It is time to let players choose corruptions!

Unfortunately for me that carrot on a stick, the RNG lottery machine for corruption isn’t good enough for me to keep playing. The +3 corruption resistance is so minuscule upgrade, that I don’t really desire to play the game no longer.

that is why people say that the devs and player base are disconnected.

they don’t understand that people will not stop playing with BiS gear
All this rng garbage cause it that I am shortly before quitting pretty much every wednesday when I open my chest on 5 chars

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It’s just sad to think if they had done something like this from the beginning, maybe the general dislike for corrupted items would be a lot less :wink:

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There’s around 6 months before BFA is over. I know the content is over, but the expansion itself is over when the next content arrives.

I don’t want buyable corruptions because you don’t want people running around in pvp with 6 tier 3 infinite stars pieces. Corruption is simply too powerful to allow everyone to just buy it. It breaks the game, and if everyone had access to the most powerful corruptions easily… then the game will be completely unplayable. I wouldn’t mind getting that 2 months before Shadowlands release, for the memes and fun, but not when there’s still at least 6 months of BFA.

The problem is there are now also players with those amounts of infinite starts or twilight devastations :frowning:

Well you say that you don’t want people to buy it because they are too powerful. Yet the OP, to certain degree myself also, and a lot of others are int he boat that we are playing and unable to keep up because week after week the game decides to shovel us horse manure while others out there have every BIS item they could ever want, at BIS rank, and what is more I know several players that have BIS corruption at BIS rank on 5+ toons.

I am in this very boat on my hunter too, and also trying to get the correct azerite item which is 8 weeks of saving up (8 weeks !!) or hope for lady luck at 1/4 of the price.

As for pvp, corruptions should never have been allowed in that setting, or limited to a single corruption piece only.

When I go random BG as tank and my TD rank 1 procs in AV Yes it is funny for me, but I cannot see it being funny to all those alliance being deleted.

The current setup is not fun, I know many people considering giving up for good because they feel they are being held back and have 0 control over being able to better themselves or compete with others.

seems extremly boring to me . you will be done with gearing in 3 nights of doing mythic + .

the drop 1 month after launch will be legendary

While in reality it takes months to get the specific pieces you want from the dungeons. And raid trinkets and M+ weekly chests for more gearing.

I don’t mean to be rude but everyone in this thread is a random and none of you are part of the top raiding guilds who would actually see a significant improvement by getting the BiS corruption.

Why is it that you think you need to have the favourable corruption effects…? So you can run a random keystone dungeon…? No offence but just stay quiet and go continue your dailies and keystone runs. You do NOT need to have BiS at your level of play.

yeah! How dare any of you try to enjoy a game! Get back in your shed!

There is RNG in rpg’s

But the entire game is just RNG

Because being stuck with gear and being 100% dependent on RNG on top of RNG to actually get an upgrade isn’t enjoyable, I don’t push 26s or mythic raid but I still want to enjoy doing 20s again, which l currently can’t because of how awful corruption Is.

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That doesn’t work with the system of difficulties that’s currently in place. It’d break mythic tuning, you either tune it around people having corruptions and not allow the raiders to kill N’zoth on normal and heroic, or you tune it around no corruptions and those who have them would roll over the tier.

they said gear will be harder to drop than actual

in raids.

in mythic + people will just 3 chest stuff and gear in no time.

It’s not “why” but more like “why not”?

I’m already thinking about ending my subscription, because there’s no reason for me to keep playing. The lottery machine is tiresome and I don’t find it fun.

About needing the level of bis corruptions - no one actually need that, top guilds have killed N’Zoth on mythic before hof/nerfs. It would just increase the satisfaction from gaming for the other players that didn’t have enough luck with the Corruption RNG.
The only people who need BIS corruptions right now are the ones who are still progressing Nyalotha(which is actually me?) or want to do higher M+.

About the significant improvement by getting BIS items - you’re wrong. After getting infinite stars hands(and more upgrades for the guild members) we were able to down Mythic Shad’har. Could we have done it without bis corruptions? Maybe. Did it help us? Yes.

You have a good point… but there are already people with BIS corruptions running around in PvP having much higher performance than others because of the corruption alone. Not saying that they are newbies, but corruption seriously gives one advantage in either PvE or PvP.

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Nope. Vedor/currency is one of worst systems what you can use to reward player. Its literaly shoping list where you know exactly what you get and when. There is entire presentation on youtube about this loot desing what explains how deterministic gear isnt good for rpg games.

This isnt game desing problem. Ita just some people play wrong type of game. If you looking for fair and balanced game than you should go play games like LoL or CS:Go but definitly not mmorpg game.

Well. I would suggest a bit of a compromise. And like any good compromise it makes both sides unhappy. Add an currency which you can buy “nzoth’s corrupted essence or whatever you want to call it” which adds a RANDOM corruption effect on it. Say you have juicy 475 gloves with perfect stats…but no corruption. So add a random one and maybe it will be a good one(or a bad one).

Now this suggestion will probably be extremely unpopular since I just adding another layer on the rng cake lolz but I think its the best compromise between making a shoping list vendor so that everyone can buy 6x gushings for pvp and IS tier 6 for raiding or whatever people fancy.
And the plain rng we have now when you have to hope that a useful item to drop+hopefully gets corrupted+better be at rank 2-3 and etc.

Yep, your average player will just 3 chest 15s while gearing :+1:

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Yep its so demotivating to play when check the logs and everyone on the top is using corruptions that you do not have. And the difference between having them and not having them is insane…