It makes no sense it's this frustrating

I am no gladiator, never will I be. I am consistently hitting around 1800, with 20 years of experience.

But what frustrates me, is due to the mmr cap, i get like 6-9 raring per win and can end up with loosing 50 rating on a loss. I know, mid season it will iron out, but at that point, hitting 1600 will be useless, since I’d have full gear by then. I don’t understand the reasoning behind making it this frusteating. I am not hardcore pvp nor pve. I don’t enjoy m+. I play the game for small wierd things now adays, like transmog, hunter pets, druid forms and such. My only reason to hit 1800 is literally the transmog. If I don’t like it, I won’t even attempt 1800. But with the current way things are, it feels near impossible without being a gladiator skill level player. I am not saying things should be easy. But I certainly don’t think it should be this hard and frustrating. Like, I literally just spendt 7 hours getting 62 rating, just to lose 50 in one round. That is 7 hours wasted. Wether you want it or not. This system pushes people to pay others to get you where you want. I could literally earn more money in those 7 hours than what it needed to achieve this goal. Not saying I endorce people to buy for boosts. I am saying the system in place highly encourages it.


No joke, that is literally what I did. I saw the minus 50 rating, got up, left the pc and basicly yelled at my wife, who is not to blame. Simply because it frustrated me that much. The feeling of so many wasted hours. It’s like gambling and I am not a fan of gambling. This is a video game for crying outloud. Like, we simply pay to have fun, enjoy our time. Not to getting scammed left and right for our effort.


That’s not cool.
I understand that new/bad player can’t get 1800 for now. But if you can’t reach 1600 in solo shuffle you are the problem, not the system/mmr.

And Blitz is for some classes just lottery but bad players can get higher rating here than in solo shuffle. (it just costs a lot of time if you are unlucky)

The 1600 piece is only important when you play on higher rating, one Set piece more or less will not lose you a fight/game at lower rating.
If you really struggle this much just wait until it’s easier to climb as you said.
WoW, especially nowadays, isn’t really worth that much sweating.


Poor wife.
Do better and apologize lol


I don’t agree with you. Like, im not a gladiator, but i am consistently reaching close to 2k. Just, i have none to play with now. Solo shuffle is as much rng as any other game. You have healer diff, you got people who can’t line a single thing and melee who tunnel vision. I feel it’s a bad arguement. But I expected responses like this.

Your argument is even worse when you consider the MMR cap currently in place, which makes gladiators stuck at 1900. If a glad is at 1900, it only pushes lower skilled players further down the ladder. This is obvious.

I did, no worries. She playes wow as well and does some pvp on the side. But you know, she is a battle pet collector type. :smiling_face:


Pvp pet battles are actually triggering too not gonna lie :joy:

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I could actually imagine that. Thank god she doesn’t do pvp pet battles. xD

bro what is there to say? stop playing - you aren’t having fun and now you’re taking it out on your wife, what is it with you guys grinding this game daily and not knowing that you can put it down when you aren’t having fun? if you log on in a bad mood and log off in a bad mood, stop playing? is it really that difficult? your complaints about the MMR system are valid but use your brain for a second and recognise that it isn’t a prison sentence, you can log off.

what a disgrace

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Ye i’m not a gladiator either, i don’t like arena and only play it if i like the rewards. :slightly_smiling_face: But with 20 years of experience and constantly hitting 1800-2000 like you claim, you should get 1600 (solo shuffle) without that much sweating OR you should know that you are struggle at the start and just wait until it’s easier.

Yes the mmr cap is very bad but it’s not a problem that should stop you from getting 1600.

Interesting post, I can relate to a degree. I started off this season sticking to just BG Blitz (I’m Restoration) And it started off well, I won 7 games and lost 4. Then it just went to craop from there, I lost like 7 games in a row > Then won 3 in a row > To then losing 11 in a row. I bowed out and agreed that this wasent for me and i wasent enjoying myself. I was pretty miffed for the rest of the day and was even a little snappy with my team mates i played football with that same evening.

