It seems nobody logs out anymore

Well since nobody logs out anymore and people are playing with 2-5 accounts at the same time. I think its time to team viewer and log in early and after that auto hot keys script so you can anti afk. You made me do this. I didnt wanna script but its the only solution. You suck blizzard.

They don’t log out because they all use auto-clickers to spam spells on target dummies for hours on end while they’re at work/sleeping/golfing/on vacation. It’s really pathetic and Blizzard should banwave them since auto-clickers are against TOS and count as hacking or something.

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No. Everyone uses Auto-Login

People don’t use scripts for this… they use the built in auto login feature that also funny enough auto reconnect on disconnect such as when kicked offline.
by creating a login.txt file in your classic folder with email on first line and password on the 2nd line and then open the game with WowClassic.exe it automatically logs you back in to the character select screen which the server sees as you have logged in and therefor saves your spot on the server, when it disconnect you for inactivity then its back to square one of it logging you in automatically again,

all without using third party tools and using a function created for this exact thing so not even against the TOS

and yes people have tried to silence me for spreading this due to some guilds / communties have been using this for years and don’t want it spread to put everyone in the position

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