It is not about eye color blizzard

we already get them :rofl:
have you seen the new customisation options for blood elves?

I always joked about wanting this option for horde, just to see the world/forums burn, but I never imagined blizzard really doing that

though honestly, I would love to get a red eyed option (you know san’layn/vampier style, to fit my Venthyr dreams)


Hey man, time to ask for other stuff then. Let me hear them :smiley:

that might have been me who said it

Hmm not sure what to say does this mean Alliance bias?

Did Horde get the bee mount? No.

Asked for but not delivered, how can that be, it’s a horde request it must therefore be put in game immediately as we all know horde bias is a thing!!! It’s got to be true because I read it on the forums.

Seriously, these bias threads are just getting too much. Both sides get shafted in some way or another, it isn’t bias!!!


Void Elves.

Alliance asked for the Belf model under the pretense of wanting Helfs. They swore to God Almighty they would be fine with a compromise. So a compromise was made under the form of Velfs.

So Blizzard is like - Here is your compromise. The Elf model but not 100% ripped off from the Horde.

Alliance be like - Ok, now rip it off 100% or it’s Horde bias.


Can some one tell me why Blood elfs are black now?

You appear to be very narrowminded. But I’ll waste my breathe on you anyway.

You are NEVER going to get the high elves you want on Alliance. Purely because it’s too much fiddly effort for them to sort it out on Alliance. Be grateful they gave it to us at all, but you won’t ofcourse. People of your ilk will just whinge and cry regardless of what happens.

Something else worth noting, there is most likely going to be additional lore in Shadowlands to justify it on Horde. Probably in Revendreth.


Of course not. This was a compensation for six overpriced mounts where the saddles have been just copypasted from MoP/WoD-mounts. Example:

Give horde more raptor mounts, and wolf mounts(wod).

They seem to be giving both factions IRL human skin tones, so the humans and the blood elves (so far) seem to have skin tones we are used to seeing originating from areas like Africa and Asia.

It looks a bit comical to me atm as most fantasy portrays elves as very pale or odd colours but I’m sure we’ll get used to it.

I’m loving the blue eye colours, will definitely be using those. I was never a fan of the golden option they gave us so I’ve always used green.


I think you should leave them golden on your Pala, it makes sense lorewise!

Like I said I don’t use golden, I don’t like it. I think it’s a horrible colour.

It baffles me how toxic this community can be. “Look! we have your precious high elf skin! I laugh at you tears you crybabies!”

Like seriously, what kind of of mentality is that?

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But if Horde bias exists and all the Devs play Horde characters, would they not have just said ‘oh well take it or leave it and just to show how biased we are, we are going to give Horde players a unique bee mount just because we love Horde’

I am not arguing against what people would want in the game, we are all entitled to ask for things, but we don’t always get what is asked for and this happens on both sides. To keep calling this bias to one faction or another just makes no sense.

Even if you read warcraft portrays in books they say pure white/gold skin! And they added blue pandarens
 Why no more haircuts?

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Honestly whenever I see a Blood Elf DK, I always find myself saying “so the Horde did wind up getting High Elves?” . Mainly because of any Death Knight’s default eye color.

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Just the first wave of the customizations, the refs said Belves will have over 49 new customization options

Blood elf DK are High Evles as they were killed by Arthas while they had blue eyes.

Blue eyes+ dark skin = option 1
Blue eyes + brown skin = option 2
Green eyes + dark skin = option 3

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Well you’re not wrong, technically all of them are(or used to be) - they only started calling themselves Sin’dorei after the Scourge invasion :sweat_smile: