That sounds absolutely horrific. Won’t be touching SS this expansion
Unfortunetly ss works that way. Better to climb normal 3s.
Had same experience with my boomy, climbing slowly for 20-30 then 2x -72. Couse on high dempening boomy is easiest target to defeat while he had no survive button against constant mm/unh burst.
(Its all about who has worse defensive cd when dempening reach higer value).
Playing against resto is much easier than priest, even if root+beam is less effective.
There is no reason to play SS right now. Blizz meddling with mmr every ssn made the achievements have no value anymore since they cant be used to judge skill anymore
I write this review after 1000 rounds, so Its something which I really lived throu…
In general im wining more games than losing but when i lose the game, lose is usually spectacular lose 1:5 or 0:6 because sharks i mentioned above so hours of gruesome work to gain some ratting can be destroyed in just one unlucky game
For a start you’re completely new to feral, it will take alot of practice to master feral properly. And right now in shuffle it’s hard for even decent players to get 1.8. The rank 1 players are all 2.1cr right now, so 1.8 is practically glad range at the moment. Just look at the shuffle ladder compared to the actual 3v3 ladder ratings, something went wrong.
Just be patient, keep practicing feral in the mean time and wait like 4-6 weeks and it will be alot easier to get 1.8
i hit 1900 second week in 3s after that I vs only mutly glads at least 1-3 r1 at 1800+ rating (gatekeeping). and some time AWC player alting. As I believe that easy lvl up east gear in pvp we play same player in every rating even same team. The pvp is not like it was, you had like 1-2 main. system need to be adjust so player base can enjoy pvp in their rating because now it doesn’t feel when you hit 1800+ the difficulty is going instant to inferno and is frustrating players when in past you played around 2.4 and now 1800. I like alot your comment I agree and feel the same way
I actually tried to take a screenshot for you. But my mmr is currently higher than my CR, so that’s false that the big drop in rating is due to mmr being lower than CR.
About the wife thingy. I don’t like people jumping to extreme conclusions of what “yelling” is. I know how it sounds, but it isn’t specificly as I wrote it. And then stating I have other problems in my life than getting 1600 is just toxic answer. So thank you for that.
Also, I feel you’re just saying these things to say it. Like. If you read the answers below you, you can see, with justification and solid explanation, why 1.6 and 1.8 isn’t just that. Why it’s almost impossible for “general public” to reach. Since they’ve MMR capped, as you say has no reason behind the current difficulty, it does so that R1 and multi glads, can not climb. Which means, what used to be 2.4k+ before you were fighting glads, you’re not fighting glads at a much lower rating.
There for, the MMR cap is LITERALLY the issue.
As a glad, you should know that. But I guess you’re not one of those “humble glads” you’re one of those “ohh I pwn noobs, I am stronger, l2p” gladiators. Well good on you that you’re a glad. I don’t really care. I’ve given up on getting there and I rest in the fact I am not that good. I just find it frustrating that trying to achieve what I know I am capeable of, is currently impossible due to a system in place.
I dislike the dragons too. As feral, every dragon, not just preservation, can remove my bleeds. It’s so dumb. Who ever thought that was a good idea? o.o
But no, I get you. SS is a hell to get rating in. And Broxis answer below is just one of those gloryfied “I am better than you” answers. Literally toxic in every sentence.
I know. And I am glad you’re agreeing with me.
As I said, I am not a glad, I am very aware of that. But everyone who says that the MMR cap has nothing to do with it, to me, is blind to the issue. As you said, 1.8 is practically glad range. Meaning, until they can climb higher, 1.8 isn’t achieveable.
I’m just impatient, that’s one thing. The other is, I feel the MMR cap is a stupid gate.
Like, it feels like 1.8 is simply to prevent Rank 1 players from getting mount, title and everything at the start of the season, nothing else.
Like, there is not a single person with 2.4k achivement. So not a single gladiator as of TWW season 1, currently.
Edit: Out of curiosity, how did you know I was quite new to feral?
Thank you.
Oh, so like the time we had to deal with resto druids being OP as hell in DF.
