I was just below 2.5k CR and lost around 20 games now? due to morons who cant spin flags, pick up orbs or give up after 1 flag cap, sure i have bad games but im basically being punished for peoples stupidity. Im now below 2.2k. 36 games this week only 14 won, nearly half the wins gave me 0 rating back or maximum 5. but every loss is -20
Ive been bging since tbc, I love to play battlegrounds I was wanting to push high but now all i want to do is delete my main and not play cause its impossible for me to even remotley climb.
played 3 today all losses all -18 to -20, last two games got thrown near the end witha rogue having the audacity for my damage when i spent most of the game as the only flag defender in ETC.
TLDR started at 2.5k cr - now sitting at 2193 and still loosing -20 a game.
also cant wait for leeches well its all your fault you should carry your team each win comment
you shot 700 points higher than your lifetime peak as devoker in 2 weeks and think it was you that did it, but not you that played a part in losing 20 games in a row?
you’re not responsible for every loss. its possible to go on a losing streak where some of the losses are your fault, some of the losses are your teams fault.
the same is true for winning streaks. some games you just get carried - other games you are one of the best players in your team. when these two examples combine into a streak, you skyrocket your MMR and rapidly climb.
does it feel good to be at 2500 then fall? hell no. but you got all of the rewards from 2400. grats. if you think you deserve to be at 2400, then keep playing and get back there.
Reading this thread is so cringe worthy. Are some of you really defending (or seem to be defending) the amount of rating that people lose upon a losing streak?
It’s a design flaw, straight up, if a RANDOM QUEUE game-mode (Blitz) punishes you for going on losing streaks which you have no control over as hard as this since such a game mode naturally comes with many losses. A game developer cannot reasonably expect even a 55%+ win-ratio consistently in such an environment when you’re literally put with complete strangers (some of which are 100-250 cr below or above you).
There is quite literally no reason as to why wins should only give +0-12 rating gain (Yes, I’ve had multiple games (some in a row) where I won and still received zero rating) and losses punish you with -15-30 rating loss consecutively.
They should be reversing these numbers here and give you -0-12 per loss and +15-30 rating per win. On top of that they should also implement a grace system where you don’t lose any rating at all unless you are on a losing streak and lose several (2+ or 3+) games in a row (which is the norm to happen EITHER way), at which point you will lose rating but not so much as so that it will take you hours to recover from.
At least then, and ONLY then you can realistically expect the average player to climb the ladder without getting frustrated and quitting, but still have them plateau at a point where games ACTUALLY become too difficult for them and at which point they will have to learn to get better to progress further.
This is such a simple fix, so much so that I cannot believe that I have not seen anybody propose it yet.
The current system is absolutely built to have you drop more than you gain and you require, straight up, a 60-70% win ratio to progress AT all which is incredibly unrealistic for the average player when playing with a group of complete strangers who half the time grief you more than they help you.
I was hitting 1690 on Holy Priest wich is prob the worst healer, as i start playing (55%winrate) it then i try out other talents and playstyle more offensive amd defensiv and try too get better because i am not good at Holy was geting down too 1500, learnt a lot and get better but
O boy can i tell you everytime i face a healer he makes zero mistakes at 1500, if i checkpvp them they have multi glad or elite exp
So 1500 the new 2.2 or 2.4 raiting ?
SoloQ needs a 300 mmr injection asap that player get too there raiting there should be
I dont like concept when one black swan game can destroy five good games…
Example: You play 3 hours, and actualy wining, 4:2, you grind your ratting slowly, so you are doing well… but then you enter into black swan game and lose 1:5 or 0:6 just because you had bad setup, people didnt use defensives with you, you get versus your hard coutner, or even worst your path crossed with wintrader company.
So All this 3 hours of trying hard and wining are destroyed into one black swan game for -77 ratting. This is is source of frustration, and this is where they need to look into it… Punishment for 1 bad game is capital and harsh right now.
But now you said it your self, which proves my point really. I just happens at much higher rating. Rating i dont normaly reach, so there for, the mmr cap is currently preventing what would normally occur for me.
im 3050k mmr in blitz bg, with 62 played games, and i still have sometimes days where is lose 4x times in a row and sitting back on 2.6 mmr, next day i win 3 games and im back again
mmr in bg blitz is really weird
the only thing what i can say about the blitz mmr, and how it works is
DO NOT Que with healers what have zero played games in bg blitz if u already have played games
because it can happen, that your mmr bugs and u have to do another 25-30 games again, to get out of the dads 1.4 placement elo game, and i have heard, that some peoples are stuck in this mmr because of this bug, even if they win 10 times in a row with 100 games played
I was 2.5k mmr around that point, and until game 54 with ± 67 % winrate, NOT ONCE have I had a game higher than 1.8 mmr, and I had exactly 1 game above 1.8 mmr. Also until around game 51, my team mmr was anywhere between 1.3 - 1.8, without seemingly any system or relevance to previous losses/wins. And yep, it did deduce my CR starting ± 1.54 cr onwards, because it kept giving me 1.3 mmr lobbies.