It’s about time we addressed the racism and other issues in World of Warcraft

  1. non white npcs, its funny that you say that when wrathion is one of the main star of the expansion.
  2. they dont just hate for hate the race, read the lore, jaina proudmore defended other races but then the orcs killed her father and blew the main town she use to run, this is the reason in bfa she brought the war to the horde, while andiun defending the horde and not supporting her vengeance, its vengeance story not race. fail to understand the horde, they just have savage culture that allow them to survive, they dont even like each other 100% but together they know they are stronger in an hostile enviroment.
    4.This is not a problem nobody cares.
    5.this is not a problem nobody cares.
    6.all savage horde are “ugly” is subjective i would still sleep with sylvana thick behind any day and yet she burns millions civilians alive, for your information garosh would not admit you killing people who cannot defend themselfs.
  3. Garithos was pretty racist and evil, you know what he was not? Undead.
    8.goblins can represent any greedy ceo in a face of the earth.
  4. Its a story, wow is actually soft on these things.

2077 year, somewhere in the world humanity museum.
“Ok kids look at this cage. This is the last white heterosexual pair on the Earth. Yes, this is a white skin male who loves white skin female! Yes it’s scandalous, but our backward ancestors lived this way.”



I honestly vomited in my mouth a lil reading this.

Wanna stop racism? As Morgan Freeman wisely said. Stop talking about it. Stop making this big deal out of it. I mean for gods sake you’re probably white anyway.

This is a game, yes a game. As a man of colour am I bothered most npcs are white or blue?! No!
Heck most of my characters are white or blue.

You go into a game world to escape the daily grind. Please don’t make it a ‘thing’ in a game world I love too, I wouldn’t want it, certainly every person I know wouldn’t.

As for same sex material, read the above. Stop spreading it when it doesn’t need to be.
Let people have some form of escape in their lives and stop trying to cram sh!t down our throats in every damn thing out there. You’re just as bad as the news companies and media outlets.


You are messed up one here.

I’ll come back to these forums when people start talking about the game and stop being so Phillip J Fry from Futurama.

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see you in shadowlands summer is melting some people brains.

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Preach :open_hands:

I thought it was.
I just googled “World of Warcraft Forums.”
The result came back in error, stating "Did you mean “a lost cause.”

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When civilized society is taken too far you get OP.

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