You defended resto druids being that OP and us facing them that much. Why are you complaining now?
Back in my days when i played the game i always enjoyed playing against good players. Now people want to face peasants just to gain free elo.
its more fun when it is on a higher mmr/ rating “where something is worth to fight for”
but nobody enjoys challenging a champion for a Mc Donalds coupon as a reward
Not all. Iam palying arena becouse it was always my favourite pvp mod. Of course i like collect new mount from 100wins (saddle).
But liked it more when game was more about tactical, not who can maintain dps like it is in pve. Atm i feel like most games is vs some kind of TSG. Its more like benny hill show rn.
As i mentioned in other topic, game is project for pve (mythic, delves - which many play solo). In result most class have high mobiliti to competite in time score. For delves u need selfheal and micro cc.
Iam enjoy delves too, but it shouldnt affect on pvp. If blizz could separate pvp and pve problem was be easier to solve.
Question is what is easier:
- Project pvp and pve separetly - 2x work
- Or spending whole expansion time try to balancing pve-pvp.
But iam pretty sure they chose 3rd option, project pve, and … on pvper.
Again, that is not what anyone said. As one stated, for a person to learn the difficulty has to be just slightly above what they’re capeable off, if the difficulty is too high, no one learns anything from it. I have nothing against fighting better players. I have something against fighting impossible odds where I get rofflestomped and got no clue what happened. I don’t learn anything from that.
Gameplay has been accelerated through expansion. So its harder to cough what is going on.
By myself use omnibar, and gladiatorlossa [just for know fear, poly, repetence, cyclone, hex being casted] rest is my observation, lookin for visual relation to damage so i could know for example when retri pala is glowing to disarm him. Or hunter when casting wailing arrow. But healer has much more to do when whole team just being constantly bursted.
The junkie will always crave a dose. I do it too, we all do. We’re nothing but addicts, we’re letting a multibillion comoany influence our free time and we pay them. There is no justification, it’s just addiction or lack of self-control.
doesnt matter what is “currently”. Your CR and MMR matters when this scenario happened. If your mmr and cr is equal. You lose and win the same for 2-4 or 4-2.
i already told you that mmr cap is the issue why people that are 1600xp in former seasons are not able to get 1600cr right now. I agree with you on that.
I just explained to you that HOW mmr and CR interacts and HOW you gain points has NOTHING to do with mmr being capped (only if you are literally playing at the mmr cap which is around 2300 i believe).
I can’t exactly copy it in here and no I have no huge interest in using some site to upload the photo.
I think the issue that I lost so much rating were because the “game” would believe I could had won or atleast made it 4 out of 6. The MMR cap is still the reason that glads are at my current level. I know you’re agreeing to that, but that is also why it’s so difficult. Like, fighting random joe isn’t as difficult as fighting Whaazz.
So you can’t say MMR cap has nothing to do with it in the over all sceme of things.
And it still doesn’t change that you’re slightly gleeful in your text.
I may be wrong, it’s hard to read emotions in it. But you do come across as so.
So let me ask you this. Because maybe you’ve misunderstood the whole point of this post.
Do you like the MMR cap? Do you think it’s a good thing? Do you think it makes the game enjoyable at your level? Do you like not getting the 2.4 rewards?
Because the whole idea of this post isn’t to “QQ I AM BAD AT ARENA I WANT REWARDS WHA WHA”. The point is to remove the MMR cap, because even removing it, would make the game better at my level. It would literally have a huge impact on the entire ladder from top till bottom.
literally takes 2 mins but okay
can be answered easily if you provide a screenshot
never said that?
thats what i wrote. but MMR CAP does not mean that you get less points for winning than you lose for drawing. This has NOTHING to do with mmr cap.
im just helping you to understand where the issues are coming from and blaming the wrong things isnt helping you.
mmr cap is terrible and blizz should be ashamed that they ruined the shuffle ladder this season with it. S1 is always the most active season of an expansion and blizz managed to ruin the shuffle ladder. The most popular bracket…
which is fine and i agree.
i just didnt agree or tried to explain to you that you were wrong when you wrote this:
this has nothing to do with mmr cap.