My experience for rated pvp especially shuffle ist that it was very hard to get to 1600. Feral damage is insane in tww survivability is a little bit better than in DF. I’m happy with my rating so far, could be better but this will come in time.
Just go play blitz, my pet dog could get 2.4 in blitz. People who were “rival” or lower are hitting 2.4 in blitz cause why not lol. Why work for your rewards when you can play below average and get all seasonal rewards
Resto druid NEVER ever swarmed bracked like rats, nor games versus resto druid feelt 3 vs 4 like they feel versus priest
And no matter how season was bad as I remember RMP setup was always top tier, so as priest you have 0 weight to complain.
You saw % partcipation of disc priest on AWC… you saw other healer participation, i rest my case from there… only this makes your word light as divine goose feathers.
Yes, they did, lmao.
You are right if your dog is lucky enough it can be 2400 in Blitz. After 1700 i played 30 matches and lost 25 of them. No one can win the game alone. I think there is a problem in the system. its the same /roll (good grp)
Even if this is truth (which is not)… you still had that low skill RMP which anyone disrespect and consider lowest skill setup ever existed in WoW. So bro whenever happened in past you were fine and in god mercy.
But it is.
I pretty much only faced resto druids in DF for quite some time.
You didn’t experience that because they try to avoid mirror matches, so as a resto druid you never really faced a resto druid.
Now that you have to play into the popular spec because you can’t avoid it due it not being a mirror, you whine about how prevalent they are.
I’ve beaten quite a lot of disc priests as a holy priest. Why? Because a lot of them are fotm rerollers and have no clue how priest even works. They don’t sw:d fears, they don’t sw:d poly and so forth.
What do I lose to the most? Rake → cyclone from resto druids. I have like 20% winrate vs druids because people get blown up in the cyclone and if I trinket the cyclone, I get CCed into oblivion because I can’t trinket.
You druids are really in no place to cry - nerf cyclone to the ground. It should be put on a shared CD with rake, bash & root. Also made not usable for 3 seconds after leaving stealth/shadowmeld because the game doesn’t even register it properly and you end up cycloned before you can even see the druid after they leave stealth/meld if they break it with a cyclone cast.
This is vs a disc priest on my druid as resto:
First round rake → cyclone. DPS died before cyclone faded. LMAO.
Second round rake → cyclone → trinket → he gets root beamed by moonkin and DPS die again.
Third round rake → cyclone → trinket → cyclone the DPS he pain supped → cyclone the DPS → cyclone the DPS → shadowmeld into stealth rake → cyclone → cyclone → cyclone on priest. DPS dies.
Fourth round rake → cyclone → he doesn’t trinket → DPS dies before cyclone ends.
Fifth round rooted behind pillar, he dispels and I use mass root on him for instant root. DPS doesn’t go into his line and dies.
Sixth round rake → cyclone → DPS dead before cyclone ended.
I think resto druid from this pov seems pretty low skill too.
You most definitely can’t play bad just because disc on team, you’ll lose.
Tbh when last time rdruid was dpriest level OP? In DF for a lil bit it was S tier, then brokoli got nerfed? BFA, WOD?
Priest always was top pick as gentleman above mentioned for RMP and then depending from meta some extra teams.
We are not talking about 2vs2, otherwise we can add duels also.
With all toolkit u have on disposal if you get cycloned like cattle you really have some skill issue.
Exactly…top pick for generation, bored even to god and devil
How do you avoid rake → cyclone as a priest?
Pre shield someone?
How is that avoiding rake → cyclone?
You get free wins from rake → cyclone until you get to a rating where DPS will start stopping it or use defensives. From my experience, even at 2500 mmr they didn’t stop it consistently but they started using defensives at least.
I can bet you would cry your eyes out if holy priests had stealth and could open up on you with chastise → fear from nowhere. That would still be weaker than rake → cyclone though.
It kind of has. Atleast from the view I have, so you can try and explain to me where I am wrong.
Do we agree, that if my CR is higher than my current MMR and I lose, I lose a lot.
But the reason I lost is not because of (you’re the problem). It’s because the MMR bracket I am in or were, I’ve climbed since, were because it was filled with gladiators. People who shouldn’t even be there to begin with. But they are and they are because of the MMR cap.
Am I completly wrong here? Because it seems to be a notorius thing that most people agree with. Even Venruki touched on this and said the same thing. That when the number 1 player, read Raiku, Whaazz, etc, are stuck at 2200, other glads will obviously be lower than that. That means, 2300 players will be lower again and 2200 players will be lower again.
In short, it means at a certain rating or mmr, I’d be stuck against players who I can not even compete with.
Again. I am no gladiator. But if it were that simple, I do wonder why no one is playing rdruid in AWC, like at all. Like… Literally none.
win 4 games got 5 rating each lost one and lost 35…
when someone has an ego as wide as the Hercules-Corona Borealis Great Wall, it’s inconceivable to imagine that people might play the game better than them and looking at statistics and tournaments is certainly not an option
It most certainly is.
I played my resto druid the other day and faced off against a disc priest.
This is how it went:
First round rake → cyclone. DPS died before cyclone faded.
Second round rake → cyclone → trinket → he gets root beamed by moonkin and DPS die again.
Third round rake → cyclone → trinket → cyclone the DPS he pain supped → cyclone the DPS → cyclone the DPS → shadowmeld into stealth rake → cyclone → cyclone → cyclone on priest. DPS dies.
Fourth round rake → cyclone → he doesn’t trinket → DPS dies before cyclone ends.
Fifth round rooted behind pillar, he dispels and I use mass root on him for instant root. DPS doesn’t go into his line and dies.
Sixth round rake → cyclone → DPS dead before cyclone ended.
What do the DPS say? “This disc priest”.
Pretty much nobody stops a resto druid from just running after a priest to spam cyclones at them, they don’t stop rake cyclones, they don’t switch to you no matter how badly out of position you are if they see you have hots on you.
It’s pretty much a free win against priests to just harass them with rake → cyclones and cyclone spam, up until people start using defensives properly and stopping rake → cyclone.
Should you somehow fail to harass the priest you can just CC the DPS if the priest uses CDs on them to deny the CD. With something that’s spammable.
this also happens when there is no mmr cap. it just happens at higher rating and its totally fine and working as intended.
You always end up facing players that are better than you and start losing
your mmr being lower than your CR happens at every rating with or without the mmr cap. Thats why you losing more rating than you win has nothing to do with mmr being capped.
i agree, bring Minecraft pvp, the guy with the faster mouse left clicks will win