[iStableMaster] New hunter addon

New addon in the works that is intended for the hunter class. As the title hints at, the addon is focusing on hunter pets, specifically things pertaining to the use of the stables, along with features involving the process of looking for, and taming new pets.

If anyone’s interested, we would very much like it if you check it out, both for personal use and/or to provide feedback towards its ongoing development.

Disclaimer: This addon is in an ALPHA-state, and is considered to be a work-in-progress; certain features are incomplete/unfinished or havn’t yet been implemented.

Link to the addon page: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/istablemaster

Image showing current state with no other addons enabled:

Available features/functions at this stage:

  • “View only”-mode
  • Scroll-window display of pets
  • Card-style layout for Active pets
  • 6th “Card” for Animal Companion
  • Enhanced “selected”-frame (model only)
  • Beast Squads

Please visit the addon page for more info on the current state along with what’s planned for future updates.

Again, any feedback is much appreciated!

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Ghorak? Izzat you?

Yes, it is. :slight_smile:

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How is this different from the addon Aspect of the Hunter?

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I’ve never used that addon myself so, as far as an in-depth feature-comparison goes, I couldn’t give you an answer to that.

But with a quick look at AotH, when it comes to the stable interface, it’s mostly about the general layout and structure, and how information is displayed. It looks like with AotH, the goal was to preserve more of the original interface, with the grid-based display of stabled pets, but with the added feature of displaying all stabled pets on the same page instead of split up on several pages.

With iStableMaster, we instead opted for the scroll-frame option to gather all stabled pets into a single frame element for display. Is either option better or worse than the other? I couldn’t tell as this is very much about subjective preferences.

Other than that, you have the display of active pets and how we have chosen to make the interface provide more information from the get-go. We do have plans to include an option for players to be able to choose for themselves if they want to stick with the card-style layout for the active pets, or if they want to go back to showing only the icons. This last part however is not yet implemented, but is planned for a future update.

The feature of “Presets” to allow you to save and quickly swap between entire sets of pets that you can find in iStableMaster, I don’t know if this an option with other similar addons.

The second main feature for iStableMaster, that being “Beast Tamer’s Guide”, and how it intends to provide a gallery for displaying all tameable pets in the game and all info tied to them. This feature is not available for use/testing atm. You have the feature list showing what we want it to include but if you want some form of visual for it, I guess for now, this is roughly what we’re aiming for when it comes to the main interface: https://i.imgur.com/miXpJ1m.png

Again, just a very rough, early sketch.

In many ways, it’s similar to how the collections-interface for equippable items is structured. More is ofc planned other than the actual gallery itself.

But yeah, feel free to compare for yourself with the feature list on the main addon page for iStableMaster: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/istablemaster

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  • The addon can now be installed/updated via addon managers such as Wowup etc. Manual download/installation is no longer necessary.

Two hotfixes have been implemented for the addon.

  • Fixed Embedded Library Dependencies.
  • Fixed empty active slots on load causing an error when the active slot info updated after a pet had been dragged to the previously empy slots.

Currently working on:

  • Adding the data required for generating individual pet family abilities, for display in various elements(like active pet slots).
  • The implementation of functions and elements tied to the “Selected-frame”.
  • Adding some initial settings through the Options-frame(accessible through the button in the top right corner of the main window)
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Update: New version - V0.32

(Also an alpha version - V0.33 available)


Both can be installed/downloaded via addon managers.
(If you want the alpha-release, make sure that you have the addon flagged for alpha-releases)

Fixed Issues:

  • Fixed issue with 3D Model-frame background sometimes dissapearing
  • Fixed all startup debug message errors
  • Fixed typo: “Slabled Pets” is now “Stabled Pets”
  • Fixed default sorting to fit the new sorting mechanic from all currently active sorting appliances
  • Fixed an issue with non informative Hello World print out, on New Squad-saves, it is now an informative text linked to Ace-3.0 Print().

New Features:

  • Added back-end code for “Favourite” tags (Missing code to set and unset “Favourites” from GUI)
  • Updated options-button to use a Cogwheel button graphic instead of the standard red button with text
  • Updated filters and sort buttons to more closely resemble the Blizzard equivalent filter buttons in the Collections-Journal
  • Added colouration of Active pet-slots, when they are shown in the ScrollFrame(showing stabled pets).
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Gonna give this addon a go and see what it does. I’ll throw some feedback in once i’ve tried it.

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Glad to hear it!

You can see what features & functions are currently available for use/testing from the posts above, along with recent changes.

If you wish to read about everything that is planned, feel free to visit the main page for the addon: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/istablemaster

Please do!

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