pet also being a favourite.
  • Updated the look of the compact layout to a look closer to the final design.

Known Issues:

  • Rarity Filters and Sorts not yet fully implemented, isn’t currently supported by the game, on the back-end. This is being discussed.
  • Issues with Family, Search, Name, and Specialization, if selected as primary sorts, they break the secondary and tertiary sorts that have been selected, and need more investigation to understand and fix.
  • Search doesn’t reset on Pet Drag.
  • Abilities sometimes disappear from the tooltip in the scrollist.
  • Filtering for family Check All and Uncheck All doesn’t save correct values, cause has been located to the loops, and the future will probably address this by relying on smarter code, and or non dynamic handling.
  • Unknown crash reported when interacting with the stable master after taming “Sambas”, we could not reproduce the issue, but were are watching it closely, see new issues for potential related issues. It is tracked in issue#7.
  • Right-clicking the Scroll Frame while filters or sorts are active reverses the order of the list with no sorts applied. From last index to first index.

New Issues:

  • Beastsquad Manager has no backend implemented besides disbanding the BeastSquad.
  • Stability issue where new versions of WoW can cause the addon to hang, to the point of crashing the game, without a reload.

New version soon

–Post will be updated with details soon(in the morning)–

Some of what’s been worked on:



Update: New version – Alpha V0.40r1, Release Branch

Marked as Alpha on Curseforge

New update available where a lot of focus has been towards updating the ‘Filter&Sorting’ menus, moving away from nested drop-down menus, to more accessible, more user friendly scroll frames. Much of the work has also been about fixing bugs/errors. Some screenshots can be found at the bottom of this post, for a visual confirmation of the current state of the new release.

Fixed Issues:

  • Scroll Frame and ActiveCards Slots:

    • Fixed the issues with Family, Search, Name, and Specialization, when selected as Primary sort, causing them to break the Secondary and Tertiary sorts.
    • Fixed an issue with missmatching DB ‘set’ and ‘get’ for certain family abilties.
    • Fixed issue where abilities sometimes disappeared from the tooltip in the scrollist for the stables.
    • Fixed an issue with ‘Dragonhawk’ being listed as ‘Dragonhaw’.
    • Fixed an issue with Pet renames.
    • Fixed an issue with ‘Crane’ not being updated to ‘Waterfowl’.
  • Other:

    • BeastSquads could be corrupted if changing pets to include empty slots and then opening the Beast Squad Manager
    • WONT FIX(for now): Rework omits this need: Filtering for family ‘Check All’ and ‘Uncheck All’ doesn’t save correct values, cause has been located to the loops, and the future will probably address this by relying on smarter code, and or non dynamic handling.

Included/Pending work in this build:

Click to expand, to show details


New Features:

Options Menu:

  • Beginning of a ‘Settings’ rework has begun on the back-end.


  • Rework and major overhaul of the ‘Filters and Sorts’ interface, from nested drop-down menus to dual scroll frames(opened by single button from stables interface).


Database Changes:

  • Added a self repair mechanism.
  • Added icons for all pet families.
  • Added a new ‘Settings’ field.
  • Changed the ‘Crane’ family to ‘Waterfowl’, reflecting Dragonflight changes.


  • TOC Version number changed from v0.39r1 to hopefully v0.40r1, using substitutions.
  • Added separators to the Pet Stable scroll frame, changing dynamically based on filter & sorting choices made. Such as displaying a header for your Animal Companion, or your active pets, in the scroll frame.

Known Issues:

  • ‘Rarity’ filters and sorts not yet fully implemented, considering dropping this feature due to Blizzard API limitations.
  • BeastSquad Manager has no back-end implemented besides disbanding the BeastSquad.
  • Stability issue where new versions of WoW can cause the addon to hang to the point of crashing the game, without a reload(might be fixed, but more testing required to determine state).
  • Some players may have issues with going from older versions to newer versions of the addon, we are investigating this issue.
  • Search doesn’t reset on Pet Drag.
  • Users of previous version will notice a few spams of errors as the database repairs itself, they will need to reset filters and sorts anew.
  • Unknown crash reported when interacting with the stable master after taming “Sambas”, we could not reproduce the issue, but were are watching it closely, see new issues for potential related issues. It is tracked in issue#7
  • Right-clicking the Scroll Frame while filters or sorts are active reverses the order of the list with no sorts applied. From last index to first index.

New Issues:

  • None that we know of

Found an unlisted issue?

To report an issue, Click Here!

As always, we appreciate any feedback or bug reports made during use/testing!

