It’s about time we addressed the racism and other issues in World of Warcraft

I don’t really like tea :frowning: No coffee?


Gasp, how dare you! my coffee is offended!


Tea > vile mud water.


GASP!! My Tea is offended.


So. the Horde races are ugly, evil, savage.

Who is talking about racism or prejudice here?


Wah? He said Tea beats coffee… :astonished:


Im starting to believe that twitter shut down and they are searching for a new place to nest.

Also to OP i hope you are trolling with this, but if not just leave. I mean if its so racist , sexist and all those ist and phobe things and you are so unhappy just leave. You know what , most of us like it this way and if that makes us ists and isms i for one will wear that badge and will not be ashamed to admit, people like you have destoryed the meaning of those words.

PS cancel CancelCulture


Or you know you can actualy just stop talking about it. This is completly made up issue nothing els.

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Put up a Gofundme. I’m sure the community would like to contribute to your one way ticket to America. I have a feeling you’ll blend in well over there. :wink:


What racism ?

What other issues ?

WoW is a game set in a fantasy world that has no connection or relevance to the real world. It doesn’t need some attention seeking SJW spouting crap and attempting to apply their standards to it.

I don’t care about the colour of your skin, what god you worship or what you do for sexual gratification because none of that matters or is even relevant to me.

If you’re so keen to push this sort of agenda there are more than enough real life issues you should be committing your energies to.


News flash, it’s not just America not is it just their problem. It’s all over the world every single county has it. And it’s everybody’s problem.


11/10 next level troll and bait.


Think of the auto racists.
They - are - coming.


casually brushes like half the human race under the carpet, including gilneans

nope, nothing to see here folks, move along.

Tugs collar, nervously laughing

I really, REALLY, hate labels and using them for myself but, for the sake of this crazy f***** post, let’s do it;

I am a mixed-race, pansexual, genderfluid person but what disturbs me is people like you. Get a reality check, grow a spine, realise that there are more important things in the world than you choosing to wave your pitchfork at a fantasy game and, for the love of whatever deity/god/streamer/being you idolise, take your SJW agenda somewhere else.

It’s people like you that make it hard for people like me because you take serious issues too far and make them meaningless. You turn them, and us, into a laughing stock, which in turn does just as much damage, if not more, as people not listening or ignoring the people and issues altogether.

If you are NOT affected by racism and other discriminations but you think you are trying to help then thank you but, please, go and work on your mindfulness, compassion, and inclusion to ALL peoples first and stop trying to create racism and problems where they simply do not exist because, in trying to do so, you are creating potentially damaging issues out of nothing.

(Maybe work on your own racism calculator a little because if you are equating trolls to Jamaicans, that says more about you than anything. Also, Shamanism isn’t only a Native American thing - with that one you are actually being directly racist to me by being ignorant of other races, but notice how I’m not screaming and shouting about it? Also that fake “Asian” accent thing? A lot of my relatives whose first language isn’t English and don’t speak it much have that accent. And pointing out “Asian” representation and only pointing out Asians as being Chinese? Yea, there’s more than one Asian race, Chinese aren’t the only ones. You see where I’m going here.)

If you ARE affected by any racism or discrimination of any kind, then shame on you for making this post and turning our problems into a joke and shame on you for being racist yourself.


You sure about that mate , cause where im from we are fine.

Then where are you from? And also stop fooling yourself. It might not be as obvious as in the US. But it’s defently is there.

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There are no non-white employees as far as I am aware, I certainly cannot think of a single one off the top of my head that works at Activision.

That :point_up_2: would make for an interesting thread to discuss if it was true.

Not seeing black pixels isn’t racism, so it’s not worth discussing.


So basically take the war out of warcraft and add poc and different sexualities so that we can feel good about ourselves? What you are proposing is tokenism.
Also as a person of asian ancestry neither i or any other asians i know who play this game are offended by the pandas or the themes that were introduced with MoP.
You are just trying to play noble savior by getting offended on behalf of others to feel good about yourself.
We’re playing world of warcraft not world of best friend.


I maintain that the OP is trolling but nonetheless, say it louder for the people in the back.

Too many ‘good Samaritans’ or ‘saviours’ thinking they’re helping, yet pushing discussion and dialogue on important issues beyond Twilight Zone levels of absurdity. Turning something like racial equality into a polarizing political issue when it doesn’t have to be. Subject to ridicule when it shouldn’t be.

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