It amazes me how many people don't like organized team play in a game built around that

Maybe you guys should stick to modded single player games?


I second this. People truly hate Organized team play in a MMO. Dunno why tho. Solo retail players that thought they could get by without talking too anyone in this game as well maybe?


Or a team based MOBA for that matter. Or pretty much any other game, really.

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Of course we play with other people but we dont like
premade unfair PVP thats only for coward honor junkies.


I entered deadmines alone and it was unfair :frowning:


Yeah mate, its these retail player-devils again.

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nice pvp at deadmines

It is not about pvp it is about mmorpg genre.

You solo players and your unending selfish and ignorant demands have killed WoW 10 years ago.

Dont touch classic please. Go to retail.


Said the retailer xD

How mature you are!

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Nerf molten core. Cant complete it alone.


While I don’t care how other people play the game, it’s annoying how often they ask for changes and I really cba with the forums anymore because it has been boring for the last while because of BG complaints


Its just a flawed mechanic. The reason why people premade is because pugs exist. If they did a separate que for pugs then no one would premade anymore. At the core of the pvp/bg system is premades stomping pugs. I think its very boring either side im on, and its really turned me off classic pvp.

There should be 5 man party limit. Rest of the 10 or 5 in wsg will be pugs. That way everyone will get a chance to experience organised pvp while at the same time “friends can play together”


It’s just flawed thinking. All of the games have solo, duo, trio, 5man queues and people are still playing in groups :smiley:

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Because those queues also have different ranking which isn’t an option in Classic.

Its about the queues being broken, placing full premades vs pugs and such. Sure, pugs can still win if they start coordinating themselves, but it ultimately makes the players feel frustrated, as the whole situation feels like a 1v10. Retail has the exact same issue.

Sadly these people does not want the game how it usual was.
They want there vanilla be sprinkled.

Modified Classic.

Hope they someday that these people wake up and realize what they asking for.

Players made lots of demanding change, crying on forum because it was not in there favor and difficult to socialize / accomplish challenges with other to overcome it, or a bug that made them annoyed - that in the long run made blizzard too do as they demanded, they wanted to make there costumer happy.

In time the team play, server identity and else old aspect of the game died out.

Sure there was things that were not so nice but this is how Vanilla used to be and should be.

Classic has its name for a reason, Leave the game as it is.



Do you support unfair pvp or not? Thats the real question.
And none is crying, people just demanding to stop unfair pvp.
Thats all. You want premades go on and vs other premades.
Just leave pugs to have fun.

Do you want changes? And what change will that do?
You sure have check up forums lately?

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You support that by not looking for premade team. :slight_smile: You state you meet 90% of games premades, but come here to cry for changes instead of looking for premade. Premades are majority now, and you minority who’s supporting unfair change of the system (the raise of PUGs)