The whole point in video games is to relax and enjoy yourself, If your not doing that then whats the point ? Havent touched wow all weekend and got alot of things done, I’l still play here and there because this expansion really has alot to offer, But for pvp i think i’l put it on the back burner for a few weeks. Best of luck with the rest of the season and maybe buy your wife a bunch of flowers :slightly_smiling_face:


The mmr cap is exactly the problem. I will make an educated guess that you’re not sure what it does.

If multi rank 1 can max get 2200, gladiators (not rank 1 people) are stuck at 1900, who usually play at 2400. That means, those who are usually 1800, will now be much lower. If the gladiators can not climb, then you can not climb. It’s that simple really.


Ya, she’s a gem. <3 Wonder how she puts up with it some times.

I am sorry to hear your experience was worse than mine. And sorry to hear it made you quit it all together. That isn’t what any aspects of the game is meant to do to any of us.

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Now now. It wasn’t like I was screaming at her, calling her names or hitting her. No reason to be such a white knight that you call me a disgrace.

I was merely talking in very big letters about pvp because it frutrates me.

I’m aware I can stop. I’m aware I can quit playing. But instead of doing so, I am here, debating and telling blizz, that their game is doing the opposit of what they want it to do. Atleast pvp is.


Yes i know.

You sound like someone that is complaining because he can’t get 2200 anymore because of the mmr cap, that would be valid but not for 1600.

And also you complain about how good players are now so low that you can’t hit 1600 but at the same time you say :

Doesn’t sound like good players.
I really don’t want to sound toxic here but as i said, with your experience you should know how blizz treat pvp and you should just wait if you want your transmog.

No i get that. What is sorta annoying is the defence of an obvious broken system. Is like defending people crossing red lights or driving too fast.

I get how it works. Until 1600 it’s a pve fest. But ask any glad, due to lack of knowledge, lower rating is actually confusing. I should be able to get 1600, just takes longer than it should. Like i had gladiators in my 1400mmr bracket. Just saying.

That said, it’s more that i HAVE to wait, simply because of a faulty system. Like… The moment they remove the cap, I can reach 1800, that proves it’s the system. It proves that i have to wait only because of the system.

So excuse me, if i feel my complaint is valid when it’s their system that is holding me back, not my skills.

This was actually interesting and very interesting reading too. Valuable points. You learn something new everyday.


If you are doing it specifily for the tier token then just pug some 2s with a healer. Thats what I did and I play at a similar skill bracket to you.

Ended up pugging 4 or 5 healers and getting 1.6 easily. Even made two new friends for potential future games.

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I found myself into your text:

My typical day in SS as Resto Druid:
Its swiming with sharks, 90% of my games are versus disc priest, and versus them game feels exactly 3 versus 4 according how Rdruid is miserable, than there is a Dragons which is hard counter to Resto Druid, than there is guys who tend to die with ALL their defensives aviable, then there is wintraders who happly 0:6 you, if you have unluck to encounter to them.

So in that shark pool, through alot of drawed games, I grind my ratting slowly +10 , +20 +30 for wined game, but when I lose punishment is almost always very harsh.
Now imagine spending 3 hours playing, you doing well wining, but then baaam just one spectacular lose for 0:6 or 1:5, and all 3 hours of work GONE ! In one game, and lose mainly come from one of those sharks I mentioned above.

Now tell me do I need to be punished for -77 ratting if guy lose 3 round with me, never using bubble or block or turtle, just to say ups to me? Ups bro? for your circus i need 3 hour to recover, because entire system is busted ! Irony is than this same guy go against me and do 0 mistake play ! 3 hours of playing well for 1 circus ! Thats not fair trade blizzard. And offcourse people feel frustrated and burned out. Specialy those who not play those easy win metas.

Is it fair to negate 3 hours of wining just because I lost 1 game 0:6 versus hard counter? Versus which I consider even 2:4 result as premium outcome…

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This has nothing to do with mmr being capped. This happens when your mmr is lower than your CR.

lol i think you have other problems in your life than getting 1600 rating.

why do good players never stuck below 1600 if its just rng?

mmr cap is terrible and its the reason 1600 is harder than 1600 last season. Thats true. Everything else you said is not.

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