For anyone using the addon, the next update has been pushed up a bit, to sync up with the launch of patch 10.0.5. Several bug fixes, along with the first stage of the refactoring process and code clean-up will come with it.

The next release after that should bring with it some updates to the stable scrollframe, using templates for individual slots, among other things, and hopefully some updates the the active pet cards as well.

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Update: New Version - Alpha V0.40.r2, Release Branch

Marked as Alpha on Curseforge

New update available, a continuation of V0.40. Not as big as the previous one in terms of new features/functions and changes. Work has begun on the refactoring process of cleaning up and restructuring code, etc. for upcoming releases. This has taken up a lot of time with the addon, but the return is that it will allow for the possibility of quicker/more changes in the future. So far, over 4000 lines of code have been removed thanks to this work.

Fixed Issues:

  • Filters And Sorting
    • Fixed an issue with the Aqiri family being called Aquiri.
    • Fixed an issue with the Lizard family being called Lizzard.
    • Fixed an issue with Aqiri and Lizard not showing in the stables due to typo(same as above).
    • Fixed an issue with Dragonhawk being misspelled in the expansion reverselookup, throwing an error at pet mouseover tooltip.
  • Beast Squads:
    • Fixed an issue with Favourites and Squads getting corrupted on function ApplySquad.
    • Fixed an issue where not all pets would swap on changing squads.
      Note: [Beast Squads-feature also deactivated due to potential EULA conflict, waiting on reply]

Included/Pending work in this build:

Issues fixed/included

Sprint 40

#43 By fraxmm



Created Nov 17, 2022 Updated Nov 17, 2022

#26 By MrExillion


Created Nov 8, 2022 Updated Nov 8, 2022

#24 By MrExillion


Created Nov 8, 2022 Updated Nov 8, 2022

#23 By MrExillion


Created Nov 8, 2022 Updated Nov 17, 2022

#22 By MrExillion


Created Nov 8, 2022 Updated Nov 8, 2022

#21 By MrExillion


Created Nov 8, 2022 Updated Nov 8, 2022

#19 By MrExillion


Created Nov 8, 2022 Updated Nov 8, 2022

New Features:


  • Rework and Major Overhaul of the Filters And Sorts Interface, from dropdown to dual scroll frames. Continuation from 40r1.


  • Other:
    • Updated the TOC with multiple things. Incl version.
    • Deactivated ApplySquad function, after fix, while we investigate the legality of the
      feature vs EULA. Waiting for a reply on the matter.

Known Issues:

  • Rarity filters and sorts not yet fully implemented. Note: We have found a possible way to do this, more on this in the future.
  • Ability filters not yet fully implemented.
  • Beast Squad Manager has no backend implemented besides disbanding the Beast Squad.
  • Stability issue where new versions of WoW can cause the addon to hang, to the point of crashing the game, without a reload.
  • Some players may have issues with going from older versions to newer versions of the addon, we are investigating this issue.
  • Search doesn’t return to submit on Pet Drag. Fixed in next update.
  • Users of previous version will notice a few spams of errors as the database repairs itself, they will need to reset filters and sorts anew.
  • Functions for Drag vs Click(on pets) had too inconsistent deadzones on pet drag, fix coming in next update. Note: Goal with this change is to prevent unintended pet swaps, etc.
  • [Old]Unknown crash reported when interacting with the stable master after taming “Sambas”, we could not reproduce the issue, but were are watching it closely, see new issues for potential related issues. It is tracked in issue#7
  • Right-clicking the Scroll Frame while filters or sorts are active reverses the order of the list with no sorts applied. From last index to first index.
  • Scroll Frame cannot scroll all the way to the bottom of the list while dragging pets. Fix in next update.
  • Some Scroll Frame label separators can be incorrect or misleading.

Found an unlisted issue?

To Report An Issue Click Here!

Quick update on development.

We’re expecting to have a new release ready for the coming weekend, or if not, then for the following week. As mentioned a bit further up, this release is going to bring some updates to the stable scrollframe, and hopefully the active pet cards as well. We’ve been working on remaking the features into using templates to generate individual elements. There are also some changes to aesthetics as well, hopefully making it more pleasing to look at.

We’ve also started to look more into what needs to be done in order for the entire addon interface to be skinned by addons such as ElvUI, for any users who prefer that. It’s by no means done, but we’re working on it. Below is where we’re at, currently, when it comes to this. Everything isn’t being skinned yet, but getting there.

The Beast Squad-feature will remain disabled while we’re waiting for a response to questions regarding its standing vs the EULA. Sorry for the inconvenience, but we’d rather keep it that way until the matter has been cleared up.

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