It’s about time we addressed the racism and other issues in World of Warcraft

From seeing whats going on these days I dont even think he is trolling . There actually are people like this the loud minority.



Let us make sure that we are the louder “group” and make sure this is poured down the drain as quickly as possible…


So much Bulls*** than you don’t know where to start with as there is nonsense spouted like bile everywhere : the only evil humans portrayed evil are undead ( and the effin crazed SCARLET CRUSADERS ? You are not one of us , burn ! The syndicate and plenty others ) not because they are evil but because they are undead.

Yeah friggin right ! Those peacefull little creatures enslaved,tortured and took pleasure in it, experimented on, burried alive, used chemical bio weapons and managed to already erases two major civilisation and capital city just from what i can remember they sure aren’t evil by themselves, while they are a few non demented/hatefull and crazed non forsakens undead, get a clue !
Well deserved flagged thread !

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you are sh**** me right? you are sh**** me?
its a video game for god sake and not america.
Also we have wrathion, end of story.


It genuinely disturbs me how okay people are with the blatant racism in this game, but I wasn’t really expecting anything else. Also edited my post to specify there are no non-white human heroes or NPCs.

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You keep living in your own little world… with your so called “racism”. I will make sure nobody ever pays attention to this have a nice day thinking wow is full of racists or whatever you do in your own little world.


Racism :-

prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.


the belief that different races possess distinct characteristics, abilities, or qualities, especially so as to distinguish them as inferior or superior to one another.

If you’re attributing trolls to Jamaicans, you’re the racist since they’re an arbitrary race that happens to speak like that.

If you want to have a non-white human hero because… they’re non-white you’re also a racist.

Now go away racist.


From TBC.

She’s not human, nice try though.

/ facepalm

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I am all for equality but this is a game, let’s be honest there are far more important things in the world to worry about. I would have no objections to more diversity but doing it just to tick some boxes so the SJWs can feel better about themselves…no thank you.


I guess Wrathion just has an awesome tan, then.


I am also for equality but he lives in his own little world if your gonna make things up that wow is full of racism. He is talking about fictional characters like dragons and pandaren…

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I hate gnomes with passion, I even log my Horde char and strictly farm low level gnomes in warmode. I also never help gnomes, when they need support. Does this also count?


lol, thats exactly what i thought that phrase is brilliant.


I am offended that you are offended.


Easiest flag of my entire life


I concur with the OP. Let’s change this to World of Teacraft, where all races and creeds sit around to a cup of tea… discussing of ways to make better blends.


Back in the day we used to ignore the village idiot, but now thanks to social media and gathering of similar minds their voices have become louder… and for some reason people started to listen to them…


I know its bad choice from my side to even think or read/listen to them you just opened my eyes I am going to ignore these posts from now on. Unecessary stress. Now I understand why Blizz employee always reply to “positive” threads… Why live with this.